(28 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I have not had a chance to try my hand at it yet but will, having said that there a lot of good songs with only two chords good songs do not have to be complex if you like it that's all that matters


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hope every one has a happy thanks giving, for me its another holiday spent a long way from home. so thanks for the well wishes from my chordie friends to those who are serving there country or just out working making a living like me. don't forget the police doctors and nurses , service industry people working the holidays or  even us lowly oil field trash who keep the gas in your cars so you get home for the holidays. again hope everyone has a happy and safe thanks giving


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

jerome.oneil wrote:

Play the ones you play best.   You're basically going to be paying for time, so there's no point wasting it practicing while you're in studio.

Pick the most complete, competent songs you have, and get them to disk.  They'll sound the best and you won't have to make any excused for them.

thanks Jerome that's some sound advice right there (pun intended) really that makes a lot of sense thanks


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ok so first of the year I am planning to go into the local studio here  for the first time and record a few of my songs . question is which songs to record. I have my own personal picks but just curious how they compared to what  my friends  here think. so I would appreciate if you have the time in your busy days which 4 or 5 songs you think I should do. telling me I am wasting my time is also a viable answer as I have talked myself out of doing this several times already. any way looking forward to your suggestions and thanks for your time

here is my shot and friends in low places


(15 replies, posted in My local band and me)

good stuff Joe


(13 replies, posted in Poems)

Phill Williams wrote:

Honestly I've had that conversation myself....you want to know why? Not just why the guy is happy to kill him/herself but why kill possibly hundreds of innocents?
Yes we all know the Japanese had harakiri pilots, the Italians had manned torpedos. And every country have soldiers willing to sacrifice themselves to save others. But they killed combatants not the innocents and that was during wartime not when we think we are at peace.

The god of Islam just like Jesus preached peace and love not violence. It's man's greed for money and power that has killed millions not to mention the biggest killer.... religion!

Returning to the subject; well written and delivered, I haven't had a chance to listen yet, but I promise I will.

Great work my friend, as usual.

there lies the irony the god of islam and the god Christianity are one in the same, . having spent 4 years working in Iraq I  made some good friends and learned a lot about the people and religion. it was an eye opening experience for a red neck like me. the story of Jesus is in the koran they believe in the virgin birth the difference being they believe Jesus to be a prophet and not the son of god. you will also find the stories noah, Jonas , Moses and others  there. I have my own opinions on why some of them do the things they do but it is way to complicated to go into in a post here. I will say this, many of my Iraqi friends  ask the same questions as stated in Peatles song.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

mekidsmom wrote:

We have had this conversation before, I think, I while ago.  The biggest issue I believe ended up being... who moderates it?  Considering the amount of spam that shows up in the forums from brand new "users", moderation would be a necessity.  Manning a chat room though costs more than a few pickles.  sad 

I've created Skype groups and rooms and the like for lots of purposes.  Use it constantly for work.  It works well enough.  Facebook can do the same thing.  Yup, Google too!  wink  All ya have to do is grab a bunch of people you want to talk to, get their contact info, and chat it up!  wink

well with the price of pickles these days I can understand that. thanks for the answers


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

dino48 wrote:

that would be good but it would be costly.

well that answers that question


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ever thought about a live chat room here? probably a reason why there is not one but me being internet and teknoillogical ignorant . just curious.


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Classical Guitar wrote:

I did honestly believe it as a compliment. Thanks Strummerboy Bill for mentioning it. I never considered that Mojo  might take it wrong. And Mojo I honestly never intend to offend anyone and if I did I apologize to you. Bob Dyan has never been a great singer but he  did write many great songs, and enough to get a Noble for his writing.

call me anything you like just don't call me late to supper
i truly appreciate the compliments and being compare to a reluctant nobel prize winner is well, all i can say is thanks


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this one started with the first two lines, it just kind of sat there for a few days then I sitting around playing with it and it
just kind of came together when I threw out the chords I started with and completely changed them

G                                      C                  G
good times come and good times go
         C                  G               D
like a favorite song on the radio
G                                   C                          G
sometimes you win sometimes you loose
            C                   G                D             G
sometimes you just have to pay your dues

C                                                         G         
because there aint no sure things in this life
C                                 G     
everything is just a roll of the dice
C                             G                          C
so let the chips    fall where they may
G                                  D                  G
and just be happy for one more day

sometimes you sing sometimes you cry
sometimes you just have to wonder why
sometimes you love sometimes you hate
sometimes you just have to tempt your fate


sometimes she goes sometimes she stays
sometimes your feet just turn to clay
were you right or were you wrong
you only know that now shes gone


some days you smile some days you frown
when your world is upside down
but the sun will always rise again
and this old world will always spin

chorus X2

Strummerboy Bill wrote:

Mo', I left you some comments on the Cloud, my friend. I hope you will read them and take them to heart, because they are heartfelt. As far as the technical quality, I thought your voice came out stronger this time (maybe it was the chords you felt more comfortable with?) and the rest you're just gonna have to read about there and I hope you'll like what I wrote.

Your Bud,


bill thanks for the comments I really appreciate them. the  second go around was done with audacity so I was able to do the guitar on one track and the vocals on another so I was able to adjust the volume to get the voice a little stronger. i still don't like to hear myself singing.

ok heres another go at it. better , worse ?

G                                  D
sat and watched it rain today
G                                    D
like my mood blue and grey
A                                  G                                              D
I cant stop the rain no more than I can stop the shame

G                                          D
so I sat and watched it rain
I just sat and watched it rain
I jus sat and watched it rain

I had things I needed to say
your emotions got in the way
I cant stop the rain no more than I can stop the pain


I wanted to write a song for you
there was no music only the words came through
I cant stop the rain no more than I can light a flame


I hoped no one would see the tears
in the rain the disappear
I cant stop the rain no more than I can break these chains

chorus x2


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)


I had posted a story\poem the other day and TIGljk suggested I make a song out it . so I took his advice. here is the first run at it


(1 replies, posted in Poems)

i sat and watched the rain today, i sometimes like the rain but today it just matched my mood. no wind to move the storm just grey and blue .i cant stop the rain any more than i can stop the feelings so i sat and watched
no one would see the tear among the rain drops or the cloud over my head amond the storm clouds. i fade into the storm like a ice cube melts in my drink the two become indistinguisable, how can you be cleansed by the rain when you are the rain when you are the cloud that darkens the sky. i pray for wind to blow the rain to sea but there is no wind not a breath of life. the  wind would only take me away with the storm to rain on some one else so i sit and watch, just sit and watch  it rain.
just wanting to flow away with the streams forming on the ground trying to find my way to the sea. but there are no answers there, ony would i evaporate into the sea mist destine to form another cloud and find my may back to land and turn to rain once again, so i sit and watch
i want to write a song but there is no music in me, no eneregy or desire to force the music out, ony the rain. still the words fall from the cloud like rain on the trees. the words flow like the stream forming in the dust. and like the rain sometimes they come in a down pour and sometimes they come in a sprinkle and sometimes not at all. so i sit and watch
i cant stop the words no more than i can stop the rain, so they stain the page like the water from the sky. the page blows away in the wind along with the clouds because the words are like me today dark and blue, one with the rain. because the words are like the rain i suppose that is why they only come when the sky is dark. they well up to form a cloud and then come pouring down. sometimes i catch the words on paper like rain in a glass but  mostly they wash away with the stream looking for the sea.so i sit and watch
and like the rain the words eventualy slow to a sprinkle and stop alltogether as the wind moves the cloud and they dry up and dissapear when the sun finaly shines through. i really need the sun today, so i sit and watch
the rain has stopped and somewhere a bird is singing again maybe now the music will return and i will pick my self up. now the rain has stopped, another flood has come and gone and i just sat and watched.

Phill Williams wrote:

Hi both. Are you using a heavy or light gauge string? I've been using Martin's 11 or12 gauge but they don't seem to hold their tone for long. I've been thinking about trying a lighter gauge, maybe a 10. What do you think?

I tried ten's on my taylor had take them off not enough tension on the neck and they buzzed on the frets

how about wipe out? that bill can get in on the action with his drums

welcome back Bill hope you get to feeling better


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thanks for the kind words everyone


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

this is more of a short story than a poem I suppose. I have never written either. funny how a little dog can bring back memories I couldn't sleep tonight thinking about her . I hope you like it and maybe it brings back a happy memory of some one you miss

i set the six pack of beer on the counter and asked the clerk for a pint of Smirnoff vodka. he looked at me kind of funny and said beer and vodka? you ve been coming in here for years and buying nothing but Evan Williams what's the occasion? no occasion i told him the vodka is for my dad and the beer for my brother i haven't seen them for a long time and i am going to pay a visit. they don't drink much any more but daddy sure liked his Smirnoff back in the day.
i paid my bill climbed in truck and drove to the florist
told the lady i need one red rose. she asked me who is the special lady? i told her my mother i had not seen her for a while and was going to see her. one red rose for all she put up with , its the thought that counts is what they say
so i climbed back in my truck , one red rose one six pack of beer and a pint of vodka and headed home. it was late in the afternoon on a clear blue fall day when i pulled into the yard
it is strange how i remember them, i see my mother when i was very young. i see her rocking me before she sends me of to the school for the first time. i see my dad sitting with me on the front porch on a starry night of that old two bedroom frame house i bought from uncle Harvey. i see my brother walking down the dirt road to mom and dads house coming out the woods from hunting deer with a rifle slung over his shoulder.
i get the rose the beer and the vodka and walk over to where they are resting not sure what to say after all these years, will they even hear me? i tell mom i love her and place the rose on her grave. i open the vodka for dad and tell him i miss the fishing trips and nights on the porch under the stars having a drink. i tell my brother he left way to soon and i quit hunting after he left it just wasn't fun anymore as i share the six pack with him
the sun has gone down as i finish my beer, its going to be a clear cool starry night in the east Texas pines just like i remember.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

just a little tribute to my little 4 pound fur ball  who is gone today . she was a mothers day gift to my wife 10 years ago but the wife always said she was my dog. going to be hard when I get home from work this trip and her not there at the door waiting on me



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

ok here are the words and chords

D                         C                       G               D
I'm sure some where that the sun still shines
I see a ray of hope in the ties that bind
I know somewhere a love still burns
against the storm it still stands firm
C                 G                   D
hope and promises we keep
as you sow so shall you reap
words that hurt can be so sweet
like an innocent child as she sleeps
D           C                    G                    D
I know somewhere faith is still strong
I'm sure some one still knows right from wrong
I'm sure out there in a world so mean
there is still a place where a child can dream
I hope that when the time is right
that you and I will see the light
and maybe when the time has come
we wont regret the things we've done

did I suggest poncho and lefty???


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

sitting at home alone strumming my guitar and this just kind of came out what do you think? suggestions for a name. if any one is interested ill post the words and chords later

ok here are the words and chords

D                         C                       G               D
I'm sure some where that the sun still shines
I see a ray of hope in the ties that bind
I know somewhere a love still burns
against the storm it still stands firm

C                 G                   D
hope and promises we keep
as you sow so shall you reap
words that hurt can be so sweet
like an innocent child as she sleeps

D           C                    G                    D
I know somewhere faith is still strong
I'm sure some one still knows right from wrong
I'm sure out there in a world so mean
there is still a place where a child can dream


I hope that when the time is right
that you and I will see the light
and maybe when the time has come
we wont regret the things we've done
