(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

dino48 wrote:

Happy new Guitar day is that #25 and glad the bread machine is back it's become an icon

Down to 23. Started selling some. The Guild 12 String is next on the for sale list.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This time it is a 2001 Ibanez Artcore. With case. It looks like it was never used and has flatwound strings on it.Picture on facebook. Oh. I made sure the bread maker was in the picture this time. I saw what happens when I break tradition.

The Picture Fairy visits...... lol



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Nice. Nothing better than NGDs. Now you need a breadmaker.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The breadmaker was moved to another part of the kitchen. I used the oven last week. Couldn`t open the door with the breadmaker in front of it. Please accept my deepest and most humble apology for excluding the breadmaker in the picture. Lol


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Whoever did it. Thank you so much for posting the pictures


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This time it is a vintage Kay Acoustic. Went to a Guitar trade show in Wareham, Mass.  In great shape with none of the inherent problems that Kay`s are known for. Pictures on Facebook.




(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank You for putting up the pictures Roger. I wont be putting any stickers on this one. I have thought of removing the stickers from the other, but they are a trip through time. And that little one that says Joe on the pickguard makes it priceless. There is another one just like it on the headstock too. Where I put them all. I sold the Jackson. My daughter adopted the Sigma and the purple Fender Fat Strat. I ended up with an empty stand that needed to be filled. LOL


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Just picked up a Yamaha SJ 180 from the 80s. Now I have 2. One I bought in 1984. And this one. I have been setting up a Bar/ TV Room/ Jam Space for the past 2 months.  That is why I haven`t bought anymore guitars lately. Picture on Facebook


(8 replies, posted in Electric)

Look in Pawn Shops. Check the classified ads like craigslist. Not just local either. Allow yourself a certain distance to travel to get what you are looking for. Be patient and look for someone that doesen`t know what they are selling.


(17 replies, posted in Electric)

I entered. It wouldlook nice next to the bread machine


(9 replies, posted in Electric)

Does it have to be brand new?? Could you find a better used one for the same money??


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Merry Xmas to everyone. From beautiful and warm Auburn, Mass.


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Before I sell anything, I told my daughter (the trout) to go through them and pick what she wants. She picked the Sigma Acoustic and the Purple Fat Strat.She comes first. Not like I don`t have others.


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:

That's a steel string.

Yes it is.

I used to have one. Run through a Peavey Cabinet. It would vibrate the house and set off the fire alarms.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Deja Vu


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:

I'll give you $27.50 for the Guild twelver.  :-)   

Seriously, though, if you have any nylon string acoustic or AE cutaways you're looking to move, I'd be interested. 

- Zurf

I have a Yamaha APX-4-A. I would let that go. 175.00 with hsc.


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:
dino48 wrote:

jjj if you do decide let some of us see if we would like too buy any.

Remember we have a forum for selling stuff. I bought Tiny off of Dirty Ed through it.

I will let everyone here know first. Prices will vary depending on how much I put into them after I bought them. Some were professionally setup.  You have seen most of them. If any interest you, feel free to PM me on FB. All I ask is please, don`t insult me. I have done my research. I am starting off with 3 MIM Strats ranging from 225.00 to 300.00.


(19 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Tenement Funster wrote:

I don't think I've ever given one a name, other than referred to them as the brand on the headstock. That would get confusing if I had as many guitars as JJJ. It would be like having 9 kids all named "George". lol

Oh Sure. Drag me into this. LOL 3 of them are named.My Yamaha SJ 180 is Joey because my name is on it. My Rickenbacker is Rick because it is a Ric. My Danelectro Silvertone is named Pam because it is the first guitar that I bought when I first started dating my wife back in 1985.     Note: I only had 3 guitars back then.

Roger Guppy wrote:

I had a niggling doubt about the Facebook post and now I know why. I love surprising people too so I am sure she will be one extremely happy bunny on Christmas day.

Goof for you,


I gave her the car last night. I hid it in my mothers garage. With a sign and a giant bow the Toyota dealer let me have. My mother asked her to bring some empty boxes down to the garage. Then I waited a few minutes for her to come up holding up the key.

The picture on the facebook post is a random picture of a wrecked Impala like hers. Her car isn`t driveable though. It is because the plates and registration are for the 2010 Toyota Corolla I bought her for xmas. I am playing a trick on her before I give it to her. Her old car is sitting in my neighbors yard so she doesen`t see it. The Impala is rotting at the rocker panels and the tranny lines are going to have to be replaced. I would feel better knowing she has a better car.  Let her think I wrecked her car, the end will justify the means.                                                                 When she gets the car, it will be on facebook. I want it to be a major surprise. She has had an awful year. This won`t change things. She will at least get a major xmas gift. She at least deserves that.


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

unclejoesband wrote:
joeyjoeyjoey wrote:

My idea is to sell a bunch, put the money aside and get a really nice Martin..

Can't go wrong there. smile

And if you have some money left over, you can put it towards a road trip to attend 1-2 of the chordie events that are somewhat near you.

Syracuse, NY. and Harrisburg, Pa. come to mind. smile

I wouild love to attend. The only problem is that at my job, we have to set our time off one year in advance. @016 vacations are already set.


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am sitting in my parlor. I am surrounded by guitars. 15 of them are within 5 feet of me. Now I am thinking of selling some. 3 of them I have had for over 30 tears. Those aren`t going anywhere. I need to get my house back. Any thoughts?? My idea is to sell a bunch, put the money aside and get a really nice Martin. Even after I sell the ones I am thinking of, I will still have a fairly impressive collection. If I have any remorse, I can easily build up another collection. I do have a knack for finding great deals. Opinions welcome.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Happy 1500th post.  Something doesen`t look right about that video. Goats don`t wear bow ties. Lol


(48 replies, posted in Electric)

I have mine. A Gretsch White Falcon. Got it in February after wanting one since the early 80s. Got it due to awful circumstances.