Could any kind Chordian possibly help me work out the notes needed to play a riff that I've always loved but can't find anywhere, please?
The song is actually an old Dance/Rave tune from the early 90's or late 80's; Bomb The Bass - Megablast. The tune itself is a version of the music from the film 'Assault on Precinct 13', ye know the one that goes, doot doora doot doora doora, doot doora doot doora doora? Soz, it's the best explanation of the tune I can muster, being slightly inebriated.
The thing is, me mam gave me a 'Record player' so as I could play all me old vinyl!!!! Yep, one of 'em fings that plays huge black vinyl CD's lol. So I've been having a whale of a time trawling through my old albums, 12"s and singles.
When I stumbled on this particular tune it reignited my love for it and I decided I'd like to have a go at it on me ole Guitar, methinks it will be presented to PJ to interpret it. Amy and KT being tempremental little guitars that only play what they want to play, when they want to play it!! Coupla wee buggers that they are! lol
Anyhoo, it may be that it can't be played on guitar, or that the ole purists would flog me for deigning to let that filthy Dance music near a work of art that is the Guitar, but, ye'd make a rather tiddly, old(well am 34!) man, trying too relive his former youthfull days of dance glory in the form of guitar, rather happy if it ye could help me out. 
I really would appreciate it if someone knew how ta work it out for me, I just don't know how to play by ear or I would have done it meself. 
Fanx, Craig. 
P.S Soz if I rambled a wee bit there. I'll never learn tae stay away from my pooter whilst I've got a Red Stripe in hand! 
P.P.S Happy Boxing Day. 
P.P.P.S If ye have to suffer a genre you really can't stand, then I'll appreciate your effort twice as much.
Fanx again.