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to upyerkilt sorry i was so flippant in my earlier reply.I,ve now listened to the soldiers song
what a song ill gie it a bash
aye so sad,like you said biys just doing there jobs most of the time from deprived areas where theres lots in the so called uk
anyway great song thanks for sharing
was the soldiers song the andy stewart one
there was a soldier a scottish soldier
or the wan
some have come from the land beyond the sea
thats braw up yer kilt i,ll hae a look the noo cheers
Hello laddies and lassies
Has anyone any info to put in about this geetar
Thanks a lot also i got ye JACOBITES BY NAME,should be fun belting these oot in japan
History books writtwen by politicians
folk song written by THE PEOPLE
sorry i dont know how to cut and paste plus all this computers in japanese
Anyway go to you tube type in Luke Kelly/walking in the dew
Its the first one at the top of the page
please listen to walking in the dew by the great Luke Kelly fantastic
I have just came across him through googling the dubliners and he is superb
This song reminds me so much o the old hogmanay parties in Scotland ,where there was some great singers amongst yer auntie and uncles
Gi it a listen and tell me what ye think
just saw a fantastic version of this great Rabbie Burns poem by the late great Luke Kelly
Can any one work out the chords and send them in.Heard it on You tube
i remember hearing this a lot in the pubs o edimbra in the early 70,s
anyone got the chords
i can get the lyrics fo you tube type in the corries cheers
anyone got the chords and words for this
saw it on you tube great
A big big THANK YOU to GRaig BRown for posting his own interpretations of a musical genuis TERRY CALLIER.
Is it possible you have an interpretation of the classic Ordinary Joe
I saw him in Edinburgh a few years ago ,he is well known on the underground Northern soul scene and you cant get better
thanks again
I,m a way to practise
Hi has anyone got the tabs for red haied boy thanks
sorry the prices qoted for the scottish shop is the Premium version.
There is also an AURA version there.I believe this to be the first one made in that series ,since then they have added the Aura and the premium.
No information at all on the web that i can find about the 000-16RGE-Auditorium normally when you type in the code they are talking about the Aura or the Premium models
.Has anyone owned one at any time who can give me an imput on how it plays and how it stands the test of time
i need a whisky me thinks but the wife has just got oot the GReen tea
Hi just saw a fantastic you tube video of the late fantastic LUKE KELLY.Has anyone got the chords of his majestic interpretation of the magical song COME MY LITTLE SON thanks
Aye hes fantastic as Scottish as the whisky and the purple hills
.I saw him a few weeks ago absolutely genuis and still true to his roots aint sold himself out
Thanks for the link I was looking for the Fathers song by the same artist,any one know where i,ll find that cheers
Hi sorry yes still writing in japanese money yes $1280 It not the first one on your list as that is the premium model diferent electric set up.
Has anyone owned one ?
Thanks Royce Drake for the links
Its actually 1399 pounds sterling in a Scottish shop so even though the pound has collapsed against the yen its almost half price here in Japan to what it is back in Scotland
.Still money aside i would like to know if poss the endurance ,overall quality ,feel and especailly if problems with the pick up system as it has been modified so many times or it that just marketing propoganda cheers.
As far as i can understand through the numerous web links and even Martins own web site this guitar is out of production,so it could become rare in times to come,but first and foremost i want a quality guitar that gives out a great sound and i feel it does that
.just need some reasurances or imput
Hello people
Sorry i posted before a completely different Guitar ,this is the one i have been looking at for sure can people tell me about the fisherman electric on this ,is there problem with feed back
,how do you compensate for it
.Also was this built between 1999-2003
They are wanting $12800 is that a reasonable price ,it is in perfect condition with original case and to my ears it sounds fantastic.
Also i looked at a Martin -15 which i also liked in another shop but at half the price both are fairly rare in Japan to get a hold off so i,m contyemplating on which one to buy.
I couldnt p;lay them side by side so its hard to compare but both felt good in my hands
Hi folks getting a bit crazy here ,well mixed up
.seemingly there is a RGTE aura and a RGTE premium i i dont know which one i,ve been looking at.
I have a close up now from u tube of the Aura system so i will check tomorrow if its the same as thats the one i,ve been reading the reviews about
.Also i believe it was released in 2005 is that correct
.Here in Japan i think they said it was 5 years old so its a different guitar.Basically if i am following this correctly the newer version has an anti-feedback installed which is way above the older model.
sp people are saying it was better to have the newer model
Its still a fine sounding guitar which ever model it is,but if i,m going to have trouble with feedback.
To confuse the matter even more i played a Martin D-15 which although no electric had a beautifull sound and at half the price.
Can anyone set me right on the model of the 000-16RGTE is it the aura ,PREmium or whatt
hanks Jamie
Hi just noticed on the Martin that it looks like it has lost a bit of its shine on the top side of the body,i can only think of dampness or in the sunlight too longDoes anyone know?
I,m totally new to the acoustic/electric set up,,so ifs its water related will this effect the electrics.
I have watched the video on you tube about the pick up system so i,m stilll trying to get my head around it,but i will experiment the next time i go to check it out.
There is also a TakimineTdp 215 ,but any reviws i,m trying to read up on are in japanese but like you said i will try it myself to see how it feels and yes the TAkamine are made in Japan
I,m away to practise for a hour
is it ok to put either linseed oil or olive oil on the body of the guitar dont know why i would want to but that popped into my head
yes thanks for the reply.
It seems to be the general consences that it is a fantastic guitar but the volume can be an issue.
Shouldnt be a problem in Japan as the places i might play are like living room size haha but thats way in the future
.Yes going to the big city Nagoya Monday to check out more guitars
thanks jamie
Hello This is my first post,fantastic site stumled acroos it yesterday
.Anyway i,ve took up guitar again after a 20 year lay off and the above guitar is available in my local 2 nd hand shop.
I would like to attempt to play finger picking alternative tuning(davy Graham would be nice but impossible) so what do you people think
There is also a Martin d-1 available,they are wanting aroung 700 pounds sterling for the 16rgte and 450 pounds for the d-1
,or what guitar would you people recommend for a lapsed player
.I am in Japan so i,ve been reading about takimine they are japanese right.
Which model should i look out for
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