ok here's my go at good morning America, cut it short because I suffer from OLD and CRS,  forgot the last verse


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I'm guilty as well of not giving a lot of feed back on peoples posting I do have a listen to all of them when I see them. but not knowing squat about music other what some else has said " I know what I like" I wouldn't know what to tell some one to improve a song.

I miss all the fun stuff, have a great time every one


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

ok here goes still suffering a little from the crud but managed to get through with out hacking up a lung


ok so here is the do over, some of my critics complained about the chorus (  you know who you are and I thank you for that its the reason I post here) I must say I agree with them so here's the second go round . I tried to record it but I am still suffering from the crud and sounded bad even by my standards so you will have wait a few more days to hear it. that is if this version passes the muster. Let me know what you think

(D)                                 (G)         (A)
knew a boy who was torn in half
(A)                   (G)     (A)             (G)       (D)
watched him sail away on a sunken raft

he lost his mind on a sea of dreams
tried to cleanse his soul in a mountain stream

the prodigal son who would not come home
he was bound and chained to the seeds he sown

(D)      (G)           (A)       (G)                              (D)
now there's a broken branch in the family tree
             (G)             (A)                    (G)     (D)
yet the tree still grows   it will still be here
            (G)          (D)
when those feelings go
D)      (G)           (A)       (G)                              (D)
now there's a broken branch in the family tree
             (G)             (A)                    (G)     (D)
yet the tree still grows   it will still stand tall
            (G)          (D)
in the winter snow

he could not deny that mistakes were made
but the token queen he could not persuade

closed his ears and he shut the door
that's when I realized it was never more

now life's a two way street
I can only pray that someday we meet


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

thanks for all the well wishes everyone, apparently sinus problems and flying don't mix well
Amy your real close I thought the prodigal son line would give it away
CG I like the broken branch  may try to work that into a chorus

Roger Guppy wrote:
mojo01 wrote:

so how did  I beat roger to the punch on this one?

Because you cheated!! You posted yours in July it should be in August lol

So here is mine which has been uploaded and posted on the 1st of August big_smile

https://soundcloud.com/roger-guppy/knoc … avens-door


my connection was so slow I thought it wouldn't post till the next day, I was traveling for work on the first, I was looking at last years calendar when I posted it, Amy told me to post it,. ITS NOT MY FAULT

so how did  I beat roger to the punch on this one? here's my cover of knocking on heavens door
https://soundcloud.com/mojo01/knocking- … door-cover


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I don't have a name for this one yet and there may be a another verse added. fighting a summer chest cold and heading to work tomorrow so may be a few days before I post a recording of it. this song will probably not make sense to most of you but to those that know me it will

(D)                                 (G)         (A)
knew a boy who was torn in half
(A)                   (G)     (A)             (G)       (D)
watched him sail away on a sunken raft

he lost his mind on a sea of dreams
tried to cleanse his soul in a mountain stream

the prodigal son who would not come home
he was bound and chained to the seeds he sown

(D)      (G)           (A)       (G)                              (D)
not a day goes by         that I don't wonder why
             (G)             (A)                    (G)     (D)
it still makes me blue because every day
            (G)          (D)
I still think of you

he could not deny that mistakes were made
but the token queen he could not persuade

closed his ears and he shut the door
that's when I realized it was never more

now there's a broken branch in the family tree
and a world of love some may never see



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

bill your harder to find than big foot sometimes
glad to hear from you

because I used to love you but its all over now


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Phill Williams wrote:

hi mojo, this song does it for me, well written and performed. message left on SC

thanks Phill, I truly appreciate the positive feed back.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

thanks everyone for the positive comments, seems like the older I get the more  questions I have and fewer the answers become. the one thing I know for sure is that we are just blip in the grand scheme of things.
thanks again Amy for the inspiration,


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I had not written anything for awhile for various reasons. the other day I was listening to Amy's new song and reading all the post associated with it and sparked something. so thank you Amy for an inspiration.

(A)                                                        (G)            (A)
well the world wont stop when the well runs dry
(G)                                             (D)                  (A)
just keeps on spinning while problems multiply

the world don't care if we fool ourselves
she cant hear the ringing of our bells

she will still be here when the cities turn to dust
and the sun will rise when our dreams have all been crushed


                       (D)                            (G)                      (A)
because the world goes on no matter what you do
(D)                      (G)                            (A)
it don't matter what your point of view
(G)                                              (D)                                (A)
because the stars still shine when our time is through

the world goes on when the last king's been crowned
she will still be laughing when the jester's not around

the world wont stop when our children cry
she keeps on spinning while we sing our lullaby's

the world wont stop when the last dollars made
it will keep on turning when the final songs been played


the world don't care if you loose your way
keeps on turning no matter to who you pray

the world wont stop when we've said our last goodbye
keeps on spinning while the innocent are crucified

the world wont stop when your time is past
live everyday like it was your last
live everyday like it was your last
live everyday like it was your last


(15 replies, posted in My local band and me)

nice one Amy

I was KNOCKING around an idea of a song for next month when this show
came ON  tv about subliminal messages and I thought to myself
good HEAVENS that's the song but before I could write it down someone came
to my DOOR and i lost my train of thought
so I'm just going to go along with what ever Roger suggest

here's my go at wagon wheel,
nice job by every one so far
and now for some CCR


(8 replies, posted in Electric)

dino48 wrote:

You better keep that wife she sounds great.

be 37 years this month think ill keep her a few more years


(8 replies, posted in Electric)

I own a T5Z just like the one in the picture , I paid a lot less  than retail at a Taylor road show event. still was not cheap and I would not have bought it but my dear wife bought it for me after I kept going back to it after I would try all the other guitars. it sounds great I cant do it justice with my playing but it is easiest playing guitar I have  ever picked up. come on down to Texas I will let you play it all night


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

that's great bill

its not the cover song of the month  but I had been working on this one and thought I post it. they say music helps you through the tough times I don't know, when I get down I don't feel like playing but this is a song I can play when I am going through a rough patch

thanks for the positive comments on sound cloud as for those subtle changes that was due to me not knowing the song

here's my 2 cents worth

thanks for the positive feed back folks that's what keeps me posting .

how about wagon wheel by old crow medicine show that ones not to hard

well I butchered another one  for better or worse heres my go at it