(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Forrest Gump
Rock Star
Almost Famous

Totally forgot about Almost Famous ... Thanks BoneDaddy ... that movie was awesome ... playing "Fever Dog" on a Les Paul and Marshall Amp sounds sooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice wink

"Shout It Out Loud" - KISS

I remember borrowing my sisters Detroit Rock City album and staring at the cover and was blown away ... once I played it, "Shout It Out Loud" was forever etched in my brain


(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Seersha ... as a fellow Christian and Chordian, humility is never a good thing to teach no matter what religion or stage in life you're at ... I'm proud to see you rose above that smile 

Echoing the others advice, Justin's site is awesome and it's where I learned A LOT of my initial training ... there are tons of sites out there and only a few will talk to you and get you hooked ... the amount of time you put into learning will be reflected in how you play ... pick out a song you WANT to learn ... once you can play it you'll be hooked (aka getting bitten by the guitar bug) ... I practiced scales, chords, etc but once I learned that first song (George Strait "Stars on the Water") I was hooked

This is the place to come for advice on anything ... we're a friendly bunch of players smile

Also, I lived in Hawaii for 4 years and miss it IMMENSLY ... Texas made me realize how much I miss the Ohana of the islands and the laid-back lifestyle


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I'm partial to the military dating .. it's been pounded into my head for the past 18+ years and it's stuck ... if I fill out a form I autmatically do the military dating system only to find out they want it in M/D/Y format ... I wish we could go with military time as well ... I love telling "civilians" I'll be over at 2130 only for them to say, "What?!?!"  tongue

I love roundabouts though ... I miss them ... when I first went to England I hated them ... but that only lasted for about a week until I learned how to navigate a 4-deep roundabout tongue  Now I wish the U.S. had them ... I can't stand stopping at every red light and stop sign

There shouldn't even be a discussion with this one ... Mozart hands down


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I'd have to go with three different genre CD's:

Metal - Iron Maiden "Brave New World"
Punk Rock - Social Distortion "Greatest Hits"
Classic Rock - Led Zeppelin "Mother Ship"

Guitarpix wrote:
Roger Guppy wrote:

Two song I could never imagine ever being performed better than the original:

"Over The Rainbow" - Judy Garland
"Fields Of Gold" - Sting

That was until Eva Cassiday sang them.

I like IZ's take of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" He gives me chills smile

Pix ... LOVE that version by Braddah IZ ... phenomenal

Also, love the version of "In Your Eyes" by Gabirel ... in the 80's I didnt ... but age and appreciation have crept up on me big_smile


(28 replies, posted in Electric)

Back in Black - ACDC
Stairway to Heaven - Led Zep
Break on Through - The Doors
Sweet Child of Mine - Guns n Roses
Proud Mary - CCR
Iron Man - Black Sabbath

We could be here for days ... oddly "Boom Boom Boom" is the only song I know by Hooker Jerome ... and I've only heard the live version of that one


(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That must mean you borrow it every now and then tongue


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

bensonp wrote:

I suffer from cluster headaches.  If you don't know what they are, look it up.  They are terrible.

bensonp ... judging from this picture on cluster headaches ... I don't want em neutral 



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks guys I'll check the info out ...

Zurf ... you sound like a good human barometric reader ... who needs a meteorologist!

Detman ... I wouldn't wanna meet your wife in a dark alley tongue


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This weekend I had what I usually dub a, "Stress Headache" in the back of my head ... well I took 2 tylenol from my girlfriend and 30 mins later I still had this headache ... nothing sharp, just very dull and persistent ... after a few hours it wouldn't go away and then I noticed sunlight began making it worse ... once we got home my face was heating up and my girlfriend said you have a migraine (she has them frequently) ... I took some Excederin Migraine and within 30 mins, it was gone

This is the first one I know of that I have gotten ... could it be a sign that more will come and more frequently or could it be a one time occurence?


(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

alvee33 wrote:
LesPaulGuy wrote:

Oh, and speaking of ABBA ... I learned "Waterloo"  smile

I learn them for my wife - honest tongue

Lol alvee ... and I bet you don't own ABBA Gold either wink


(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

These Boot Were Made for Walking - Nancy Sinatra
When She Begins - Social Distortion
Drug Train - Social Distortion
Can't You See - Marshall Tucker Band
Cyanide - Metallica

I never realized how awesome "These Boots..." was to play ... just wish the song was morer than over 2 minutes long!

Oh, and speaking of ABBA ... I learned "Waterloo"  smile


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Congrat Hannah smile  Life is just beginning ... work hard and play just as hard


(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I have an Ovation Celebrity Koa ... I love the sounds but I still get irritated every now and then from the "bowl" back ... a lot of time when I'm figuring out songs, etc it tends to slide down my lap which is a pain in the a$$ ... other than that, I love it ... it's a stepping stone for me until I can get my Martin DC-16GTE Premium


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

alvee33 wrote:

Hi Mark, Justin is THE MAN!!!!!

Here's a wee trick I do to try to figure out strum patterns....

First of all.... put down your guitar..... yes.... put it down..... away.....step away from the guitar.

Now play the song on your cd player or mp3 player or whatever and listen to it. As you're listening concentrate on the beat of the song. Really get into the rhythm and now play a bit of air drums. Really get into it. Notice which hand is doing what, and on what beat. Now put the hand you DON'T strum with behind your back, or sit on it, just get it out of the way and concentrate on yout strumming hand. Listen to the song again, really getting into the rhythm. Now air drums but with only ONE hand on the side of your thigh or knee or something. The result should be some kind of up and down beat with your hand across your thigh or whatever. Transfer this to up-strums and down-strums and you should have a basic strum pattern. It may take a while to get into it and it may not be perfect but it helps me pick out a basic pattern.

Jeez, I hope you can follow that. Welcome aboard.

Alvee that's good advice ... when you're just starting out trying to learn strum patterns, it's hard to get it down ... but once you do, everything else is easy smile


(11 replies, posted in Recording)

I have the Tascam GT-R1 recorder (http://www.guitarcenter.com/TASCAM-GT-R … 1401677.gc) ... does anyone have something similar?  I did some recording without hooking my guitar up to it and the sound is extremely low ... however when I plug my guitar in and put the headphones on and record the volume is fine

Also, does anyone know of a good microphone to use with mini-recorders like this?


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Welcome to Chordie Mark ... a good place to learn strumming patterns is via Justin Sandercoe at www.justinguitar.com ... a lot of people will echo the same advice


(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

lol it's becoming a common thing ... I think you guys are right though ... I'll probably just invest in a Fender Strat

I have a PRS SE with stock zebra humbucking pickups ... I wanted to swap them out with single coil pickups but I have no idea where to start ... I love the Gibson P90 pickups but I wasn't sure if you'd be able to install them due to the humbucker/single coil swap and the size of the opening the humbuckers would leave after they're out .... can you actually do this and is it hard to accomplish?

Also, if I can't use P90's, is there another brand of single coil pickup that I could use in it's place that would sound good?


(10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)


I own one of the Epiphone Zakk Wylde Les Pauls (EMG-HZ/H4) ... I like the metal sound coming from a Les Paul but while I like the sound of the EMG-HZ/H4's, they still sound a little "muddy or dirty" to me so later on I'm going to swap them out with the EMG 81/85's

In regards to your question about Zakk Wylde, he's the lead guitarist for Ozzy Osbourne and fronts his own band Black Label Society ... he's one of the preminent metal guitarists today ... while he doesnt play "shred metal" type stuff, his style of play is very dirty, raunchy, and powerful ... the EMG's suit his style to a "tee"


(10 replies, posted in Electric)

Social Distortion is a good example if you like Punk Rock ... Judas Priest utilize a lot of power chords as well ... like craig said, almost any barre chord or open chord can be played as a power chord ... AC/DC is another example of a band that utilizes power chords for rythym playing (although a lot is played in the open chord formation) ... I'm strictly a rythym player so the power chord is a big part of my playing

You can change the sounds from power chords by using only the two note power chord (thinner sound) or the full three note power chord (fatter sound) ... again, Social Distortion is a GREAT example of power chord useage as the rythym is always played utilizing power chords and they sound great


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I know the condo I lived in in Hawaii was actually on the 13th floor however there was no "13th" floor ... I was on the so called "14th" floor


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hey Fiddle ... I'm down here in San Antonio ... hope life is treating you well up by Big "D" ... I'll send some humidity up your way!  wink