(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

thats blooming great.
I had a wee go strumming it before I saw your link. I done it very similar but ye beat me on points lol

As I said in the youtubio comment I like this song
I think songs that "just appear" are the songs that sound great. I dont think they just a ppear for no reason and once you get that wee niggly tune or lyric in yer head then get to work or you will forget it ( I should take my own advice on that)
I have started singing into the recorder on my phone so I can remember a few lines and melody that I start making up in the car, sometimes doesnt come to anything but sometim4es it is the beginning

Keep up the good writing



(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

it might have started as military time but I grew up just knowing it as the 24hr clock. I have all my digital clocks and watches set to the 24 hour clock or military time. But I would not say it is 21 hundred hours even though the clock shows that. I will still say nine o'clock.
It would be very useful for someone to use this all the time if they get completely blootered out thir skull on bevy for a few days. When they finally come around and they have it on the 24hr then they will know it is 9pm or 9am instantly lol



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

gitaardocphil wrote:

Look to his pictures, and you know more than enough.

so you judge people by their appearance, the way they look?
I am so glad you are not a judge that I have to stand in front of for any crime ( not that i commit any crimes, well nothing too serious lol )

I seem to disagree with so many people over the death sentence. I wish we had it in the UK and  i think in the U.S they should not have them on death roll for more than a year. Once they are sentenced just get it over and done with.

Reminds me of a Tom Paxton song " what did you learn in school today" the particular line goes:

I learned that murderers die for their crimes, Even if we make a mistake sometimes.

Might make the occasional mistake but this sentence would prevent a lot more crimes, meaning there would be a lot less mistakes in sentencing.

But if there was no death sentence anywhere I tihnk 18 years is too little time for someone to take another life. I think 40 years for one life should about do it if the murderer is over 40 years of age. Under 40 years then the sentence should be 60 years. For manslaughter give them 35 years, that will teach folk to be more careful how they beat someone up into a pulp so they cannot turn around and say " but I never meant to kill him" " oh" says the judge" "you never meant it so we wil give you 7 years"


(124 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


it doesnt matter if you have a screen or not, midgies can get through anything!!! even 3" thick steel reinforced doors lol there is no hiding place, they will bite ye wherever ye are



(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

good to hear it all went well and everyone got on and enjoyed each others company. helps even more when the better halves comment on how nice people are, makes you feel like you done something right  lol

detman, did you not manage to record anything for yuotubio?


I tihnk he replied to this in chat section in a thread there lol

mixed up threads in a mixed up convo in a mixed up world.




(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks Roger,
that would make sense about the sword wielding thing on horseback.
Also a bit of useless info is train tracks.......they are this wide because of horse and carriages too. When the horses pulled the carts on a dirt track they created ruts in the ground, these ruts are the same width of railway lines, There is a bit more to it. You will have to watch " how do they do that" or how did they make that" or something likie that on discovery. lol

I never realised so many drove on the left hand side which I consider to be the right side lol lol lol

jerome.oneil wrote:

The best date system ever is the one they taught me in the military.

Today is 13-JUN-2009

"Oh" is a letter.  "Zero" is a number.  Written, zeros are slashed for clarity.  Ohs are not.

Jerome thanks.
So the military in America do this date way too but the rest dont. Weird!!
and I agree with the O's and 0's I usually say zero all the time when meaning a zero and say oh when spelling something.
But I find myself when saying my phone number starting with "oh one three eight nine" I never say "zero one three eight nine". No idea why, maybe it rolls of the tongue easier to start with OH?
I have seen a lot of the time zeros being slashed but I dont think they do this all the time         (maybe just in the military?) So I think the slash should be in the zero all the time, even on keyboards then there would be no mistakes with those security things you have to copy into the bozes sometimes. It is hard enough to work out what letters are sometimes because they are distorted so much.


Hi Russ,

I am sure I posted this last night but i cannot see it here, maybe I forgot to hit submit then closed my windows ?

Anyway, good song. I have never heard it before but i like it now and i tihnk i will go look up the original and might have a go at it myself but without the finger picking.

So what i typed last night....9th fret??????? 9th flippin fret?, lol

Would it not work for your vocals on the 4th fret too? This lyle person must have made a mistake on the 9th or done it for a laugh.



(5 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

wayne wayne wayne

What can I say other than the comment I left on youtubio


You have a fantastic voice.
If you are loaded with lots of spare money and you have spare time whenever ye want it then you should get over to isle of Jura folk festival this year. lol

My wife has no time for John Prine, whenever I play any of his songs she puts her violin or mandolin down and/or walks out the room.
When I played your clip she loved your playing and commented on your singing.
So this is a winner, if it made my wife give a good comment then yer better than me lol

well done



(23 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I think Per ( the webmaster) knows the importance of this tool.

I am sure if he didnt have to take it off he wouldnt have.

I tihnk we all use this a lot and yer right it is an important tool in chordie, I use it constantly, or I did.

Lets hope it returns soon. We will have to wait and see.



(124 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

river is wrong he has 102 posts lol


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks Fantastic reply.
I never really thought about this pound steling thing being linked with silver and dollars linked to gold. This makes a lot of sense now, or more than it did before. But gold is worth more than silver so why do you get more $$$'s for the £ ?


the roundabouts here are slowly getting traffic lights at them to control the traffic more. Sometimes I think this is good but defeats the purpose of them in the first place.
We are getting more and more mini roundabouts that really are a waste of time in my view as folk just drive straight over them and do not treat them as a roundabout.

As for the "colonies" rejecting anything that was from the UK, I dont blame them lol , I am still rejecting Uk things and I am in the UK lol


ozymandias wrote:

I have Asperger's and ADD and I'm a Yank, whats everybody else's excuse. ;-p

lol lol lol lol


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

( I originally started this as a reply in the Neil young thread but I did not want to highjack it with a topic on the date)

you know what I think.

I wish all over the world used the same way to type in the date. 6/10/09 to me is the 6th of October and when I see 6/28/09 I tihnk there is not a 28th month in the year lol

Why can the world not just type the date the same way?
to me it makes sense to say 12/6/09 for the 12th of June 2009, but probably because I have been brought up and educated this way.
Others will think differently and like 6/12/09 and say June the 6th.

Both make sense but it would be easier internationally if everyone in the world came to an agreement on a final way, one way for everybody to recognise.

HOw do europeans write the date? would it be 12/6 or 6/12 ?
Is it only the UK that type the day first followed by the month or do others?

Also Driving. I know australia drive on the left hand side as well as the Uk anyone else?
Are roundabouts only used in the UK? Roundabouts are hated by sometourists because they dont know how to use them but I trihnk they are a great contraption on the road. ( apart from thwne they stick silly big sculptures that mean nothing but cost millions)

Am I tihnk all our ways are right because I have grew up knowing this is the way it is or is everyone else wrong?

Money; why do the americans and australians, kiwis, canadians use dollars and others use sterling,euro yen etc? why not just use one international currency ( the reason for the euro in a small scale)

who decided that £1 was worth more than $1?, who deciede that thousands of yen was only worth a few quid?
All seems silly to me.

Last question:

Why am I thinkng all this at 00:30am

I should go to bed now



(124 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i just had a home jam session unexpectedly, turned out really good.
the unexcpected ones always seem to be the best i think



(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

donwmcguinness wrote:

Why oh Why is this song not on chordie?????????? Any one know it!

see if you read resources it might answer your question.

but as you can see some nice friendly members have already told you it is so this means you have just not looked.

good song



(2 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I would think it sounds like a few things maybe.

You say you get a ringing sound. This might be nutt fault, ( the part where the strings are guided from the tuning keys to the fret board)

Also if you can only barr when a capo is on then I would think your action is too high. When you put a capo on it reduces the action of the strings so it would make it easier to barr.

I would suggest you get yerslef down to a music shop with no intention of buying a guitar. Ask to have a shot of some really good guitars and see how you get on with them.
This is not to say yours is not a good guitar. It might just need a little help from an experienced person.
If you find you can play other guitar ok and you do not want to change your guitar you can ask in a shop for advice. They would probably ask you to bring it in so they can have a look and let you know if it is worth doing anything or/and how much it would cost.



(11 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

frogwheelz wrote:

WANT A REAL ANSWER? try knockin on heavens door , friday i'm in love , i don't like mondays , when i come around , there are also songbooks for ukulele that will give you some easier stuff ,

OI Froggy

are you insinuating that no other reply was A REAL ANSWER?

and if yer going to give a real answer you should try to add the name of the artist too along with the song so it is easier for them to find,
hmmm, maybe this is not a real answer? :LOL:



(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I tihnk they would be great at country.
I always thought Joey was a bit of a cowboy lol lol



(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well as far as I know daddy
James is very busy with work/family etc Helena is busy with family and roger is still about. He is a bit preoccupied these days  but he still manages to come in and post.



(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

In the thread in question, I submitted a post roughly about number 12 in it saying it was a waste of time.
It was allowed to carry on for reasons that I just cannot understand other than it was harmless. Harmless it was but a waste of time too. If I were a moderator of this section I would have closed it down before it got to reply number 20.
I complained about it a few times along with a few others but it kept going.
So ye know that saying " if ye cant beat them, join them"? , yep thats what I done.
I joined in and tried to talk as much piffle as I could and I actually got replies and nearly turned into a good discussion ( yeah right)

I did start changing my mind slowly about the thread. I started seeing it as a good place for folk to type nonsense in and hopefully it would stay out other threads. I have no idea if this was achieved. Achieved? , hmmm wrong word as no one set out for this to happen, so whatever the word is thats it.

Sometimes it looked OK, as a few posts were were getting a few replies, but it was the constant " I must post more and more replies to get my number of posts up" sort of posts. No one gets a medal for having more posts. I have a lot of posts but only because I am here a lot and reply a lot and I was moderating a lot. I wouldnt type a post at 5:03 saying hey hey hey, then another at 5:06 saying wel well well, etc, etc. waste of time anyone reading that dribble.
Geezo I have so much to say.
I am away to read more posts now



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hey Mac,

you think you got it bad? lol

I just googled my name " ken godwin" and i have found out that one or two people have stolen my name. Either that or I have a studio, into electronics, I live in arizona and didnt know.
I also live in england ( aye right and pigs can fly and give me the winning lottery numbers)
Im also a top photographer in jacksonville ( might be a relation of mine. I have family near there)

It takes 18 suggestions before I am shown on twitter.

and I meant to say, if you really dont want your name to be on the net then just make up a new surname for internet purposes only unless the site guarantees that your personal info will not be shared with anyone


deadstring wrote:

The reason I try to play guitar is because a piano is too heavy for me to hold under my arm.

lol lol lol

post of the week!!


alvee33 wrote:

I think they think they are the beatles sometimes. I do like them, but have to admit that I like them better without Liam. The man's a buffoon!

I agree with that. Noel ( although also a bufoon) would be better taking over the singing as well asplaying

As for them breaking up.lol. They have a few times but never really officially have said we are finished, nor have they ever had a farewell tour. They have got rid of the entire band apart from the two brothers. The two brothers that love a fight for P.R


I said it in the thread " is chordie safe" (a few down from this thread) and I will say it here.
Norton is mince. Norton is wrong, Norton will decide itself whats good and bad, not all the sites it says are bad are actually bad.
I bet if chordie paid a sum to norton, the powers at norton would say " chordie is so safe, no need to worry".

My I.T guys at work have recommended to anyone that asks them about norton to disable it and use AVG along with a firewall.
I have no problems at all and  Idont use Norton.


vincent why not post this in a relevant section of chordie?

There are lots of sections and this section is about chordie as the name suggests.

thats what i suggest

and you might get a lot more answers
