like a cheshire cheese unlike
377 2007-11-30 20:11:39
Re: The Young and the Old of It (4 replies, posted in Songwriting)
lovely and poignant, nice chord progressions
cheers and good luck
378 2007-11-30 19:47:51
Re: anyone been to a concert they did not want to go to but enjoyed? (7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Hah! Silly Wizard back in the 70s! Phil and Johnny Cunningham, Aly Bain, Martin Fadden and Andy Stewart.
My Ma n Pa used to drag us kids all over to folk festivals and I got to see many awesome bands/performers that I had no interest in.
Still have Silly Wizard on my MP3 player.
379 2007-11-27 21:56:21
Re: Song Stifled Seeds. Helena Donovan. (10 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Up yours, Lena!
No, bottoms up!
Whatever - Your health, madam! I could do with a drink myself, nothing alcoholic since Sunday lunches Hollow Tree Shiraz 15%. Being a good boy for once.
Ciao, bella
380 2007-11-27 21:53:49
Re: Song Stifled Seeds. Helena Donovan. (10 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Up yours, Lena!
No, bottoms up!
Whatever - Your health, madam! I could do with a drink myself, nothing alcoholic since Sunday lunches Hollow Tree Shiraz 15%. Being a good boy for once.
Ciao, bella
381 2007-11-27 21:40:15
Re: Song for a talent quest (12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
You could go for something seasonal like... walking round in womens' underwear by bob rivers from his twisted christmas album, that's good for a laugh
382 2007-11-27 21:28:22
Re: Song Stifled Seeds. Helena Donovan. (10 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Hmmm, not a quick tempo but not downbeat either. I guess that's not much help is it? lol!
Have you a copy of Simon & Garfunkels American Tune? If you have I kind of did it in vaguely that kind of tempo sort of thing. Roughly .
383 2007-11-27 20:59:07
Re: Song Stifled Seeds. Helena Donovan. (10 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Hi, Doll
How did you get on? I wish I could pick - strictly a strummer you understand!
384 2007-11-26 20:30:41
Re: tech question (11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
No worries mate!
385 2007-11-26 20:20:53
Re: Spent My Last Dollar- A country song (12 replies, posted in Songwriting)
What a fantastic set of words! Just the right order too!
Thanks for sharing
386 2007-11-25 22:38:24
Re: tech question (11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Hi Dude!
Your music files are held somewhere on your computer, media player is just that: a player. It looks in your designated music folder and plays the files it finds.
If you search your computer for mp3 files you can find where they're stashed. Open Outlook Express, click on attach file, navigate to your music folder and attach file to your email. Of course it takes ages to send and the file may be too large for your mail provider but that's how i'd do it!
Good Luck
387 2007-11-25 22:15:31
Re: Song Stifled Seeds. Helena Donovan. (10 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Hi Lena
You inspired me with these lovely words, so try these chords with a simple melody!
Stifled SeedsWords by Helena Donovan
388 2007-11-24 18:16:00
Re: Lovesongs (4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
These Arms Of Mine by Otis Redding for sure
389 2007-11-24 18:14:51
Re: Help me (4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Sure is, UB40 feat the late great thingy... you know did the one with all the models... tip of my tongue... ROBERT PALMER! Knew I knew it!
Also very nice on Norah Jones Come Away With Me bonus disc!
390 2007-11-23 19:30:27
Re: Staring Down Seventeen- My birthday song to me (7 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Those are some powerful lyrics. Happy Birthday to you and many more of them.
Be Happy,
391 2007-11-23 18:19:52
Re: Best DRUMMER? (27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Phil Collins! A bit tacky in the eighties but check out his work with brand x. Jazz Funk fusion, different rhythm with each limb, never misses a beat A#1.
Charlie Watts! Smallest drum kit in the world but the range of rhythms he busts out is fantastic!
Neil Peart! Biggest drum kit in the world.... and he uses them all! probably has a stool on a conveyor or something!
The Dude from Arctic Monkeys! Check out I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor.
And Keith, John, Karl Palmer, Cozy Powell etc
392 2007-11-19 19:42:28
Re: Thanksgiving! (27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
A 'Fish Cheer' for the '00s! That would be interesting
393 2007-11-19 19:24:57
Re: Removing songbooks (3 replies, posted in About Chordie)
That's great, thanks... do you have to have a book called "My Songbook" as mine is empty but there is no option to delete it?
394 2007-11-19 18:55:59
Re: Place Names for Concerned Parent! (28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
I've heard that there is actually a dude called Ben Dover.(poor bastard)
Yeah, this guy made the name up though for purposes of producing and starring in a certain kind of film!
Interestingly enough I used to work with a young lady who made some films with his company.
396 2007-11-19 18:34:33
Topic: Removing songbooks (3 replies, posted in About Chordie)
I have 3 songbooks and as my playing tastes change I find that I would like to delete song books i have made and replace them with others. I can't figure out how to delete the whole book.
I apologise if this has been raised before but i couldn't find it!
397 2007-11-19 18:13:05
Re: IS THERE A MARKET FOR INSTRUMENTS ONLY? (4 replies, posted in Songwriting)
398 2007-11-19 16:21:30
Re: Nick Drake (16 replies, posted in Acoustic)
She was a corker wasn't she!!!
399 2007-11-19 14:00:23
Re: Where are the XXL solo's from the past (8 replies, posted in Electric)
I saw the Bullet In A Bible Concert on the Saturday... Absolutely Awesome but the solos weren't as long as maybe Karn Evil 9 by Emerson Lake and Palmer or Moby Dick by the mighty Zeppelin lol etc
400 2007-11-19 13:52:39
Re: Playing the Blues (15 replies, posted in Electric)
A Black Dodge Charger from '69 with a beefed up stereo playing an evening with the Allman Brothers Band very loudly down route 66!