(11 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

not yet I havent but I will go look them up in spotify and see if they have anything by foxboro hot tubs. lol silly name.
I knew they done something under a different name but couldnt remember the name and couldnt find the thread or post in schordie where I read that.



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

there is already a topic on this in this section, no need for two.

mine also works and I am in the UK

no idea why this is happening. per I think would be the only one to properly answer this



(11 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

21st century breakdown.....

My verdict after 3 listens to it is THUMBS UP

noticably it is green day with the usual green day sound but nothing wrong with that.
Some structures of their songs are quite similar to others but different riffs and lyrics so it is a new song.

I have not decided which one is my favourite track yet ( I dont know the names as I am listening to them in my car so i only see track 1 track 2 track 3 etc)
but about 3 or 4 have stood right out to be excellent songs. i am sure most wil turn out to be excellent after a listen or two more.

And I got myself and my wife tickets to go see them in October in Glasgow so I am hoping she is going to like this as she is not too keen on their early stuff which I consider to be their best



(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A few years ago I found chordie after stumbling upon it while searching for a few new songs to do. Chordie looked quite a bit different then and has progressed the past few years for the better.
When it changed again to more what it looks like today and Per added a forum in I put myself forward to help moderate the site as I knew one person alone would find it quite hard to do. I done this because I loved the site so much and I was on it every day and also I like to help others when I can. Soon after I joined James then joined too so we could spread the moderation over the globe, then Roger came on board and things were on their way. Now we have quite a few moderators from all over this tiny planet to help it be what it is today.

Chordie to me is more of a wee online community, not just a place to get songs from. I do get a bit sick of things sometimes and reading boring posts ( boring in my opinion only). Not everything in the forum will please or interest everyone but there is I think something for everyone. This is why I love this site and forum so much, so many folk like to help each other as well as helping new members find their way round the place, not that it is that difficult if people spend the time to look for things smile but still I will reply to them.



(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

and thanks Al, lol

And hi and welcome eo21708  ( the names just get stranger by the day lol )

I print mine off individually as well as it is the only way to have them seperated.

You can " view/print" songbooks but some of the songs will be on the same page unless there is some sort of printer settings to make breaks wherever you like.

Sorry, thats the best i can help with



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

look here


or look in the resources at the bottom, there is an option for this



(5 replies, posted in Poems)

superb poem/lyrics....WORD!!! cracking words,lines,verses.
very well done



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Andy,

If you click on "profile" then under your username there is the option to "change your password"




(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

next time yer in goal a bit of advice: dont try and save a fast ball by making yer hands and fingers as wide as you can thinking it will make a difference, punch the thing!
use you hands to pick it up when it is rolling softly,lol.

good on ye for playing though, I played last year in 5 a sides and felt like lying down and dying. 5 a side is more knackering than a full side. Ye dont get time to rest for a second.



(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

gosh what a lot of replies already.lol. not read throught them all so sorry if someone has mentioned this.

Texting is bad for the younger ones. Taxting and mobile phones should be banned to anyone under 16 years of age.

A few reasons...the risk ( even if very little) of some sort of cancer

makes the kids more unsociable when they can do bothing but ignore what is going on around them because they are having a 3 hour converastion  texting on a phone.

And the number one reason which I have seen wit hquite a few young ones including my own kids.... it is making them lose the art of spelling. they are spelling things the way it is done shorthand texting as topdaown has demonstrated. too much of this
L8R   for later
WTF for somethin  i cannot say here
M8 for mate, even though I think M8 is a motorway that goes around Glasgow

And all these xxxx's I get on a text message from my sister in laaw, she doesnt kiss me when answers a question when i am face to face so why XXX me in a text message?

My boy wants my old moblie I dont use just because it has bluetooth!!! I asked him why he wanted bluetooth, he did not have an answer for me. It is only a gimmick as are mobile phones.

They are good for having for quick messages to people you do not want to or cannot be bothered having long convos with, or for if the car breaks down, or to give one of my kids if they are out of sight for a few hours and I know I can get them or they can me straight away.

I loved the days before mobile phones, when i never had one I was unavailable when i wanted to be


my favourite book on the great outdoors is an S.A.S surival book.
It shows you how to do everything with nothing, or everything that can fit into a tobacco tin.

im off this weekend to the far west of Scotland for a camping/walking/fishing/whisky sampling/guitar playing sort of weekend.



(29 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well i just spent a bit of time replying to this same thread in a different section so i wil not be repeating it or copy and pasting it.

Please do not post multiple threads.

The other one has now been deleted as this is more active..

I am against another section.



(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

yep Steve there is an error there.
I have emailed Per about this one.



(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

what is this happy  20th of april day? , I have never heard of it ,

so I wish ye all a happy 21/4 day today




(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

HI Steve,

this would be correctwhat you are saying. It will try and add it to the last songbook you had opened. But you can change it.

When you go to add a song it has the option to " change songbook" if you click on this you can chose what songbook you have for the song to go in.
Once you have clicked "change songbook" the page will refresh and should show the songbook you changed it to.

Now you can simply click on ADD.

any more troubles just ask




(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I didnt find the actual race that interesting, it was the camping in the middle overnight and having a great party with some fires, loads of beer and a scaffold structure on the back of my dad's truck and the company that made the whole weekend excellent.
So the racing can be good for a day/weekend of partying.
As for the F1, I just like watching the first couple of laps and the end ( the beginning is when most spectacular crashes are and the end just to see who won)



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well done to him Sleso,

My boys football team ( soccer to you) won their second game since August today. They won 5-2.
It is a good feeling when they win, it makes them happy. And if they are happy we are happy.



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

nascar is stockcar racing?
really? I never knew that.

maybe in the UK stockcar racing is different? I have been to a few races and in stockcar as we know it we smash the cars up to bits.
I have been to a nascar race in Atlanta in 1990 and I loved it but I never saw them deliberatly smashig each other up.
I am thinking both are the same in a way but in nascar they go hellofalot faster than they do in UK.

Also Lieven, Hockey I think if I can remember rightly came from Shinty, or maybe shinty came from hockey then adapted in Canada to be played on the ice, which to me is a far better game than just grass hockey or filed hockey i tihnk it is called. But shinty to me is better than both and a lot dangerous ( why i have never played it)



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I would have to say Eddi Reader.
She sang "patience of an angel" and ssings it perfectly good
I am not into her music much but i lved her album of her singing rabbie burns.
Also saw her at ali bain and phil cunningham's concert last year. She has a perf4ect voice, she using her vocals as an instrument.

heres her doing one of my fav songs.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUs-5dHF … re=related


Phill Williams wrote:

...and i thought scottish colloquialisms were confusing?

they are, even for me sometimes lol


I have had a few but that is expected. You cannot be on top form all the time. Or on top of your own top personal form all the time.
Maybe you were a bit nervous playing in front of her for the first time and this has made you think it was worse than it actually was.

Also she has mentioned your voice which is a good thing. I dont see myself as a fantastic guitar player and hope that my voice carries the song off better than my guitar playing.
So thing to focus on here is your voice. Still focus on the guitar but if you can sing great then most people will not take much notice of the guitar.
Another guitarist might take note of the guitar playing though, but if he thought or she thought you were bad on guitar but good at singing they would probably give you a tip or two if they could.

Dont be disheartened by a bad song or a bad night.
It is when you pick a song you are not too good at singing or playing that makes it bad not just one thing out of two. You could have played it great on the guitar and sang badly ( I know quite a few like this) and you would still have done a good job.
I have done a few songs that I am bad at playing and singing, but ye learn from playing what your limits are or what parts to strengthen up on.



(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

lol lol lol

good one


(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

drakesin wrote:

life is not easy!!

any chance of elaborating? has this got something to do with any troubles you are having with chordie?

mrjay wrote:

Hi Ken,

My songbooks are back to normal again. Thanks for replying.


good to hear mrjay



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

this is a strange one.

Only thing i can think of is the one you were directed to is in a members songbook and they have changed it to look like the way yo uoriginally saw it.

Once a song is added to your songbook you can change it and the chords and layout. This is what might have happened here.
I will direct chordie's webmaster to this post so he can have a look
