...ahh, good memories. My older sister was a big Jim Croce fan and played his music all the time in the early seventies, which due to the small size of our house made me a byproduct Jim Croce fan. I think I was only 7 years old or so at the time but I used to "borrow" (steal) those alblums for my own use quite frequently.
27 2007-08-18 13:42:59
Re: Elvis, lets not forget him (7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
That reminds me of something they used to do at a local night spot called Rock n Bowl. This place is and old bowling alley that looks like it is straight out of 1950's america. The owner made it a hybrid bowling alley/music club and every Elvis birthday or death anniversary he would get an Elvis lookalike to come and lipsync to "Elvis Live from Hawaii." The place would be packed beyond belief to watch a guy lipsync, and throw out scarfs to the audience. So yeah, were kinda of fond of Elvis in New Orleans.
Acmecorp, me three personal favorites are
Marie's the Name of His Latest Flame
A Fool Such As I
and my alltime favorite
Burning Love
28 2007-08-14 17:55:12
Re: TOP 5 - TOP 10 INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC (6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Hi Doc,
Yes, we are kind of the odd duck of american cities. Some say we have more in common with our neighbors to the south in the Carribean than our neighbors to the north in our own country. Bourbon Street is alive and kicking but the breast baring and bead throwing is mostly kept to our carnival season and mostly done by tourist. If you get a chance listen to that instrumental that I mentioned from Better than Ezra, they are a local rock band that were on the verge of hitting it big in the mid 1990's. On this particular track you'll here a very clear jazz influence. Even if bands down here don't play jazz per se you can't help but be influenced on some level by the sound. I used to date a girl from out of state and after a few years of making the rounds of the local music scene, she could hear a "New Orleans sound" in a lot of different music. Have you heard of the "Rebirth Brass Band"? Check them out http://www.rebirthbrassband.com/
I think you'll like them.
Take it easy,
29 2007-08-14 12:57:00
Re: TOP 5 - TOP 10 INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC (6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Hi Doc,
Here are three of my favorites:
At Ch. DeGaulle, Etc. - Better Than Ezra
Cruise Missle - Steve Morse
Old Friends - Stanley Clarke
30 2007-08-03 21:02:43
Re: ABOUT 2 BANDS (3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)
Hi Phil,
Phish has a cult like following almost like the Greatful Dead in their prime. There is a core group of fans that will follow that band all over the country. You never really hear Phish on the radio over here (also like the Greatful Dead with the exception of one or two songs). Are they still together and touring? I'm not sure.
I don't know much about Incubus other than the fact that I love their music. They have a very distinctive sound. When you hear them you know it's them.
31 2007-08-03 20:55:31
Re: Bands you just can't stand (50 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
A band that I just can't listen to is Foreigner. I may take some flak from all the classic rock lovers here but they kinda make my skin crawl.
32 2007-08-03 20:49:21
Re: White Stripes (2 replies, posted in Bands and artists)
Their song Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground kicks a**.
33 2007-08-03 20:46:52
Re: EUROPE versus AMERICA (3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)
very good reply.
I was sitting before reading your reply thinking...I dunno. but the common language thing i think will be a very big thing.
Also bands might want to make it big in the states because such a big place, same currency, and something to do with paying tax???? heaper in theU.S ? I dunno?? and touring, it would be easier to do a tour in one country that s massive than to do all the checking in at borders etc.Some british bands could not get a name here in the UK so they moved to the states and done a few wee gigs here and there and then exploded and then the UK could not get enough of them. One band that I am talking about is def leopard. Probably a few more apart from them.
Hey Ken, (Did I get your name right?)
There is an American band in the UK going throught the same thing in reverse. The band is Orson. Have you ever heard of them? They are supposed to be kinda big over there but they are fairly unknown over here. I had never heard of them until I saw them on the "Concert for Diana." They Seemed to be a pretty solid basic rock and roll band.
34 2007-08-02 13:28:09
Re: Best Guitar for 230-300$? (6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
Hey Bootlegger,
I've seen you mention Michael Kelly guitars before so I decided to go to the website to take a look for myself. Sweet looking instruments for about the same price of Epiphone Les Pauls. In your opinion overall (I know each instrument is different) does the Michael Kelly line outdo the Epi's in quallity and tone? Just wondering.
35 2007-07-31 15:58:31
Re: EUROPE versus AMERICA (3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)
Hi Phil,
Part of the reason could be our common language. That would seem to make us a popular target. Not taking into account our current immigration issues, most of our population speaks english so a band wouldn't have to worry about translation issues like a band trying to make it big in all the European countries that you mentioned. Also, I think there was a time when our pop culture was thought to be kinda cool by other countries. Whether it was 1950's americana complete with drive in movies, Elvis, blue jeans etc. or our counter culture movement in the sixties, rock music, either originating her or in the UK, seemed to fit well with the attitudes of young people here. It's a shame we couldn't keep the good karma flowing, most of the world seems to hate us now.
36 2007-07-25 13:46:34
Re: Funny Eddie van Halen quote (3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Hi Will,
I was a big Eddie Van Halen fan when I was a teenager (some time ago). But this quote kind of captures how I feel about Van Halen the band. Brilliant flashes of guitar that are thrown into mediocre songs and often inane lyrics so that musically it doesn't make a lot of sense. Of course at the time I thought it was great! There are some exceptions, they still have a few songs that I can still listen to and I have to respectfully disagree with you about Eruption. When that came out nobody had ever heard anything or played anything like it before.
Take care,
37 2007-07-19 17:30:55
Re: Songs not to play in a guitar shop (16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
I..am..."Iron Man." Although I must admit I like to crank this at home, the first 15 or so chords anyway.
38 2007-07-18 13:46:17
Re: Reflections on Songs and Artists that make you think (9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Hi everyone. Great question. For me the answer has changed as I have grown older. In my early 20's I was sort of like Phil, the sound of the music and lyrics about partying were the only things that mattered to me. In my late 20's agnst period, I could relate to bands like Everclear and Nirvana, we all seemed to have the same collective chip on our shoulders. Now in my 40's those songs that reflect the "not old yet but getting there" mentality are the ones I'm relating to. "Heart of Gold" by Neil Young and "Kite" by U2 are two that come to mind.
39 2007-07-14 17:52:19
Re: Best Female Guitarist (45 replies, posted in Bands and artists)
Charro or Prince.
40 2007-07-02 17:25:02
Re: Guitar Packs ? (9 replies, posted in Electric)
Hey Man,
I got the Epiphone LP Special II player pack about 6 months ago. I wanted something inexpensive to learn on because I wasn't sure that I would stick with it. Turns out that I love playing the guitar and now I'm already thinking about upgrading. This is the downside to the packs. If you catch the fever like I did you'll want better equipment pretty quickly. I will probably upgrade the amp first because I really don't think the guitar is that bad to learn on. In fact, I can't imagine ever getting rid of it even when I do upgrade.
41 2007-06-29 13:44:27
Re: Facts 5 (11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Hi Phil,
Oasis' "What's the Story Morning Glory" album (or CD for the youngsters) was pretty big over here. They had 3 or 4 hits off of it. After that though you're right, they kinda fell off the face of the earth. I have no idea why Queen was so big in South America. What was the reason?
42 2007-06-29 13:36:26
Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better? (23 replies, posted in Acoustic)
Wow, people are serious about their Esteban and Kurt Cobain in these parts. I've only heard Esteban play the three songs that he always plays during his sales pitch but to me it doesn't even seem like you can compare the two because they are so different. Esteban is probably a better player technically speaking but if Kurt were alive he'd probably even conceed that point. Kurt's strength was to be able to convey emotion with his guitar and lyrics (granted those emotions were usually anger and depression). Maybe Esteban can do this as well but it's hard to convey emotion when all I've heard you play is "Greensleeves."
43 2007-06-28 17:31:28
Re: wrong wedding songs to start the first dance bride and groom (27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
One - by U2
Even Bono says he doesn't understand how anyone would use this song in their wedding.
44 2007-06-28 17:29:14
Re: Songs that should never be used as a commercial jingle (12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
I heard that a company selling hemorrhoid cream wanted to use johnny cash's (appropriately titled) Ring of fire in a commercial but weren't allowed to lol
45 2007-06-28 13:39:55
Re: New user saying howdy (9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Welcome Zurf. You'll find mostly good people here.
46 2007-06-28 13:38:11
Re: Songs that should never be used as a commercial jingle (12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
How about Steppinwolf's "Born to be wild" about salsa sauce
"Born to be Mild" Pretty sad eh.....Badeye.
Ouch Badeye. That is a particularly bad one.
47 2007-06-26 21:07:42
Re: who is or was the best bass guitar player (17 replies, posted in Bands and artists)
Stanley Clarke and John Entwhistle are the two that stand out for me
48 2007-06-26 20:54:20
Re: The best solo ever (36 replies, posted in Bands and artists)
Eruption - Eddie Van Halen
49 2007-06-26 03:00:07
Topic: Songs that should never be used as a commercial jingle (12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Hey Everyone,
While posting on Phil's topic regarding "one hit wonders" I came across another idea. How do you feel when a song that you really like turns up in some lame commercial? It drives me crazy. Three that really bother me are:
Revolution (The Beatles) - used in a Nike commercial several years ago.
Our House (Madness) - currently used in a Maxwell House coffee commercial here in the states
There is also a Nirvana song (although I can't remember which one) that is used for a baseball video game. Thanks a lot Courtney, I'm sure Kurt is officially turning over in his grave now.
Which songs make you cringe when you here them in a commercial? Which songs do you hope never go down this road? Or, do you not have a problem with any of this?
50 2007-06-26 02:45:46
Re: Facts 5 (11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Edgefan wrote:How about two from the 80's:
Come on Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runners
Our House - MadnessMadness had a dozen or so UK top ten hits - which is pretty huge - and Dexy's had at least three - which is also creditable
its possible of course that the US didn't take these bands to heart in the same way as us Brits.
Hey John,
I do remember one other from Madness that was kind of on the verge of being a hit over here, "One Step Beyond" I think it was? Correct me if I'm wrong on the title. Neither band scored another really big hit over here like the two that I mentioned. I cringed the other day when some comercial came on t.v. and they were using a bastardized version of "Our House" as their jingle. The song is too good for that. No offense intended to all the Dexy's and Madness fans on your side of the pond.