(12 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Tenement Funster wrote:

A thousand congratulations, Russell ... that's a dandy shot!

You guys are all looking bada$$ and ready to go, especially Howard ... with that hat and a bit of make-up, he could do a fair Freddy Kruger imitation. Hope you guys have lots of fun gigging together!

Thanks TF I agree Howard dose look like Freddy we kid him about it and he laughs and agrees! Our next gig is June 16th and we should really get busy during the summer we are adding new songs to our song list the last one was "Time Machine" by Grand Funk nice guitar riffs naturally I have to play them like the recording but I can do my own solo work. smile


(12 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

We have some upcoming gigs and our drummer Gary put together a nice promo shot for posters. smile
Center Gary Haseley (keyboards) Top Gary Klever(drums) right Howard Decker(bass) and myself (left)


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Congrats on the good news Joey and retirement is fantastic but you have to blend doing nothing with activity you enjoy but I think you have some good ideas along those lines smile


(5 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

TIGLJK wrote:

NIce one Russell - However, I would have to learn how to play like you though before it would be a beneficial product for me to invest in.
As of right now my guitar talent level would be at the bread machine amp that TF posted earlier today in JJJ's retirement thread ! smile

Nice playing man, and beautiful little toy !!


Thanks Jim smile I agree this is not for every guitarist I get so  wrapped up in my own progress sometimes I forget the majority of folks just want to strum and have fun  with it but I do to on occasions that's when I just bring my acoustic and jam with friends. smile


(5 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

This will give you a clearer picture of this units potential and capabilities


(5 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Tenement Funster wrote:

Although I don't fully understand what your new gadget does, I am very impressed that you were able to create some living quarters within your music room! lol I guess the phrase "Music is your life" truly applies ... nice setup, Russell.

Good one lol yes it has and always will be that way. The amplifire takes the place of all your effects, they are all contained in this one processor and each effect can be edited and saved to a footswitch it has a usb connection for updates it basically is a processor not only effects but amps and cabinets types I will update with more info when I become aware (learn what this puppy can do) lol


(5 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I just  obtained one a few days ago and have been playing with the settings and a friend asked me to do a video demo of this machine and I did the price is a little steep about $600.00 bucks but I figured you only live once https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXmW8Ai3oRU


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

unclejoesband wrote:

Looks like fun. It's headed our way right now. ETA: 11:00 EDT.

Here's a pic from our big one last year.


wow! that is a lot to shovel  smile


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

mojo01 wrote:

well that's odd I played golf today before heading out for work  tomorrow, oh wait that's right I live in Texas. ya,ll enjoy that white stuff

not fair LOL smile


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Just when we were getting ready to enjoy the warmer weather SURPRISE!! my car is totally buried and now the fun begins. NOT smile
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNDn0fY … e=youtu.be


(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)

TIGLJK wrote:

that ditto looper looks petty cool - just watched it on youtube.

Sooooo easy to use no mess no fuss


(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Thank you! I used a Ditto looper for the backing chords it comes in very handy for practice smile

beamer wrote:

I like it, left comment on YT.


(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)

TIGLJK wrote:

Very Nice Russell !

I loved the white vet pic and Mt. RUSSmore  as well!  Quite clever there!

Music played was entrancing - well done sir!


appreciated Jim the drummer dreamed up the photo crop I kind of liked it and used it for the video.. after listening to it a few times I almost feel and Irish or Scottish undertow to the melody in the upper registers it was all on the fly a few boo boos but I felt "heck leave it in" I might not be able to duplicate the mood again. smile


(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)

badeye wrote:

Nice Russell...   Sonny and Brownie do it well  as well...   

badeye         cool

Thanks badeye,I had the opportunity to meet Lightning Hopkins and Sonny in Hermosa beach at a party with the Chambers Bros. it was a magic time in LA  for me.


(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)

This song is an old old traditional gospel song that I first heard from the Chambers Bros. back in the 60's it has lyrics but I felt it as an instrumental on this occasion.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! to ya smile smile smile


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

you have to find a host site like facebook to copy the address Chordie cannot host photos or videos after you upload the photo to a host site go to the photo and  right click on your mouse and select "copy address" then come to Chordie and in your post use this [img]left click and paste address[/img] and the photo will appear. smile


(13 replies, posted in Electric)

Sounds like you have some nice parts I am not familiar with the pickups I have Texas hot coils in my strat with the Emerson setup it only looks like a strat but all the components (tuners,neck,bridge,body) are the best I could find at the time funny how things take on a life of there own I see it as this is my means of expressing myself so I keep searching for improvements its kind of like chess you never quite have enough knowledge so you stay committed. smile


(13 replies, posted in Electric)

I would start with replacing the ground wire to the springs then replace the ground from the volume pot to the jack input and all the grounds from  pot to pot but if it was me I would just invest in a  Emerson pre wired setup with paper and oil capacitors I have one in my Strat quiet as a church mouse AND the tone controls really work nice.
https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail … oCNqzw_wcB

This is  your sound were talking about get the best.and the ground and lead wires to the jack are included (rubber coated no soddering)


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Don't know if this is going to help but I quit drinking about 7 years ago not because I wanted to but my doctor on the advise of my landlord had me committed to the hospital for severe alcohol addiction I was told later I almost died, talk about a wake up call! I experienced the worst nightmares in my life for several days they had me under surveillance 24/7 after a week I was able to get out of bed with the help of a nurse and a  walker so I walked up and down the corridors and steps gaining my balance back and little by little I started to feel better when I was released I had to do something and like you I was climbing the walls but I stuck to the diet soda and ate healthier meals and started to practice again and after a few months I was feeling normal again just had to develop new habits that were healthier. I can tell you it will not be easy, temptation will always be there but that's where you have to get stubborn and with me that experience in the hospital was one I NEVER wanted to feel again. Today I am in a top notch band with gigs upcoming I have good friends and I lost over 65 lbs on a diet the last 7 months so I feel good and look much better might even find a lady to share some time with that sure beats sitting around the TV smile good luck and hang in there. Russell


(16 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Thank you ark we will play our 1st gig next month and it looks like a lot of people will be there so we will be motivated smile

arkady wrote:

Great stuff Russ. Your band could show the youngster a thing or two.
Well done enjoyed it.


(12 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I thought it would be more "latin" if I played the note a half step sharp and slid down to a harmony I was using a C9 organ Machine effect in a stereo mode which means I Have two amps and my boss ME 50 has two outs so to make a long explanation short I have two differnt sounds thru two amps to create a unique stereo sound. Zurf I dont think I ever played anything exactly like the record or even the same way twice it would be to boring thanks for taking a look and commenting smile

Zurf wrote:

I like how you Mutated the guitar solo.  That was a good straight-up cover, but you still brought some of the Mutant King to it with the solo, which is always what I like seeing.


(12 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

hey Joe Who you going to believe a rodent with a poor track record or me lol thanks for watching smile 

unclejoesband wrote:
Russell_Harding wrote:

it looks like only 4 to 5 weeks of winter left "yippee" smile

Not so fast there cowboy. We haven't heard from Punxsutawney Phil yet. smile


BTW. Great song. smile


(12 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

We (the band and I) appreciate the feedback thank you! smile

Tyson7 wrote:

Russell, Another good one.


(12 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

dino glad ya liked it and took time to comment thanks smile

dino48 wrote:

Great song Russell I enjoyed it.