(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A guy my father in law knows has decided to get a lot of musicians together in Oban this weekend. he is doing some sort of film or program or documentary sort of thing. I do not know all the details yet but he has set a theme " the jacobites"**
As far as I know a lot are taking over a big pub. So I have decided to fling the weans to my mums on Saturday and treat my wife to a night up in Oban to enjoy the music. I think  iwill have to take my guitar in case it is just one big massive jamming session which I am told it is.

Loads of Bed and breakfasts and a few hotels if anyone wants to pop up.

** jacobites were the loyal supporters of the Sewart family, the rightful family to the throne in the UK. King James vii of Scotland 2nd of Britain got chucked off it and a dutchman ( king william of orange) got put on it. So a jacobite was a supporter of the sewart family and a lot of songs have been written all about this period, i.e. glencoe, killicrankie, and loads more.
Also people think that jacobites were scottish, but they were in fact from scotland, england, ireland and wales.

Will let ye all know how it goes with pics if ye cannot make it



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

NELA wrote:

A lot of migraine headaches are tied to your teeth and jaws. Do a search of "TMJ" symptoms. Also, never ignore small aches and pains as they can be forerunners of something more serious.


I have been getting slight headaches for the past few weeks now. Couldnt feel them if they were there while on strong painkillers for my nose but they are coming back.
And I did have trouble wit hmy jaw before.
thanks Nela, yer making me go see about this now.
docs on friday



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I get them now and again but not too bad

I used to get them really bad, I got the thumping head and white sort of flashes in my eyes, or what i saw. Got me in tears a few times but not had that for about 15 years.


(105 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love cooking, so much I want to share more.lol

This was a recipe I got from my late gran. I still cannot perfect her soup but I get close to it.
This was her recipe and instructions
Before I tell you I got to get your promise you dont tell anyone else this lol

Also you will need a pressure cooker since I dont know how to get it without it. I use a 5 ltr pressure cooker

Pressure cooker,
One large leek
one turnip
2 parsnip
1 ham hough or 2 ham stock cubes
one oxo cube
4 slice of bacon
6 grated carrots
250gms of lentils
one onion
2 garlic cloves
teaspoon of mixed herbs
teaspoon of coriander

You might not fit everything in, if not then take abit of everything out.
Chuck it all in the pressure pot and fill with water to half way. it should be runny and not too thick as when cooking it will all thicken up, if it does then at the end spilt it into two pots and add more water.

Make sure everyting is finely chopped or grated

instead of lentils you can use spilt peas. Soak them overnight or boil them for half hour before adding to the soup.

and since this is a chord site you should always have your guitar at hand to play a tune while cooking. lol

once everything is in the pressure pot turn heat up and once it starts to hiss cook it for about 12 minutes. Slow release on the steam.

Add salt and pepper to taste

play your guitar and get your spouse to serve it



(105 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ken’s Spaghetti bolognaise

500g mince
500g  Spaghetti
One heaped  t spoon of mixed herbs
about table spoon of oregano
1 garlic clove, peeled crushed, sliced mushed
½ teaspoon garlic salt
Tin of double concentrate tomato puree
Tin of chopped  tomatoes
½ large onion or one small onion chopped up very finely indeed
About 8 button mushrooms or 4 large mushrooms chopped into tiny pieces so kids doesn’t notice them
No water
Salt and pepper for seasoning the mince while browning it
A very little amount of soy sauce, and I mean a tiny splatter of it, just enough to make the same size of a £2 coin in the middle of the sauce.
A spatter of worstershire sauce
Cook without lid on for about 40 minutes after everything is in the pot and simmering away.
While that is cooking, boil the spaghetti until ready.
While the bolognaise and spaghetti is cooking , start tidying up, putting things in the bin, sink etc. If there is time, sitting down with a coffee 

In order:
Brown the mince with salt and pepper, chopped onion and garlic
Add tomato puree and tin of tomatoes
Garlic salt, herbs, worstershire sauce
Soy sauce

while making this it is advisable to drin ka bottle of red wine, doesnt add flavour but makes you feel great



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Nela as toppy says, I too am glad yer OK.
What a moment that must have been,
Take it easy and rest. health is more important than anything.


StranSongs wrote:

This is the winning routine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMstFTMI … DF1fOQbdkA

The dancers were incredible. Susan Boyle has a big future, but seems she also has a big temper !

This saved me posting a link, lol, cheers

Papers say this morning she is still on track to earn 8 million per year. I would settle for half of that per year. lol


hi Krystabulous and welcome to chorie

I learned on a really cheap done in knackered guitar, the bridge was a bit broke as well as a tuning key, the action was too high and it had wee hole from where the darts went into the body. ( my mate that I got it off decided the place for it to be was under the dart board)

So yeah a cheap one is OK to learn on.
It will give you the feel for it, but not the true feeling you can get with a better guitar. I would love a different guitar myself just now. I guess every guitar player wants to better his instrument as years go by.

Once you have decided the guitar is an instrument you love and you are managing OK with learning and you can afford it then move up a step and get a better one.
But dont do what I done and rush into getting a new one. new ones that are a bit dearer may not to be that great.
I went from the tatty one to spending £65 and realised after playing other folks guitars this new one still was not good enough for me but I couldnt go out and buy another straight away. I wished I saved for a couple more months. So I had that for about a year before I got another better one. I got it for £120 ( reduced from 160) and I think it is good enough for me but I do want another. I have my eye on an ibenez semi acoustic.

OK ,i am going off on one here lol

yes cheap ones are ok to practice and learn on until you know you are not wasting your money buying something better that you might not play.


stavros flatley were superbly entertaining. No talent really but entertaining.

Diversity won it. their dance routines are probably the best i have seen ( not that i have seen that much dance routines)
I even opted to vote for them and for Julian Smith ( I have too much credit on my old mobile and trying to run it down)

I dont see why the top threee cannot get to perform at the royal variety show. Let the winner keep the 100 grand but let the top three perform.
All the acts were saying how great it would be to perform so let them, give them no money and see how eager they all are to perform. hmmm I think they would still love to anyway without the money.



(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

my last 5 are

it's been the worst day since yesterday.........flogging Moll.
ruby tuesday ( yet again)...........................rolling stones
jealous guy..................................................lennon

And I cannot remember another two that would be in my last 5.



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

good one for the kids Zen, well done


(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)


Just read a bit on it lol I got it wrong!!!
It is a sax he is playing



Julian Smith is his name



(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi saildoctor,

No answer for you here but some advice.

Your best bet is to email admin@chordie.com
Per is the best person to help with this



(9 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

I am sure this got asked before??? maybe not???

anyway, I asked the same question to a fiddle/violin player. She said the difference was the way it was played. i.e irish, hillbilly etc is fiddle and classical and orchestra etc is violin.
seemed like a good enough answer to me


I have been watching most episodes.

My favourite so far is the guy playing the clarinet ( or is it a small sax)
so much feeling in his playing, I might even break a habit of a lifetime and actually phone and vote.

the brit chix that were on the other night were so awful but at least they gave it a go, they should have sang something other than the spice girls, I dont care if they tried to punk it up a bit, it was doomed for failure as soon as they started singing, other than that they looked good.

I nearly had a tear in my eye when i saw " GRAND 2" get through, the grandad and grand daughter singing a duet. Not the  greatest singing but lovely that they are doing it.

Dont ask me about Susan Boyle though, But she has got a great voice, just not my scene/type of music so it will be wrong of me to comment on her.

anyone else got any favourites?


I was thinking of an eminem song, a line from " im sorry momma" but I could not type the words in here and if I were to replace the swear words the line would look like this

*******   **********   if @*&^*   you little @>?:*& nothing


he really does have some great lines in his songs.


the question : wheere do they go?

the answer: they dont go anywhere.

the reason: you only think they have vanished. Just because you cant see them doesnt mean they have vanished, they are just in hiding

lol lol



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

good follow up post kenny.

my favourite line I wrote myself I think would have to be from one of my first songs I wrote.

From a song called " time" A sad song about staying with a woman that is very upset after a terrible time in her life and not wanting anyone to be near her.

Time will pass and time can heal, time has got time to steal
Time may not be your frind but it's not all you've got until tomorrow


on behalf of me lol i thank you lol and I am sure Per and the rest of the moderators all thank you too even if they do not reply.


Sumelton, you should go calling people plonkers, we all know we will get them here as well as everywhere lese and sometimes they feel the need to splurt out their feelings whether they be right or wrong, eh Aye ok he is isnt he lol

Some people think the site should be the way they want it and to a certain extent that is nearly true as Per has previously asked opinions and what they would like to see on chordie. When he has time to do some site building he does ask members and if possible he makes it so.
It is the people that demand things or complain about things out of the control of anyone to do with the site that make themselves look like whinging parasites.
And I dont think Chordie will disapear overnight.




(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

please go to resources and read on how to add a song.

you will have to get it hosted on another site first before it is shown in chordie




(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ark, that is a good site.
I dont think I have seen that before.
In my favourites now



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

dont like mondays.............boomtown rats
mad world...................tear for fears
brown eyed girl.............van the man
killing moon......echo and the bunnymen
sweet child of mine......guns n roses


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Congrats to you hannah. and as said it is not a rude post, it is something to shout about and say HEY EVERYONE  I HAVE DONE IT.
and well done

all the best for your future
