(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Happy NAD to you.


(31 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I have one. My daughter has the 25 watt model. She loves it.Good little amps.


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

What is your "Significant Others" reaction when you buy or bring home another Instrument or piece of equipment?? Good, Bad ?? My wife always used to say that she loved the look on my face when I found another guitar for a good price. She never got mad when I came home with one. Now I am dating again. The lady I am dating says the same thing. She says that I get a look like a kid with a new toy when I find a deal.  It may be personal, what happens when all of you do the same thing?? Do you get yelled at?? Praised?? Or are they happy to see you happy to get a new piece??

I also bought a stand that holds 5 more guitars. I wonder if I will get any use out of that?? LOL


(145 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Auburn Mass. U.S.A. (basically Worcester, next town over). Anyone else here in Mass. ??

A Sunburst Fender Strat from a pawnshop in Worcester, Mass for $150.00Picture on facebook.


I don`t know if I am passive aggressive. What I do know is that I will never write any comments that I wouldn`t say to someones face. Anyone that has seen any of my FB posts will see that. They may be insulting, offensive or crude. I will never write anything threatening. Doing things like that is gutless and just plain unbecoming.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

dino48 wrote:
unclejoesband wrote:

Just how big is your house??!!

Happy NGD.

Ya he must have a lot of room. Happy New Guitar Day!!

I don`t have a lot of room.  Just an average sized house. To repeat myself, my son is getting married. I already have his bedroom planned out in my head. The music room.  Wall hangers, amp racks, bar stool. We never have got into my amps. Whole different story. I also find deals on those. LOL.   Maybe I will put the bread machine there too.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This time it is a Jackson performer series. $125.00 at the same pawn shop in Webster, Mass. https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hp … e=56B3CC8A  It is traditional that I have the bread machine in the picture. When it wasn`t, I heard about it. So there it is. LOL


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Welcome. You are in a great group.Almost like one big family. I am probably known as the hoarder of the group. LOL


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:

I'm surprised JoeyJoeyJoey didn't beat you to it.  What a great find!

I saw that. I am getting withdrawl. 2 weeks without finding another guitar. Nice find though. Nothing is better than the anticipation of trying out a new guitar when you get it. The ride home is almost like ........  Well, I won`t write the word. Happy NGD.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I had a seiko tuner for 27 years. It served me well. It is missed. Now I have a korg.  Close but nit as good.


(109 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Would love to attend. The distance is the problem. It is a 4 hour drive just to get to Pennsylvania from here. That is just the border. Add on more to get to any specific location. My work hours just don`t allow it.

Tenement Funster wrote:

Very nice!

You've got as lot of heavy artillery there, JJJ. I see a couple Danelectro's amongst them, which always sound good using a bottle-neck slide. I've got one question though: did you not have room in there for your bread machine? lol

And ... wild west sweethearts? Is there a story?

The bread machine is in the same spot. It holds the floor down so it doesen`t float away.  The Wild West Sweethearts is a Gretsch. First of 4 in the Americana series. Looks like a toy, plays and sounds great. As soon as I saw it advertised, I wanted it. Got it at a Guitar Center labor day sale for half price. The other 3, I could take or leave. That is the one that I liked best.  Out of all the guitars, my favorite is the Yamaha SJ 180 with all the stickers.

thank you

Now I have the electrics up. Except for a Rogue Lap Steel. That is all of them. If someone could put these in the post, that would be great

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hp … e=56898542

I can`t get the electrics up. I did put up a link for the acoustics. What is missing ia a Yamaha APX-4-A. It was there. It didn`t fit in the pic.

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hp … e=569183CE

I took 2 pictures of most of my collection. I can`t get them on here. I put them on the chordie facebook page. If someone could put them here for me, I would appreciate it. After all the  and hype. I finally took the time to line them up and take pictures. I managed to put the links in my comments below.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Happy NGD day.  Hope you have more to come.

dino48 wrote:
joeyjoeyjoey wrote:

This time it is another Harmony Acoustic. Model H6340. Missing the pickguard. Otherwise in good shape. $30.00 at the Hubbardston Flea Market. There were a lot there. As I said before, I had to show some restraint. Not much. Some.

You are going to have too get a bigger house soon!

My son is getting married. I already have his room turned into a music room. (in my head). Just have to wait.

bensonp wrote:

How many is that now Joey?

22 playable ones. I dont know how many junkers I have. The ones that are too hard to play. The ones that you let little kids play with so they stay away from the good ones.

This time it is another Harmony Acoustic. Model H6340. Missing the pickguard. Otherwise in good shape. $30.00 at the Hubbardston Flea Market. There were a lot there. As I said before, I had to show some restraint. Not much. Some.

All joking aside. I am really starting to wonder why I am buying so many of these. When I moved into this house, I had 2 electrics and 1 acoustic and one amp. I still have those.  Money isn`t the problem. I am the only one in the house now. When my son gets married, I plan to make his room into a music room. Most of them I have scored for a great price. I can always resell them and make a profit. Just can`t get myself to do it.