(3 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanks guys, I appreciate your advise,  FiveO


(3 replies, posted in Electric)

Is there a way to identify (distinguish) Fender pickups visually ? I have several I've purchased over time, some Standard, some Alnico 3 and some Tex-Mex bridge pickups, that got mixed up ...There are some minor differences in appearance, but nothing that really stands out. If an ohm meter is the only way, where can I find a list showing what ohm each type should be ??? Any help will be greatly appreciated....Thanks,  FiveO


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanks again my friend, I'll get a pic of this little baby to ya when she's done ! FiveO


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

Great  !  idea on the auto paint guys doing side jobs, Thanks again !! ! !  !   FiveO


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanks Bootlegger, but will an Auto Paint store just match the color from a picture or would it be designated by name ?  For instance I want to restore a Tele in Surf Green and want it as close to Fender's color as possible. Thanks again, ...FiveO


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

Anyone know how or where to purchase Factory Paint or the equivelant for Electric Guitar restoration.  Am esp. interested in Fender colors..Thanks,  FiveO


(3 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanks for responding, sounds like your light years ahead out there, I'm still tinkering with the old Tele, so simple yet , so special.......Thanks for the lesson ol' wise one. FiveO


(3 replies, posted in Electric)

Anybody have an opin on the Fender single coil Re-voiced pickups they started putting in the Mexican Standard teles in 2006. ??? I've recently aquired one and they seem to sound pretty good, but I'd like some expert opinions. Thanks,  FiveO


(7 replies, posted in Electric)

Hey guys, looking back I wasn't very clear ,but Yes it is a  Telecaster. Sorry about that, fiveO....Thanks, again for replying......


(7 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanks again, looks like you were right...FiveO


(7 replies, posted in Electric)

Hello, my friend, It's a single coil Fender , bought off eBay. It's a little hotter pickup they introduced in the 2006 models. I have one in a Mexican 2006, which does sound good. It looks exactly like any other Fender single coil neck PU, with one white wire and one black, its just got a little Lug or DooDad that you'd run  a screw through to anchor it down, just never seen it on a neck PU before, on a few Bridge PUs. It could be just to hold the wires down to the bottom of the route cavity, its not clear in the diagram ( already went to Fender .com ) Who knows ?? Thanks for responding...FiveO


(12 replies, posted in Electric)

It is a good little guitar to learn on, but eventually you'll want more sound from it, but I wouldn't recommend spending much on upgrades, cause even if you put the most expensive electrics and pickups on it , it'll always be a Squire, meaning it's value will not really increase for you. Good luck ..Fiveo


(7 replies, posted in Electric)

Installing a Fender Re-voiced  neck pickup and just noticed a small LUG appx 3 inches down the wire from the pickup, what does it attach to ?? Theres nothing but wood around the area of the neck pickup and this Lug is keeping me from pushing the wires down the routing channel. i've seen this little fella on a bridge pickup before ,to ground to the metal bridge, but never on a  neck pickup,??? Bootleger are you out there?  HELP,FiveO


(3 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanks , I appreciate it , I am replacing them so am not concerned about the old knobs, just didn't want to damage the pot shaft, by the way does Gibson glue them on, can't understand why they are on so tight....I'm used to replacing Fender Tele knobs, spoiled I guess...anyway , Thanks again...FiveO


(3 replies, posted in Electric)

What's the secret to removing the control knobs from this wonderful instrument ??They seem to be the push off and on type but wont budge, I had this same problem with another les Paul and just left the old ones on ???Thanks anyone, " FiveO "



(81 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Keith, First I think you are a pretty talented writer, Your stuff appears to have substance to it. I would suggest however not to try and rhyme so perfectly, use a little false rhyme here and there. good luck and keep writing.

David , the only thing that I might add to the great advice you've already been given, would be to sing some of your favorite songs along with the original recording  and determine what Key your most comfortable singing in and work with the chords in that key and adapt them to the song you are writing at the start and maybe venture out from there once you've got a base. Good Luck and don't give up, Ron (FiveO)


(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I was also considering the pick guard material to creat a type of frame around the edges of the standard bridge, sort of  concealing the gap and you have helped confirm that idea, I really appreciate your input. I'm doing this little project to sell on eBay and I hate to half do anything, esp. to a perfectly good guitar. Thanks again.


(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Its a Telecastor, it had a Humbucker pickup, similar to a Gibson in the bridge pickup, which requires a little larger routed area which Fender makes a bridge for, which is appx 1/2 "wider , so when I put a regular bridge on for a regular Tele pickup , which won't mount on the wider Humbucker bridge , I have an unsightly gap around the edges. I need the Standard Fender bridge to be a little wider. I was wondering if Someone knew if there was one out there, maybe a company that would custom make one ? Any ideas are appreciated. The bridge plate for the Humbucker is 31/2" wide and a standard Tele is 3" wide, and I can't mount the standaerd pickup in the Humbucker bridge,totally different mounting  holes.


(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Anyone know of a Regular Fender Bridge that is the same width as the Humbucker Bridge?  I need to cover the Routing Gaps left by a Humbucker Bridge because I am installing a regular pickup.  Help.  Thanks.