Aye, no problem (although, believe it or not, I did tone down my original, quite graphic, description).

No problem'o though fella.

I sailed to Montserrat (sp?), in the Carribean, in 1995 (just before the place was wrecked by a Volcano).  Anyway, me and my mates went ashore for a few bev's and we ended up in some bar that was frequented by all these young Doctors from The American Hospital (or a name to that extent).

It was mobbed with all these bright young things from the states, and both myself and my mates were absolutely ballbagged.  One of my pals, Tim, told this compere fella that I was an ace guitarist and would do a show for them (I'm not 'ace' on the guitar by the way, far from it).

Anyway, they got me up on this stool, and with Tim and Pat holding me up on either side, I crucified Bob Marley's 'Redemption Song'.  I really couldn't see the guitar or nothing for the booze comsumed.

By all accounts, the curtain came down on the show when my shorts had ridden up and all these (mainly female) beautiful young doctors were treated to the sight of my plums hanging out my shorts.

The wee-taking for weeks after took a bit of getting used to after that like.

Oh, new poster here, er, hello.