(57 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hurmm, not sure what to think of this, all the "Old Farts" talking about ahem, sex.
It's kinda like hearing about your parents doing it.



(25 replies, posted in Acoustic)

LOL Fuji, it doesn't bitch at you as much does it?

Best woman quote I have heard in a long time if not ever was from Jeff Dunham.

"The wife rolled out of bed, jumped on her PMS cycle, and ran my ass OVER!"

Well said if you ask me!


(55 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Ya. While I was practicing today I found something out about my problem. How I would do a barre chord was take the fattest part of my finger and put that one the 6th string and lay it down all the way up so the tip of my finger was hanging over a little bit, with that I could get all but the 4th and 5th string to ring out, and it turns out the string where at the first joint of my finger where there is not as much meat to it. so I moved my finger down to where the tip of my finger was on the first sting just enough to get it to ring and what that did was took the problem part of my finger off the fret board and they all rang out. I still had to apply quite a bit of pressure so that I will need to fine tune yet. But like I have said before its a working progress and it's coming along, slowly but surely.


(55 replies, posted in Acoustic)

No, like I have said I have been wanting to play the guitar for quite some time. We have it set up that in the next few weeks, hopefully I will be able to get an electric guitar which is what I want to play. While talking with my family about it my Grandpa said he had an old guitar I could play around with starting to learn guitar. The action is quite high on it, so I adjusted the truss rod as best I could with out the possibility of breaking it, it is older then me so breaking it would not be a good thing. So I will live with a higher action to not break it for now, until I have the go ahead from my wife to go get a new electric guitar.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I know most of the U.S likes to have family ties to there parents and grandparents, like I said before its a way to show honor to them.

My wifes parents got married on my wifes mothers fathers birthday.
When me and my wife got married we got married on her grandmothers birthday.

As far as our children we have 3. Our first child had my wifes middle name as her middle name.
With our other 2 we got a little bit more creative with. My wifes mothers middle name is Ann, I did not want my daughters middles name to be Ann I had my own ideas as to her middle name. We both liked the name Bree, so we took my mother in laws middle name and incorperated that into her first name, it became Brianna. For our third child we wanted to do the same with my mother. My mothers middle name is Lynn, so we decided to name her Brooklyn.

So I guess in turn it is something for us to have with our parents, that our children hopefully will share with us and so on. Now I am not saying that I want my child to have my middle name in theres. My middle name is my fathers first name.

Who started this damn post anyway, I don't think I have typed this much in a year!


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Me and my wife got married not too long ago and I know that when we did get married it took her like a year to change her name, all she had to do was go into the Social Security office with our marriage licenses in with her and she got her last name changed to mine.

Now as far as Hillary Rodham-Clinton goes I am sure she still has a middle name. My wifes name before we got married was Angela Renee Risinger, had she wanted to keep her maiden name she could have, she could drop her maiden name and take mine, or there is another option, she could hyphenate her last name so then she would be legally Angela Renee Risinger-Fisher.

I know in collage one of her nursing teachers had a doctorate in nursing, so she was a doctor of nursing, if that makes sense. However she had before she got married she had built herself quite a good name in the medical field. So she did not want to lose that but still wanted to honor her marriage so she hyphenated her last name, so this way legally she could go by either last name or both.

As for as carrying your husbands last name it doesn't have to be done here in the states but it is a way for the woman to honor the mans family name. As far as our children go if a married couple has a child they name it after the fathers last name providing the woman has taken her husbands name. I don't know about the rest of the world but here it happens more often than not that a woman has a child with a man she might barely know or in some cases doesn't even like. So in a case like that she would not want to honor his family name because she doesn't want to honor him in any way.

I know that when my aunt had her son she named him the DUMBEST name EVER it only took her a few months to realize she was dumb and made a mistake. Her husbands first name was Mike and wanted to carry that into her son but she didn't want him to be simply Mike so she named him, not sure the spelling here, Marquey Bancroft Keith. Mar-ku-ay is something how it was pronounced. But anyway she legally changed him name to Mike which after the lawyer and everything cost her in excess of $500.

Ok I think I have added my 2 cents, maybe more, but I hope that clears up a little more on the topic.


(55 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Ya I think I was just pressing way to hard. When my thumb was locked straight for that amount of time I had now oxygen getting to it.


(55 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hurmm.. It could be, we are right off of I77, so it is a good possibility.

If you where going to Detroit from Columbus you shouldn't have went East to go though Phila.

If you go east out of Columbus on I70, when you get to Cambridge take I77 north about 45 minutes and you will be in New Phila.


(19 replies, posted in Electric)

What attracted me to this amp:

100 bucks: I can live with that.
15 watts:    I don't need a "gigging" amp
4 pre-programed channels
and 4 that I can toy with.

I found it to have a wide range of versatility for my needs.


(54 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Out in Arizona they had a problem with pigeons, they where crapping all over the place, on the streets, over everyones cars. The city was spending millions just to keep the town clean from all these pigeons.   
Well one day a man walks into city hall and says "I will get rid of your pigeons for you. I will not charge you, but you can not ask me anything, if you opt to you can ask me one question but it will cost you 5 million dollars. Agreed?" the man asks. The mayor thinks why not, can't hurt anything.   
So the man walks outside, opens his trench coat and a blue pigeon flies out and starts circling around. It wasn't long before every pigeon in the town was following the blue pigeon. The blue pigeon flies away and all the others follow, few minutes later the mans blue pigeon comes back and flies right back into him trench coat.
He walks back inside and says "Your problem is fixed."
The mayor open his checkbook and starts righting a check for 5 million dollars and say "I HAVE TO KNOW, do you have a blue mexican in there??"


(20 replies, posted in Electric)

I am soaking this up like a sponge. I love that everyone on here is straight forward and gives the most friendly advice.

Keep it up guys, hopefully some day I will be able to return the favor to the "new guys."


(19 replies, posted in Electric)

I have heard that the spider III 15w is a very loud amp for it being a 15w. My question is how is the quality of the amp?


(20 replies, posted in Electric)

Yeah, like I said if I pick one up and it "talks" to me thats what I will go with. Just like buying a used car, you look at it at the showroom and DAMN it's nice, you drive it off the lot and the tranny falls out! Now you have a P.O.S.

Would like to prevent this from happening to me in the guitar world.


(55 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Frankster, about 2 hours North of you in a small town of New Philadelphia.

For the barre chord stuff, my thumb started to cramp badly, so i stopped and tried to shake it off. When I looked down at my thumb it was BLACK!!and hurt like CRAZY. No worries I think I just locked my thumb straight for to long and cut ALL blood flow to it and it was starving for some O2.

Still taking baby steps in getting them to ring out, but it is coming along no the less.


(20 replies, posted in Electric)

Dollar for dollar which is better?
Which one will not make me HATE playing guitar because of its limited function?

If all your guitars went bye bye and you where forced to buy one brand or the other which would you chose.

I know this is a rather broad question, but if you have an opinion please state it and give a reason, pros and cons. I don't care if it is because this one or that one LOOKS like crap.

I really don't know what I am after in an electric guitar yet, I just want to hear from others so I can take that into account and and know what or what not to look for in a guitar. Ultimately my decision will be based on me sitting at the guitar shop(s) for a few hours and making there life hell, until one jumps out at me and starts "talking" to me.

P.S. If I decide to go with either one, it won't be a higher end model. Wife getting in the way of that.


(19 replies, posted in Electric)

Well I have been pondering what everyone has been telling me and now I am confused.
I was rather set on the OLP MM1, and the Line 6 Spider III. But now I have my doubts.

Now I really have NO clue.

I have been making fairly good progress in my acoustic playing, still want the electric. But now I am thinking I MIGHT be able to pinch a few more bucks out of my wife for my new "toy."

I have been on youtube for countless hours listening to different guitars and amps, but ultimately its not me playing  and it is though someones mic on there computer, compiled, and uploaded. So tone will not be the same.


(55 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Well like I have said before it is my grandpas guitar and it is older then me so I am in no position to break it. O.o

I cranked on the truss rod as best I could, but it doesn't seem like it wants to go any further, so I am not going to force it.


(55 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I hope so. With practice I will get it, I am sure of it. Even if it takes FOREVER!! ok sorry being a little dramatic there. It should come to me.


(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)


Movie:  Apollo 13
Song:   Norman Greenbaum - Spirit In The Sky
Link:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4mtlqIfukc

Now I know it isn't the exact same but it does have the same kinda tempo and the same funky sound to it.


(2 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

O.o  I don't have many bands that I can say I like ALL there songs, this is one of them though.

First time I heard them was on the Jay Leno show preforming The Gift, found them amazing ever since.


(6 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I had the same kinda question but mine opinion was in reverse. The old "rockers" to me dont have the vocals that the new guys do.

AHHH, but something I JUST NOW realized that makes yours true and mine a fault. Robert Plant for example, he can sing no question, but I always thought not to be to todays standard.
Recording studios ruining the music industry?
Most of the "newer" artist dont do so well in a live setting and that may be in large part due to when they record a song the guy sitting behind the glass with all his switches and levers getting the best sound out of a persons voice where as 30+ years ago they could do it to some extent but not like today. Some vocals recorded vs. live you can barely tell they are one in the same.

Ok so now I have to go ponder on this thought awhile.

Back to your original question. Is that the main type of music you like to listen to?

I do NOT like screaming bands with one exception, Linkin Park. Why I can;t say, not sure if it is the music aspect of the band. Or the fact that when he "screams" I like the sound of it. It has a "music" quality to it.

So if you like to listen to them bands/ that type of music sometimes you can overlook aspects of a song for one part or the other because you like something about it.

I am just talking out now. Better stop, not sure if this is going to make sense to anyone other then me and the voices in my head... O.o


(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Where have I heard this sound before?
This is going to drive me nuts, it's out of a movie, UGGGGGGG.


(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

O.o I am baffled, truly.


(74 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

T county Ohio, the reason we say T county is 2 fold, 1/2 (maybe more) can't spell Tuscarawas county, and the others just say it because it makes it sound like a happening place. Well it isn't!

If anyone was wondering where the name Tuscarawas came from. If you are afraid of CORNY jokes please revert from reading more.  There was a native indian chief named Tuskey, well one day he was standing by the local river where a small group of explorers seen him and started to watch him at the riverside. Tuskey slipped and fell on some rocks right on his butt, the explorers then commenced to say   Tuskey-raw-a$$.... HAHAHA. See thats how lame our town is.


(55 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I have that on our weekly shopping list. I have noticed that every so often I get the SHARP almost pinching pain in my first thumb joint. Hope that exerciser helps eliminate that soon.