(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi marooned,

Sorry to hear you are having troubles.

Did you try logging in and let it fail then click on "forgotten password"

this will make chordie send you out an email under the name you registered with.

Also once you have your password and you are logged in, you can change it to a password that is easier for you to remember if you click into profile.

Need more help just ask.

If you do get your password and able to log back in under your old name please let me know



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have a few of theirs on vinyl. I think I still have a white vinyl of Killers, or maybe that was some other album i am getting mixed up with.

I got over 300 albums on vinyl. Cant play any of them but I will not throw them out ( I have had to hide them from my wife or she will throw them out)

Some of these albums are from the 60's and wit hthe amount of scratches they sound like messages from hell without playing them backwards lol



(34 replies, posted in Acoustic)

ye know I just picked up my guitar and tried this barring nonsense and using my pinky for the frets on the 4th.
Pure easy!!
I can do this easy and it does sound better. I guess I am/just been a lazy git.

It will take me a bit of practice though to barre straight away for this chord without thinking, but i will manage with that dreaded word PRACTICE



(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Mr Jay,

If it is for maintenance reasons then it should be ok soon.
If you are stil have troubles with this error please email Per @  admin@chordie.com

I know he has fixed similar errors before.



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

LesPaulGuy wrote:

Ken ... in reference to Iron Maiden, that song is "Still Life" on the Piece of Mind album ... there's a backwards message at the beginning of the song ... it was meant as a joke during the "satanic" messages in songs during the early 80's ... Nikko McBrain actually did the message making fun of just this

I remember reading it on the Iron Maiden website

Ahh ty lespaulguy.

I have this on vinyl, no wonder I have not listened to it in years



(34 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I agree with Pix and others, You shouldnt cheat.........But I will continue to even though I dont agree wit hit.
I have tried for years to barr a chord and I just cannot manage it without any buzzing or duff notes. It maybe because I have dumpy wee fingers. I am jealous of all you long skinny fingered guys that should have no excuse for barring.

All this over a B chord lol

I wonder what response this would have got if it were a subject on Ab. I have not even got a cheat for that one, I just dodge any song that has it or transpose it lol

Ye think B is an evil chord?, Ab is the most evilist lol


Pix that was very good.
If every song had this it would make chordie so much better lol
when will you be finished them all? lol

seriously though good stuff. It is good chordie has this option to add in tutorial vids like this to help others.


good luck Zurf.
I know what I would say if I was happy doing something my own way and the nto get told I am doing it wrong.... lol

I am not attending that class



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I heard that lots of songs that are suppose to have a hidden message when played backwards is nonsense. That is not to say there are not any.
If I remember right I think the Jam's " dreams of children" has a part playing backwards but I dont know what it says forward.

It is not always a " darkside" sort of message, the producers/bands probably want people to think it is so they can get folk interested in it.

Also I tihnk there might be an iron maiden songs somewhere with a backwards message.



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I tihnk Grog is an australian term for alcohol.

I have never known a hot toddy as grog, but maybe some countries do know it as this.



(34 replies, posted in Acoustic)

im with bensonp on this. Thats the way I cheat for the B chord.
Why did it have to be invented/discovered ? we all hate it, it has no place in good songs...ok it does but I wish it didnt lol



(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Daddy a few other reasons you get loads of views and hardly any responses are....

People just lurk, they post nothing but read a lot to what we are all typing.
People have no reply so dont type anything
some people might not like what they read ( for instance a song in songwriters) and they dont like it and been brought up on the " if you've got nothing good to say then dont say nothing" sort of attitude.
Also the same people go back in and read replies to keep up with a thread. this gives more views.

I am guessing here but I would say out of the 200,00 there is only about 50 -60 regulars in the forum that type? maybe more maybe less, just a guess



(4 replies, posted in Acoustic)

well done crevs,
I remember my first time playing to freinds, that was nervous enough. Then first time i played in a band in a pub, i was petrified.
Even now when i go to pubs to play and sing I get nervous but after I get to the end of the song and take a few gulps of beer I feel fine, especially when folk seem to enjoy it.

Keep up the playing and in front of others, it does get easier as you gain more confidence



(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


what did the fish say when it swam into a wall?



I am ambidextrous, I can write sod all with both hands


I have another but I best not post it on here   sad



(3 replies, posted in JamPlay.com)

Jamplay is an online tuition site for learning to play guitar.



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hmmm, acn you get a non stringed instrument that uses chords? I cannot think of any right now.

If folk came here on chordie and did not play a stringed instrument then i think they would be only coming for the lyrics or the banter in the forum



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi tine

I dont know what age you are but I swear by "hot toddies" a home made recipe made with whisky.......now before you think I drink it to forget how bad I feel with a cold or flu, it does not get you drunk.
One measure of whisky ( 25ml)
boiling water(50ml)
one teaspoon of honey ( or sugar if no honey but honey is better for relieving a sore throat)
one cinnamon stick ( take out before drinking)

they are sometimes hard to drink as the vapours are quite overpowering to the nasal passages but they work for me. I can only handle one a night when feeling ill so I usually take it about half hour before bed.



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

the songbook must be made public first.
whe nit is public go to the public songbooks and find it.
at the bottom click on "import songbook"
this will take it into your songbook area.

Need anymore help just ask



(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

what a nice reply each gave you murre, you should think yourself lucky i did not reply first lol

it is terrible when people see the results of a child being brought up wit hno manners.
I am so glad my children are polite and know when to say please and thank you. I when they dislike someone they know when to keep quiet.

Why dont you go start your own website and embed youtube on it?

Your idea is not a bad idea, you just have to know what to say and how to say it

All the best



(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

good to hear crevs.

glad you are happy with what you got.
Experimenting is good although can take ages to change from string to string but i tihnk it is a good idea.  iam still doing it lol



(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi Tine and welcome to chordie,

What a bizzare post lol but funny.

Only answer is if you want to learn keep at it if not then whats the point?

As for your action ( the distance ( height) between the stings and frets) best to try this yourself. But there is a  rod inside the nech that can be adjusted with an allan key.

I have seen an 8 year old boy play a full size guitar so if your hands are bigger than an 8 year olds then your hands cannot be too small to play.



(21 replies, posted in Acoustic)

as well as everything said.
with more pratice your finger will do what lespaul says, they will automatically go into the shape needed for the chord. It is a subconsious thing.
You will eventually get there without realising it.
One day you will realise what you can do without thinking and think back on how hard it was and think why was it.

Good luck with it and to all that is still learning



(23 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I cannot decide what my favourite chord is.

I mostly play G I tihnk but Em or Am is my favourite, the two together are great



(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I would think humans are my biggest fear. This species makes you homeless, kill each other, mug, tortures, makes you skint, makes you feel sad, makes you hate, and anything else that goes bad in life.

But apart from that tigers and lions scare me. Its the paws with the claws.
I have a funny story about lions when i was at the safari park but it doesnt seem that funny reading it. one of those " had to be there" stories

and to all those scared of snakes and spiders??? i just dont understand this, they have no big claws like lions




(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

crevs as zurf said the ultra light gauge or extra light as I know them are not that good. I used the mfor a few years. they are easier to hold a chord but they sound nowhere near as good as medium gauge.
There is light gauge too that do not sound as bad as the extra light.
I moved on to elixer strings medium gauge. I got them from ebay for £12 and I am very happy with them.

there is a link in this section about restringing a guitar that I found quite useful. Even after about 19 years of playing I am still getting tips that help.
