(16 replies, posted in Poems)

Thanks again MKM, yes you are dead right about the first time round....ouch...

mekidsmom wrote:

Very good Ray!  It does have a lighthearted feel to it like T-Rex said... and then the empty letterbox.  I said good, I meant GREAT!  Many of us find a doosy the first time around... then we learn the hard way and don't travel that road again!  Thank you for sharing this piece with us!


(16 replies, posted in Poems)

Thanks for that T rex, really appreciate that

T-Rex wrote:

Hi Ray, I guess in re-reading I get your deeper meaning, however, I think what I found fun about your piece earlier was the somewhat lighhearted and easy flow in the way you've written this piece.  Really fine writing.  -T


(16 replies, posted in Poems)

Wow , thanks Old Doll and Phill for your wonderful encouragement and praise for my writings, you have made me feel I can actually write something ! lol .. as you said Old Doll, hard cash only...and it did all go on rubbish..none of my doing..and Phill , I am in the same boat now , my second is a lot better !


(16 replies, posted in Poems)

Thanks  T Rex, but it wasnt fun unfortunately....although I think I can just laugh now ...;)

T-Rex wrote:

I love this; really fun! write on-T


(16 replies, posted in Poems)

Hi all just a little poem I wrote , trying to be tongue in cheek but get the point across, I got the idea when I just went out to get my mail one day..a true story....wish I could think of a tune for it....:)

The Empty Letter Box     

I dreaded coming home to see what the postman had  inserted
Into my little  letterbox and  I know this sounds perverted
Hardly ever was it empty nor was it all good news
Only bills from banks and such , not much to amuse

And things I knew nothing of  but still I had to pay
Credit cards of many kinds, my funds they did decay
I’d see the name on the envelope and my blood would just run cold
From Westpac down  to Citibank, emblazoned there so bold

I’d open them with cold despair and look with disbelief
At Interest rates of 30% , I cried “Good f***** Grief!! "
She has gone mad , I speak my piece, but to no avail
She says to me “ Don’t be a scrooge, besides, it was all on sale !"

Well, She gets a private mail box so no longer do I see 
But who do they call when the bill is not paid , silly bloody ME !
I crack the biggest wobbly and fall down in a heap
I  say beware of what you sow , for  you shall surely reap…

Rules were made, but not obeyed, this man was ground to paste
Till trust is gone  and all is done and a family’s laid to waste
Now  I sit in  my empty house , and hear only the ticking of the clocks
But revel in the joy that is … the Empty Letterbox.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

G'day Bushy , I'm  a New South Welshman ..I will never be a South Australian, bit of an odd place but an easy place to live in ,just wish it was warmer , thinking about a move to Q'land...

bushy243 wrote:

Any of you fine folk visiting Queensland, make sure you contact the Bushy, can't have these South Australians having all the fun. LOL. By the way, you do not need to bring your own guitar, I will loan you one. Unlike South Aussies, Queenslanders are a generous bunch.
Ray, great to see your kids involved in guitar with you, that's special.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi old Doll, maybe they could contact me if they are in South Australia.....

Old Doll wrote:

Great Photos sir,

Ive family traveling around Australia at the moment.. They may just happen on your music nights.

Ps i still cannot put pics up like this lol

Old Doll.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks for your kind words folks, would love to see some of you down under, you are always welcome and always have a place to stay here...only if you bring your guitar though ..lol !!


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thankyou MKM, yes it is a kind of open mic type thing where if you are playing a song and some one else knows it they come up and join in, so we get some pretty cool impromptu "bands" happening !

mekidsmom wrote:

Ah Ray... you've got cute kids too!  So is the Hillbilly Hoot kind of like an Open Mic?  It sounds like a BLAST!  Thanks for sharing some of your pics with us!  Looks like lots of good family times smile


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

And my oldest boy Russell..(who is a whiz on the guitar...I hate 'im.lol.)


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Oh, MKM thankyou for your kind words, you are making me blush wink The "Hillbilly Hoot" is just a big group of folks from all walks of life that get together on a Monday night and play some songs on community radio and do shows at various music festivals..we are in Adelaide in South Australia.. great bunch to be with and alot of fun..if you are ever over here, please come and join us.
I will now attempt (with my newfound skill) to stick some more pics in TA DA ...drum roll please.....http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4009/4689077223_1cc7aeebd5_m.jpg A picture of myself and my youngest boy Eric at the Hillbilly Hoot.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks so much Topdown and Mekidsmom for your help

topdown wrote:

Ray - This thread may help.



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4024/4507638590_aa392d0d5f.jpg Hey I think Ive done it !! Thats me in the middle and we are playing "Save the last dance for me" at the Peterborough Music Festival


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Help !!! I just CANT work out how to put images on here.....I have tried , my goodness I have tried....I thought all this technology was supposed to be user friendly....


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

I 've had a few requests, but I'm going to play anyway !


(44 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

And  then there's " Acceleration by appointment"    and " I'm givin' her all Ah can Cap'n .."

that's enough rubbish from me ..get off Ray....:)


(44 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Many years ago here in Australia, there was an ad for the Holden Commodore and it went "There's nothing quite like a Holden" . Well I had one for a bit ..and I made a big sticker that read " There's nothing quite like THIS Holden"


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hey Cam , I,m having a mouse problem at home at the moment , might go and get me some walnuts..I need a laugh lol wink


(231 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Have you heard about the Dyslexic insomniac agnostic ??? 

He'd lay awake all night wondering if there really was a Dog ....:0

And then there was the dyslexic occultist ....

he worshipped Santa....;)


(231 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Two fish in a tank...one says to the other " You drive , and I'll man the gun...."


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

B afraid , B very afraid......

I watched a guy at one of our music festivals at Easter do that with a uke !! He just asked which strings for which chords and in 10 min he had it !!!! ( I hate ' im lol !!!!) smile


(8 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Twilight Zone was their best I reckon .."when the bullet hit the bone..."

Ah " Going to California" what a beautiful song and  I really relate to it.." Spent my days with a woman unkind..." wow.."some one told me there's a girl out there , with love in her eyes and flowers in her hair..." mmm..turned out to be very true..lol...


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Mark , I can sympathise, only had 2 in my life , both in quick succession , Oct 76 and Mar 77 and not one since...Bizarre..but symptoms exactly as you describe. My Mum suffered them dreadfully for years and so bad my Dad and me thought we would lose her when I was about 11. Chocolate and red wine every time too !I reckon they took years of her life.. She has since lost a battle with cancer unfortunately and man I miss her....