(33 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

What's your budget?

If you can afford it it's worth getting a Valve amp. (in the US they're usually called Tube amps)
They do sound better, especially for rock, but you get a very slight buzzing from the amp. It wouldn't be noticable while playing though.


(20 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Don't forget Yamaha either. smile
I played a £400 Yamaha acoustic just before I bought my Cort acoustic...if I'd had the cash I would have had the Yamaha.
Maybe next time.

Plenty of people have built SAGA kits, almost all of them have said that they're good quality. I've been looking at the Tele style kits they make as well. smile


(5 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

From what I've read on other forums you can, but ONLY AT VERY LOW VOLUME. Otherwise it damages the speaker and/or the amp itself.

Try here:


Click on the "Play" icon, it'll open a new window with some sound clips and what each dial was set to when it was recorded.

gitaardocphil wrote:

Starting from 1998-2008 and still famous and real great bands


How come they're on the list twice?

By the way it should be "Green Day" not "Greenday". smile


(9 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Russell_Harding wrote:

Fender hot rod delux deville two ten's or twelve inch speakers and 50 watts of butt kickin power you cant turn it up to past 6 or you will need an ear operation it has 6L6 tubes not digital and an overdive system not mention a fine reverb im not sure of the price today I paid around $650 new but its all the amp and then some if you want to play louder mic the amp throug the pa that is if you have a mixing board with a sound engineer somewhere in the room otherwise if the band is louder then this amp can put out I woulden't want to be in the room without ear protection as it would be very uncomfortable

Is this it Russ?

http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/fen … le-212/343

shaunm wrote:

One piece of practical advice to anyone thinking of gigging.  Remember that having a Marshall full stack may look big and clever and you may fry the face of the audience and kill small animals in a 1 mile radius but at the end of the evening you have to get half a ton of gear home, up the stairs to your flat (without waking the neighbours), and into your home.  When starting out, weight and bulk are just as bigger factors as volume.

I was thinking about that...come to think of it I wouldn't even have anywhere to store a Stack.


(9 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Thanks Doc. smile

It would be small-medium gigs as I haven't started yet and don't have a band to play in...I'm just thinking about if I'll need to upgrade or not. I don't have the money for another amp yet but I'm seeing if it's worth saving up.

Is the Cybertwin Valve/Tube or Solid-State?
I've read that the volume of a Tube/Valve amp is around three times more than a Solid-State that has the same amount of watts.

What I'm thinking of is maybe getting the GA15 (the 15 watt version of the GA5) and running it through a 2x12 cab. which would increase the total volume by around 3db, which gives the same volume as a 30 watt. (I think.) hmm

The other would be to save and get a Peavey Windsor Head (100 watts) or Epiphone SoCal50 (50 watts) and a 2x12 or 4x12 cab. hmm

How powerful does an amplifier need to be for gigging?

I've got a 5 watt Tube/Valve amp (Harley-Benton GA5) but I have a feeling you wouldn't be able to hear it with drums as well...

I built a Strat from a kit that looked a lot like this one:

http://www.themusicking.co.uk/build-you … eft-handed

(Those kits are pretty much the same as the SAGA kits, they just cost a lot less. Probably because they don't have the name on them.)

The pickups aren't great and I'm going to replace the nut, but other than that it's great!
I was told (I bought it off ebay) that it was an Alder body but I think it's actually Basswood...not much difference to be honest though. You can't usually tell the difference by looking at the wood.

Think how much the wood would cost you...even if you have to replace everything apart from the body & neck it's still cheaper.

To be honest I didn't know Stagg made guitar kits... do you have a link to them?


(10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Best advice I can give you is find a guitar store and play everything in your price range. I did that before I bought my Cort acoustic, which with the exception of a Yamaha at 4x the price (:O) was the one I liked the sound of the most.


(9 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

the rocket wrote:

Is a fender starcaster a good guitar for a beginner

From what I've read it's lower quality than the Squier guitars.


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

Tim0473 wrote:


So your only playing the 3 lowest strings and thats it?  You dont use the other 3 strings?

You can (and usually do) but Drop D makes little or no difference to them, so you wouldn't need it for them.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ska and Alternative Rock. (which would be "modern rock" I suppose? hmm )


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Altex wrote:

i wish the stations were specialised like that here in Australia.

If you don't live in the city here the only kind of radio stations you can get are the top40 kind that play rubbish and stuff from the 80's.

Although there is triple j which is rather good.

It's the same in the UK, even in the Cities.
Because the area I live in can't get DAB radio signals, I have to find the website for each station and listen to it on the internet...


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

Tim0473 wrote:

... I've never tried Drop D yet and was always curious why alot of bands play in Drop D ...

Two reasons:

1) You can play a power chord a tone lower than with regular tuning (by playing the 3 lowest strings open)

2) you can change chords faster if you're only playing chords on the 3 lowest strings.

I have to play Drop D sometimes when I'm playing some songs by Lostprophets, because you can't play a chord that low with standard tuning. It has its place but I prefer standard tuning.
(mainly because I can't be bothered to re-tune the strat copy I normally use, which has one of those vintage trems, which make every other string go out of tune when you drop one...)


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

"Wake me up when September ends"? wink


(16 replies, posted in About Chordie)

It's working now. smile


(16 replies, posted in About Chordie)

IE7 here.


(16 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Still happening here, can reach the forum only if i type the address in.


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Yep, looks like I'll have to buy some more CDs... big_smile

I first heard Less Than Jake on a Playstation game called "Street Skater". Went out and bought one of their albums shortly afterwards.


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Tim0473 wrote:

Tibernius ... what's Ska-Punk?  Is it skater punk?  You must love Social Distortion then ... I love they're songs ... I worked on five songs this weekend that came out great smile

Have a look here:


I never can explain the different styles of music. I can't even remember them half of the time. hmm

I'd never heard of Social Distortion...just had a look on youtube and they definitely sound like the same style. I can't believe I'd never heard of them... hmm


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Acoustic: Open Chords and Barre Chords. Mainly "Alternative Rock" or "College Rock", stuff like R.E.M. and Coldplay, some Stereophonics if I can actually play it.

Electric: Power Chords and Barre Chords. "Alternative Rock", "Punk-Rock", "Ska-Punk". Mainly Less Than Jake, Ash, Feeder, Green Day.

I can't play lead guitar at all. I'm terrible at it. I'm practicing it anyway though.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Russell_Harding wrote:

all three, and I prefer silk n steel as far as the B chord I got into the habit of useing my 4th finger instead of the 3rd for barring the 4th 3rd and 2nd strings its less of a strain on my hand and I can make faster transistions with this form and it sounds cleaner and feels stronger then the conventional fingering useing the 3rd finger

Thanks Russell, I'll have to try that. smile

I use Open G (DADGAD) sometimes, mainly when I'm playing slide. (badly!)

A tip from another forum: try Futaba Servo connectors.
They have three sockets/plugs so you can link the ground and the jack at the same time. They use them for R/C Aeroplanes, Cars and Helicopters.