brain adams
"she's a little too good for me"



Hi Blinddog,
I just tried this and it worked.

I will suggest this though

make sure you only have one window open when logging out from the main page, when you have the user name and password bozes should show empty.
There is the option to register when these fields are blank.
To register a new name you will have to submit a new email address.

any more problems please ask again.



(10 replies, posted in Recording)

I know about WMP and audacity and Itunes but I prefer to use guitar pro 3 and put them onto cd that can play on a cd player by using nero or record now if i am not too fussy about the record levels.
I would recommend nero for this as I find it great..
When i make songs I convert them into Mp3s, as well as leaving them as wav files and only rip them to cd when I am going to send someone unlucky person a cd of me, unless they want it as mp3's

but should this not be in the " record" section as it is advice for recording?



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I like the key change in "the gambler" by Kenny rogers. it steps up a key for the last verse and chorus and is very appropriate for the sound in the song.

There is a version of this song saying in the song to put a capo on the second fret, lol lol yea that would work, instead I found the correct one where you do not have to put a capo on the guitar and just transpose it up to the key. … ambler.crd
the version at the bottom shows this. lol

Great song though



(10 replies, posted in Recording)

not how I do my cd's though



(10 replies, posted in Acoustic)

my guitar hardly goes out of tune, or not that i notice lol even after 4 days of sitting on the stand i can pick it up and it is fine. But sometimes it does even after a day.
No idea why when it can sit for days and be ok. Maybe the temp. in the house? or my wife picks it up


a few favourite lines  from "half man half biscuit"

Last night I heard a rumour Bet Midler had a tumor so gleefully I went and told my friends,
but they said it was a lie and she wasnt going to die and by the way have i got news for you.

and the light at the end of the tunnel was the light of an oncoming train.

The title was playing your guitar but then i thought so many play other instruments.

I ask this because my wife says I should not play the guitar as soon as I get up at 6:30 on a saturday morning. Everyone was a sleep including my neighbours lol eh not any more probably. I was wide awake and bored so I gave it some lallday on the guitar starting with WASTED LIFE by stiff little fingers. So i was not playing gently. it is 9:30 now I am am stopping for the day.
So this was a silly time for me

Most memorable time was when i was camping and sitting on the bonnet of my car playing the guitar when a herd of cows came right up to listen to me, must have been about 20 of them. When i stopped they walked away, when i started again they came back. With me being a bit tipsy I could not stop laughing at the same time as playing.
If you are ever near a heard of cows try playing to them see if they give you the attention I got



(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Doug_Smith wrote:

Usually I will read many, and comment only if I feel that I have something valuable to contribute, rather than simply rephrase earlier comments.

Take Care;

bang on Doug,

I might even do this myself sometimes but if i do I say something like " this might have been said......"

people do not read all the replies that the original question gets and they post a reply that is duplicating someone elses, whether they are aware of it or not. But at least it shows that folk are willing to try help others, might not read lol but they still try and help which is good.

the silliest dulicate replies i have seen is someone asked how to play a certain chord. They got a reply showing exactly where to place their fingers, the na few days later and several posts later, even though it has been answered someone else types in the exact same diagram of how to hold the chord. Then ye think WHY????????
Fair enough if ye dont read every post and then reply but it would be easy to scan through and see if any diagrams are there.

Other ones are people replying to posts that got made up march 2008. People read through these old posts and think they still need a reply and some maybe do but why would someone reply on a public board a year later? do they think a person is actively looking at this to see if someone will reply? If it were me I would give up waiting on a reply after a week


ok this has took me a few days to think.

I am going to submit ONE line since this thread is about the best LINE and not TWO lines or a VERSE lol lol lol

and the germans killed the jews and the jews killed the arabs and the arabs killed the hostages and that is the news, and is it any wonder why the monkeys confused

ok so it looks like two lines but that only coz the box is not wide enoug hto fit my long one liner in lol lol

that is from roger waters amuses to death cd I think the song is what god wants



(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

thanks Russ, Al and mooch.

I was looking out the window because some boys were standing near my car outside and since the back screen got smashed a few months ago I get paranoid when anyone stops near it.

The battery was for the camera.

And thanks Al for the comment.

Cheers guys



(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I just tried to record this for youtube but my battery went flat after I done slf's silver lining lol

But i will do it. I have not forgotten



(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

First song i have done in a while for youtube.
A stiff little fingers classic " silver lining"

I tried to do another one but my battery ran out of power lol



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

just noticed you got a reply in the section headcase.
so another reason is :
people just dont see every single thread and question lol



(11 replies, posted in Poems)

eh, lol, i like both


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I read it too but I had no answer.
And although I am not the moderator for there I can say that moderators are not there to reply to every single question posed on the site. Moderators are here to keep things in order, keep the forum nice and tidy, keep sweary words and spammers at bay etc.
And especially for that particular question I would not expect a couple of people to know everything about every stringed instrument, if they did I am sure they would have replied and helped you out.

Loads of people do not get replies, mostly in "song requests" probably because anyone reading do not know the answer.
If you want everyone that reads a request or a question to say " sorry, I dont know" just for the sake of getting a reply then the site would be full of " sorry I dont know" replies.

I hope you realise this, but if you didnt then you do now as well as anyone else that wonders why they do not get a reply every time.
I have had no replies a few times and yes I agree it is annoying, but ye just got to live with sometimes.



(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i'll second that.
And free!! not something we see everyday.
If anyone is wanting to learn scales then your site is very good and explains pretty good to with a video too.



(11 replies, posted in Poems)

this poem is maybe one of the best and deepest meaningful poems i have read on here.
The poem is telling it from a soldiers point of view as being a peace keeper, someone sent to help a country but has no choice but to fight for peace. telling that people must die to obtain the peace and they only can stop when the power that be tell them they can.

this is superbly written
very well done indeed.




(11 replies, posted in Song requests)

selso beat me to this sort of, I think, well I tihnk it is on shrek.

500 miles by the proclaimers, all kids i know love this song especially for the darra raa raa da ra ra ra part and singing along with " and I would walk 500 miles" with their best put on scottish accent ( although kids round me dont have to put an accent on lol )

2 little boys by rolf harris

anarchy in the UK by the sex pistols, just to let them know there is really good music out there..........yes i am joking.



(22 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

bob or the beatles, hmmm easy choice here

I wouldnt compare the two of them at all as they both are completely different types of music.

but if asked the question who the better song writer is then i would have to say lennon.
Not a personal choice but a choice made up of how many songs he wrote and sang and sold. The people of the world have to answer this in record sales.
So a voice for the world would say the beatles until bob marley ever outsell the beatles then they would have to come first before bob marley, like them or loathe them ye cannot go against such a majority. Well ye could but with no impact



(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

geez oh toppy,

Well done and well done and happy birthday and hope ye find another job soon.

I believe in speaking my mind to employers too, but something keeps stopping me from telling them where to go. Not enough people tell their employer what they really think and less have the guts to quit so good on for that.

Hope you have made the right choice on yer birthday. If anything it is one birthday you will never forget.



(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

damn good list of importances there, just the way I live most times. I have had to do this once or twice. It has caused one or two barnys ( arguments) with my wife as I pointed out what we/she had to cut out.
Everything in the end turned out OK for me, or OK so far but who knows what the furture holds? shouldnt be afraid of the future after losing your job even though it is easy for me to sit here and say it. As Roger says about fate, I believe in fate sometimes ( mostly when it suits me for an answer when bad things happen) but it makes you stronger and more determine if you can find or naturally have the power in your mind to move on and be positive.

I believe in no plastic in my house, no credit. if you cannot afford it but want it then save. If you want it that much then it is worth saving for. If you cannot wait long then you have to question your patience.
but Nela, one thing I disagree with NEW STRINGS are a must. forget everything else, if you have no strings for your guitar then there will be nothing to pass the time as there is no tv, cable,radio,cigarettes, booze etc. oh yeah strings are a must!!

Selso mate, I hope you are feeling a wee bit better by now or take a few other days to mope about then get straight back into it. be positive even though it is hard to do at this time.



(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

no point in me adding anything here, everyone has said things i thought,lol.

sorry man, chin up and all that.



(12 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

im 5th 6th or 7th'ing that

I think i have said one or 2 hundred times I love john prine. And hello in there is one of my favourite songs too. It is so deep and meaningful and really does make you think about things.

If I were to choose a favourite track, hmmmmmm hard to do but a few in my top ten would be

other side of town, hobo song, hello in there, paradise, sam stone, my hometown,



(33 replies, posted in About Chordie)

topdown wrote:

Ken - I hope I didn't step on your toes by banning him. His comment just ticked me off and I took immediate action

lol, not at all I really do not mind if any moderator bans folk like that. you done right
