(3 replies, posted in Electric)

jimmyriddle74 wrote:

Was just curious about the main differnece between them and how good do you need to be to play in a band as either a rhythm or lead guitarist?????

''do a keith richards and throw the fu@#ing tv out the window''
Noel Gallagher

the guy doing most of the power-chords is the rhythm, the guy doing solos is the lead.

If your band had to be only one member, it would probably have to be a guitarist or a singer.


(9 replies, posted in Electric)

deaken316 wrote:

i still can't figure out how to tune any other kind of tuning besides standerd.

Well, If you want to tune to drop C, youll need a tuner, but if you want to quickly tune to drop d, well, wait. you know how when tuning your guitar, you make one string holding on the fifth fret sound like the next one? well, to tune to drop D, hold down on the 7th fret of the low E string, and make that sound like the open A string. to tune back, make the fifth fret of the E string sound like the open A string.


(16 replies, posted in Electric)

I agree piano helps ALOT!!!


(9 replies, posted in Electric)

Clamwacker wrote:

I've done a lot of drop-D tuning, mostly for metal and rock riffs, but I've never tried drop-C.  It seems like the string would fall right off the guitar, or at least you'd get nasty buzz.  I'll have to give it a shot next time I restring.

Question, though: Do you think dropping to D/C and then tuning back up to E repeatedly will shorten the life of your strings, or even risk breaking them?  Or is it no big deal?  I like to occasionally drop to D when I'm playing for friends, just so I can lay out some Pantera or Tool, and occasionally I go 1/2 step down on all the strings for some GnR, but I haven't tried dropping down more than a full step on any given string.  I restring regularly, so I'm really just curious if dropping hurts your strings at all.

quick edit: What about tuning up?  How far can you go, and is there any point?  I can't think of examples where you would need to tune up.

On the note of weakening strings, I tune my electric to c and d A LOT and the strings are fine but hte guitar now comes out of tune a lot eisier. :-(


(52 replies, posted in Electric)

Oh and real quick a worhipsong I learned usng that method in my previous post was "blessed be your name."  If you churc plays it the chord progresion is -- C, G, Aminor, F, C, G F, C.


(2 replies, posted in Electric)

Learn some blink 182. they are great for begginner guitarists. start off with an especially easy song like all the small things.


(52 replies, posted in Electric)

A peice of advice:become fimiliar with the names of the notes n your guitar. When Im trying to play along with a song I dont have tabs or sheets for, I just pluck single notes on the guiar until I find one that sounds right, then I figure out the name of that note. Like ll be playing along and Ill hit the third note of the A string and be like "oh, that shounds good, and thats a C." (you dont have to kow the note by its particular sound, just become fimiliar wth whereall the ntes are on he fingerboard. somtimes it takes e a while to figure out a note.) then play a c CHORD along with that part of the song. usually it sounds right when played along with the song, sometimes you need to make it a minor chord though. bring a chord sheet with you so ou canfind out chords yu dont know. Tell me if this doesnt make sense and Ill try to explain it better; I did a somewhat crappy job this time. :-(  nyway, Iveonly been plaing or 11 months and I can already play alongwith most songs using this method, try it out.


(9 replies, posted in Electric)

Are there any advantages to drop c and d other than eisier to play powerchords?


(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I would recommend practicing the change from G to E minor, and the change from C to A minor.


(10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I also go with heavys but find one with a sharp edge so you can do pickslides. (youll need pickslides for metal and hard rock.)


(21 replies, posted in Electric)

I have a spectrum. No one's ever heard of Spectrum.


(24 replies, posted in Acoustic)

tha_musicman wrote:

im an irish man smile