(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Yes, I know. The large archives are taking too much place on Chordie right now. There is quite a few fan-sites, but they are drowning at the moment. It will be top priority to include more fan sites.

There are a few technical requirements though. The most notable is that the songs has either to be in txt-format, or html-pages where the chords/lyrics are encapsulated in pre-tags. The Paul Simon-page has this, and will be ideal for inclusion on Chordie. It will be included, but unfortunately not in the upgrade that is due in just a few hours.

It does however take a lot of time finding the good the fan sites. If you submit such sites to this thread, I'll try to include as many as possible in the next upgrade.


(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I will look into it, and test with Opera. What version are you using?

Are you able to send me a screenshot of the print preview window?


(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Do you have cookies enabled? What browser are you using? Have you tried to log out and in again?

I am pretty sure the session variables are OK, because this is working from my side.

It would be great to pin this problem down, but you will have to help me. Please do the following, and answer the questions:

* Close your browser

* Open your browser and go to chordie.com

* Do the top bar say that you are logged in? What username?

* If you are not logged in - log in.

* Click one of the songs in the "10 most popular list".

* Click add to songbook.

* What messages are you getting. Was the song added to your songbook.

If this does not work. Please delete all cookies (at least for the chordie-site) and try the above once more. This time you will have to log in.

Please post the answers here, og mail them to <a href="mailto:admin&#64;chordie.com." target="_blank">admin&#64;chordie.com.</a>



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Just wanted to tell you all that there is a major upgrade of Chordie coming very soon.

I am rebuilding the entire index, and there will be tons of new songs. My guess is about 20-30.000 additions(!).

At the same time a lot of the irritating duplicates and inferior versions will be removed. This should fix my "most reported"-bug.

Still some work to do, but I am hoping to have it online in less than 48 hours..   <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_biggrin.gif" border=0 alt="Very Happy">


(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

First just a fact: Chordie is a search engine. No songs are posted here.

What songs that are included is my responsibility. But there are more than 1 million songs indexed from around 100 different sites, and I do not look at them all.

I do remove sites when the quality is too low, and I generally add more fan-sites than large archives since the quality of the fan-sites seems to be higher.

To make Chordie better, it is something you can do(!!!):

* Always rate songs. Songs with low rating will disappear in a few weeks if there are better alternatives available. Sometimes I discover patterns in the ratings, and this might lead to entire sites being removed, or artists from one site being preferred.

* If there are small errors: Add comments to the songs.

One advise to the raters: If you find different versions of the same song with varying quality, exaggerate the rating. Ie: Give the worst song a very bad rating visa versa. This will give my algorithms a very strong hint about removing the worst song, and Chordie will be a lot better.


(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Do you have 100 songs in your songbook. If so, please create a new songbook.


(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Do you have an url for that error?


(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I agree with you both. This is definitely a problem.

However, Chordie is an "automated process". There are 1 million songs indexed, and I simply do not have time to edit songs manually.

My attempt at solving this is "rating". But I need to build up the rating database before it has any real effect.

Please contribute by always rating the songs you are viewing.

The following things will happen very soon:

* All results will be sorted by rating.

* In cases where a version get low score from multiple persons - AND the song exists in other (better) versions, the song will simply disappear from the Chordie index.

Another thing that is planned, but not implemented, is that edited versions will be shown instead of the original song. This means all editing will contribute to make Chordie better.


(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Thanks for the positive feedback. There are some badly formatted pages, but I am constantly working to improve that. Expect a major change when the new November update is out.

You can go to this page (after you have logged in) and change your default instrument:

<a href="http://www.chordie.com/settings.php" target="_blank">http://www.chordie.com/settings.php</a>


(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Just to supplement what James are saying.

Please do post the url to the song. It is always nice to know that we are talking about the same song..

You can not use "View" to adjust the printed font-size in Firefox. Instead, go to "print-preview". Here you can use ctrl-mousewheel to adjust the size of the font.

It does not work perfectly, and there are currently some overlap. But again - if I know exactly what song you are talking about, I can try to fix it.

To fix errors in the song - add it to your songbook, and use the "edit" function.

Apart from that - we are all growing older, and the font-size on Chordie might increase in the future...


(22 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Great that you will attend the Christmas songbook contest.

There are lots of Christmas songs around, and probably several hundred somewhere in the Chordie index.

There are two major challenges here:

* Just a few of the songs are located under "Misc. Christmas". Good hunting..

* A lot of the Christmas songs have horrible layout. In the largest Christmas-song-archive I included, all the chords are placed after the lyrics. So there will be a lot of editing to do.

I would really like to see themed Christmas books appear. Like "Rock'n Roll Christmas", "Traditional Christmas" or "Christian Christmas".


(22 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Please check it out now. You will have to hover over the stars to get the number of votes. Is this OK?


(22 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I will try to add that.

The new rating-system, is strictly an average of the number of votes. The previous system was a bit more complicated, but also harder to trace. You have to be logged in to rate, and all ratings are logged.

It is not possible to rate a book multiple times (it might look like its working, but when you return the rating will disappear).

If I notice problems with people systematically rating their own books, it is just one single command to delete all such ratings. At present I am just testing if there will be any such misuse.. It is called a "honey pot" in computer security....


(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Could you try using Firefox instead? Try getting it from <a href="http://www.getfirefox.com," target="_blank">http://www.getfirefox.com,</a> Please report if this fixes your problem.


(0 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Its been a few days since the new public books where introduced. Lots of changes.

So far I haven't gotten a single comment about them. It is definitely the right  time to report bugs and ask for improvements.


(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Please post at least one url where you are having this problem.

What browser are you using? Under what OS?


(15 replies, posted in About Chordie)

The new public songbooks are now online. Please give feedback.


(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Welcome Perzactly,

You are definitely beyond my chord theory level. Explain it to me really slowly, and I will try to fix it fast..<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif" border=0 alt="Smile">

If you are able to locate this song again, I would really appreciate if you sent me the link. Then I could fix this error.


(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

There have been some problems with Chordie the last 24h. Things are getting better now. Can you retry?

The box is where you should add comments. But there should be an explanation telling you that....


(15 replies, posted in About Chordie)

If you publish a new songbook, you can now choose "category". You do that after you press "publish". To change the category for an already published book, you will have to "unpublish it" first.

Note: The categories do not have any visible effects yet!

However, I would ask all of you to assign categories to your current songbook. This will help me a lot in developing the new version of the public songbooks.


(15 replies, posted in About Chordie)

That is the goal. Unfortunately it turns out to be complicated to search the artistnames, but I am working with that and hope to fix it.


(15 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Just did a count on the public songbooks, and there are now 650+ books. This is definitely a good think, but the current system was not designed for that. The new system will adapt a lot better to this. The "misc songs"/"songs I like"-books are definitely the most popular "category", and the new design will take that into account.


(15 replies, posted in About Chordie)

One of the new features are that you are able to see how many of the songs in a songbook that are edited/refined. (Im looking for a good word/phrase to explain this. Please help ..<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif" border=0 alt="Smile"> )

It would say something like "65% edited".

Im planning to use this together with the star-rating to form an overall rating that the songs are sorted after.


(15 replies, posted in About Chordie)

These categories should be applied to complete songbooks.

The reason for them are twofold:

* There are more than 300 public songbooks today, and it is impossible to find the real gems in there. I have to divide them into groups somehow.

* I think the best books are the ones with a theme, and I want to encourage such books. If you choose a theme/category/genre your book will get a more prominent place and it will be viewed by more people.

The plan is to also have a category that is called "single artist". Like "Bob Dylan" or "Pink Floyd"-songbook. This can be applied to songbooks where all the songs are by one artist. These books will also be listed on the artist-pages. I am however not sure if this will be available in the first revision.

It will not be possible to publish a songbook under multiple genres/categories (at least not in the beginning). But you can publish it under "Misc songs" of course.

I am adding "golden oldies" and "folk & traditional" to the list.