(2 replies, posted in Poems)

This is lovely Phil.

I can feel the ache of the lady, yet a pride for her soldier abroad for whom the flag flies.
First time i ever went to the USA many years ago, i loved the way they had there flag flying from all sorts of houses and stores.

We only do this for Football days..

Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Poems)

Theres great imagery here.

It  also has the sweetest flow to it when reading. I love it.

Id also love to hear it recorded.

Old Doll.


(518 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I never heard the last song Fred McKenna sang on that link before.

Is it "What will we leave for the children ?"

I bought Elkie Brooks  pearls album  back in the early ninties. I never get tired listening to her.

Gasoline Alley.



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Paul would have the money !!

Why would he not purchase ? How much money does one person need ? He surely wouldn't be worrying about leaving himself short !
As for Heather Mills, people can say what they like about her.  She is an inspiration to many . She was a millionairess at 19 years old. Her parents had died young, she reared her young siblings... She is also  extremely  hardworking and generous to all her charities. But then again the press dont print this about her.

Could  it be purchased by many musicians.  They could re invent it into a music school !!  Give scholarships,  Share some of the gifts that made them famous to younger up and coming musicians.
Just my thoughts on this post.

Old Doll..


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Go Hálain.  [ Beautiful ]

Enjoy Sir.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I agree geoaguiar !

I never give it a thought.  The thought is the deed ::lol: We know were all gonna go sometime, enjoy all while were here. I wanna be like these people when i grow up big_smile  big_smile


I adore this wee man singing this song.


Be happy with living.

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

Jason asked  about the dark side of me in writing ?   Personally i feel this piece was probably written at the lowest edge ive ever been in life, My dad died young,  me Mam and i were very close and  the best of friends. She was wise/ funny and so loving to us all. She died suddenly on the same date as my Dad 3rd june. I do feel i went mad in the head when i heard the news".[ some would say i still am lol] I hour before she died she had been playing the piano for her grandchildren, showing no signs of illness.
I feel no shame about how i was at that time, sometimes we have to get sick to get better. I wrote this some years later looking back on that person i didnt know, but became when grief struck.. If your depressed in anyway please dont read ..

Sing Freedom, Freedom.             Helena Donovan

  Prison bars replaced her mind, caging plans denied
Floating in the dark, chasing mother’s eyes.   
Abandoned celebrations, central   spiral in decay
Her precious mother, her life, her friend away

Bell rings, the terror begins, the chime continues to bay
  Silent screams, she cries, “go away, Please, go away.
Cloistered in her palace, idle mind has lost its play
“Leave her to her struggles, whispers "she’s lost again today".

She needs a helping hand,   gnarled fingers point, accuse
Dishonour in her madness, minds ability abused.
Relevant information has lost its rational skills
Two women! One has died the others grief is hell.

Fears, acute anxiety, made her a broken wreck
Strongholds   guarded spirit, inoculated trek
Time gives permission, re enter, to survive.
  Wounded cries like gulls, abate, cease,
Sing   freedom,   Freedom,
At last, peace in peaceful mind.

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Beautiful Ark as always.

I've just finished  reading a book here. This lady with  her soldier husband visited Normandy while on holidays
some years ago. While there she said " The sky appeared to open revealing thousands of tiny glowing orbs. The sound around her
changed to American and Canadian voices mainly. Francesca would be known for her psychic abilites.  I thought it was a much nicer image to maintain then the one we have become used to.

Be the gentleman that you are and send Old Doll mp3, I'd also like your January snow.

Thanks Ark.

Old Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

No, it didnt work for me either,

I used your other link to listen. I also left a comment.

I would love to hear one of the Women Gems of country music singing this song also.

Jody Wayne, i admire your courage to youtube. I hope your enjoying your new life in cyber.

Old Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This is really good Phil,
I listened yesterday, but didnt have the time to reply.

I would suggest you post it here on this site. I believe it would be well recieved and  played a lot.
War is always a difficult subject, but people are people all with the same pain for love or loved ones.


Thanks as always Phil for sharing..

Old Doll.

I am sooo delighted to read this news.

I believe allowing himself to be absorbed in his own truth, was always his path to freedom.
May he enjoy many walks on his own as requested. How many of us can do this anytime and choose not to !
I hope "Jacquetta Thomas's" family find peace also in all of this.. I'll light a candle for them all.

Old Doll.


(518 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Oh how lovely to listen to those songs,

Lovely way to start my day [ all be it late lol]

Alvee ! I wonder why pink is so alarming for men to wear ? Darren Clarke i believe changed this opinion when
the ryder Cup team wore pink jackets after his wife died of breast cancer. I admire men now wearing pink, I feel assured they
are  aware and supporting the  breast cancer cause.
Well done to you for wearing your gift.


Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Yes ! I agree the lyrics are great !

I too would love to hear this recorded.

Well done.

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I listened and left a comment on the tube !

Old Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

"2 thoughts come to mind Stransongs.

Love overload ! Or uisce beatha ! lol Both can have the same affect !

I like it either way.

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you all for taking the time to comment.

Old Doll.


(2 replies, posted in Poems)

It must be something to do with the Druids, and Seanachai [ story teller ]
thats flows in my blood.

Thanks again  Phill.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you all so much for your comments.
I'm delighted you enjoyed sharing a very small part of my life.

Phil ! lol lol lol His needle is well scratched by now. His life is a book all by itself.
Last time we met, he was up s##t street with alcoholism. Me Mam always said " I was to soft natured and a pushover !
But, i  made the right decision back then.  Life and all its lessons is the best University for education.

Thanks Again.

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank You Sir,

Very much appreciated.

Old Doll.


(518 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

For the day thats being celebrated around the world.

The wonderful, magical, Ella Fitzgerald,My funny Valentine.


Happy Valentines day Chordians.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

This piece is about  what happened to me about 100 years ago now lol Actually late sixties with my first love. All say Aaah !!
Thank You" It took me a long time to renew my vitality for life and love, Life has a way of scullhauling ones head back to reality.
I still have the locket and he did give it me on Valentines day.

The Locket.

A locket in my jewellery, possesses memories
2 photos, black and white, both of you and me
Heart shapes, signs of love, golden symmetry,
Filigree of   deception, you gave them lovingly.

A multi coloured legend, you were in youthful days
Carnaby clad, blonde, a DJ’s attractive ways
Your music was so hip we danced the nights away
Every girl wanted you, to make her yours one day.

You left the stage one night, asked me out to dance
The Trogg’s “with a girl like you, started our romance
Surprised, but i was nervous, with looks of jealous death
Said, “You loved my smile and   kissable minty breath.

We’d scour the music shops for the latest vinyl hits
Wearing Miniskirts with platforms, and you bell bottom suits
You sang songs, wrote me poetry, a formula for love
Talked and laughed endlessly, we didn’t drink or smoke.

But deception raised its head, with someone else alleged
Virginity was for marriage, but, you took Suzanne to bed.
Your   eyes were full of sorry, as you tried to change my mind
Your passion left her pregnant,   I left our world behind.

Confusion in my teens, i felt lost and scorned
Innocence of years, once happy now forlorn
From every stage i sang, as the years went passing by
The glitter of the dance ball reflected you into my eyes.

Sure i may as well link the famous song i mentioned also.

Ps. Suzanne is an alias for the girl mentioned.


(2 replies, posted in Poems)

Jason Hague's Black Flower poem was the inspiration for  this piece. Ive been working with lots of flowers this weather, Nothing black Though.

Black Embroidery......             Helena Donovan

You need an angel to awaken
The bloom of youth in you
Something sacred your heart needs
Times are dark, feelings   dis-eased.

Your goddess, in her tower
With Black magic female power
Her velvet petals blossom
  In your weakest hours. 

Your strength needs consistency
Loves addiction tear apart
From her mystical dependence
Embroidered in your heart.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I'd love to be going on a Weekend Cruise. Good song i enjoyed.
I also like "Smiled through the window"

Flat broke blues is sooooooo good. easy  listening, You have a good voice.

Thank you for the link.

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Very thought provoking Jets.

As me Mam always said " Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it !

Good writing as always.

Old Doll.


(518 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

lol lol lol

Lord i needed to laugh after reading about that young man Nodar.
Bensonp that post is soooooo funny. lol

Thank you, Topdown, I enjoyed Frankie and Barbara, oops ! and the dance of course lol

Toots! thats my all time favourite song.

Heres another brings back a ton of memories.
