(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Looks great. After I built mine, I had no room for my guitars.

It is still in the back of my car. I think it is coming with us to the gathering for one last hurrah.

The bread machine is going. My son cleaned the kitchen and threw away the bread machine. I took it from the rectcling bin and will put it in the scrap metal bin at my workplace. It gets no use anymore and takes up space. If anyone wants it, I will bring it to the gathering in August. Otherwise, I will have to get rid of it. It will live on in pictures.  It is 18 years old. Hasn`t been used since 2013. I think it is time to let it go.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I already had someone in Italy ask me to send it to him. He wants to make a poster of it as a backdrop for his band. How can I say no to a fellow Guinea.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Help Photo fairy.Picture on FB. I was burning a big pile of junk mail and old bills. My son found a junk classical guitar at a Red Cross Donation Box. I am an awful photographer. Can screw up on an instamatic. Every now and then, I take a perfect picture.This picture came out just perfect. The angle of the flames and the guitar in the fire pit. I had to share it.  Some may think it`s wrong, it looks really deep to me. What is your opinion??


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I`m on FB all the time. My real name is Joey Terlizzi.

We are looking forward to it. Putting the deposit on the house this weekend. So far, it is just my girlfriend and I. ( Chris ).  Gabrielle is working now.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank You for all the birthday wishes.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Tenement Funster wrote:

Happy Birthday, JJJ!

So I just have one question: how on earth are you going to get candles a cake like this?


How did you get in my house ??? Lol


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Everyone wish Dino48 a Happy Birthday ! ! !   Happy Birthday and many more.

A friend of mine took my old red Strat to put new pickups in for me. To say I was amazed was an understatement. It is a MIM Fender Strat with a MIA Ash Body. He took it completely apart, Painted the body, pickguard and installed Texas Specials in place of the original single coils. I think you will be amazed too. Gave it to me yesterday at a cookout.         .       Pictures on FB. Help Fairy, thank you in advance. There`s more than one this time.





Zurf wrote:

You need to get to playing some of these new toys.

I know. After working 14 hours, I have no ambition to do anything.

Thank you picture fairy. Nice touch

This time it is a VOX AD15VT. Valvetronics. Picked it up at the Charlton Flea Market. Looked at a new one last week. Too expensive. Got this one cheap. Picture fairy, please help.  Oh to Beamer, I washed all the mud off of the car. Look how shiny and clean the wheel is.




(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

beamer wrote:
mekidsmom wrote:

The bottle of water does put it in perspective.  That thing is tiny!  So, how's the sound through it?

(Scott's going to have heart attack with the amp sitting on the car hood... maybe he'll visit and give you a good buffing.  LOL!)

LOLOLOL How did you know that's what i ws just thinking! LOLOL JJJ have had that discussion, so its all good. I will live!  I just think Amy really wants me to visit so she can get teh "Host Gift as well smile

Beamer-- I don`t know if you remember, that is the FJ Cruiser that I bought last year. The one I said I was going to keep clean. That didn`t last long. The inside is just as bad.  For what it`s worth, I have washed that car more than any car in the past 30 years.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good for them. Doesen`t it seem odd that they get sued almost 50 years later?? Someone needed some money and figured out a get rich quick scheme??


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Tenement Funster wrote:

That's a real portable little unit, JJJ ... even the 1/4" guitar jack looks large in comparison. I guess if you're going to own a bread machine, you need a toaster-sized amp ... sorry, I lost control.


It didn`t cost me a lot of dough either. When I get some free time to loaf around, I will play with it and see how it is.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

mekidsmom wrote:

The bottle of water does put it in perspective.  That thing is tiny!  So, how's the sound through it?

(Scott's going to have heart attack with the amp sitting on the car hood... maybe he'll visit and give you a good buffing.  LOL!)

He must cringe when he sees all those spots on the hood. It`s mud that won`t wash off. Not to mention putting stuff on it. I`m not one to wash and polish a car.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank You Photo Fairy. You came through once again. Oh. that is a 20 0z bottle to emphasize the size of the amp.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I do buy amps too. Just got a HOT ONE Purple Wind Head and Cabinet. Picture on FB. (Photo fairy, please help). For what it`s worth, I have half as many amps as guitars. Lol.

As you have been a good boy, I am pleased to help (P.F.)


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

So glad to hear. That is great news.

So far. I am a definite yes. The Trout may not be coming. She is now working.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

mekidsmom wrote:

By a "few amps" do you mean like, 3 or 4?  Or, are we talking like 10-15?  smile

Plus, we all love guitars and enjoy your NGD threads!  I'm glad you keep a good humor with the busting too.  smile

At least 8. I know there are some in the house that are unaccounted for.  The 3 I use the most are a 1961 Gibson Falcon I bought for 85.00  back in 1984. a classic Pignose for on my deck. And a little Vox I just bought .


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

mekidsmom wrote:

You have quite a hobby going here JJJ.  I'm curious, do you find time to restring these all and play them a little?  And then, what do you do with them?  Are you just collecting, or are you fixing them up a little and then re-selling to make a little profit?

I actually don`t have time to play them all. When I do and they need new strings, I restring them. I am collecting and planning to sell a few. If my son ever moves out of the house, I plan to use that bedroom for a music room. Then I can get my house back. I also have a few amps too. I never show those. If my wife were still around,I probably wouldn`t have this many.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

mekidsdad wrote:

Nice find JJJ. Every time I find anything like that the owner seems to know the value or think they do. Hey UJB maybe in August if he brings the bread maker we can weld a hitch on it and he can drag it behind the Toyota? Ha ha ha

There will be no welding on the bread maker. That is a sacred piece of equipment.