
(34 replies, posted in Electric)


Nice work man ! 

You mentioned www.guitarfettish.com  - I went there -- some of their guitars look great, and like all sellers - the descriptions sound great as well. .  I was especially looking at the hollowbody guitars.   Do you have any experience or knowledge regarding the quality of the Xaviere guitars they sell ?

Thank you .  I tweaked it a bit today ( had some time because of winter storm) - nothing major - couple of lyric touch ups and switched chords to Em, B7, and A- easier for me to play and I think sounds a lot better..
I am still in awe of those old time guys how they used to collaborate over a table with some drink, smoke, guitars  and friends. So cool.


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)


My wife tells me that after singing three notes !!!   

[c: O.K. – this is a whole story – bear with me
It started by me watching this video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUML2yWVn8c showing Steve Earl, Rodney Crowell, Guy and Susanna Clark having a blast jamming – singing  stay all night.   I was so enthralled – thinking that it was so cool – I wish I could have been there at that table – drinking and jamming.
Well then I was reading about Townes Van Zandt’s life – a pretty sad story for a good musician.   That’s when I came across this –video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zb7LVzx_twU  – Guy Clark talking about Van Zandt’s life.  The whole story is freaking funny about nailing the door shut……. But the inspiration came to me at the  3:40 mark of this video.   You have to watch the video to really get my song.  I hope you enjoy the videos and like my song.   

  The Sun Is Burning Out ( Tribute to Townes Van Zandt) Jim Kenyon

[Em] When he was just a little boy, he was taught to follow rules

He combed his  hair n’ brushed his teeth

[B7 ] he even shined his shoes

He [Em] always said “whythank you m’aam”, n' went to[Am] church every week

He [Em] learned thatwhen his grampa’s talkin’, he[B7]better wait his turn to [Em]speak

[Em]Heopened doorsfor the ladies , n’ bowed his head for prayer

He proudly said pledge allegiance 

[B7] And made sure he didn’tswear

Oh he [Em] said graceat the dinner table , n’ he [Am]never, never waslate

He [Em] kept his elbows off the tableand he [B7]always sat up real [Em] straight

(Instrumental stuff)[Am][Em][Am] [B7] [Am][Em]

[Em] Hestudied hard and got good grades, but one day at his school

The teacher told him that the sun’s  burning out

[B7] And he felt just like a fool

And [Em] from that moment in his life, ya see [Am]everything got changed

well [Em]somethingsnapped inside his head, [B7] and thoserules were broken [Em] chains

[B7]somethingsnapped inside his head,and thoserules were broken [Em] chains

And he sang… ( play faster !) 

[Em] Excuse meteacherdid I hear you say

That the sun isburning [B7] out?

Well don’t expect me to live that way

I’m getting wasted, without a [Em]doubt

[Em]I’m notwaiting for the end of the world

I ain’t playing by no [Am] rules

[B7] I’m living my life the wayI want because

This world’s a ship of [Em] fools

[Em]Now everybody heed Townes' words, he was right times running out

You know we ain’t  gonna live forever

[B7]believe it, there a'int no doubt

So[Em]cherish every dayyou have,time[Am] goes by so damn fast

En[Em]joy your life the best you can, make [B7]every moment [Em]last

[Em] Excuse meteacherdid I hear you say

That the sun isburning [B7] out?

Well don’t expect me to live that way

I’m getting wasted, without a [Em]doubt

[Em]I’m notwaiting for the end of the world

I ain’t playing by no [Am] rules

[B7] I’m living my life the wayI want because

This world’s a ship of [Em] fools

[B7] I’m living my life the wayI want

This world’s a ship of [Em]fools

[B7] Well don’t expect me to live that way

This world’s a ship of [Em] fools

(Instrumental stuff)[Am][Em][Am] [B7] [Am][Em]

much slower

[B7] I’m living my life the wayI want

This world’s a ship of [Em] fools.

slide the Em chord up and down neck to end

Phill is incredible -enough said! 

He recorded two versions of my song.

I love 'em both, but one is really my favorite - he shows his passion and superb abilities !! .

See if you think like me, let me know if you like it, and if you do , which one do you like better ?

Thanks for listening ! :

https://soundcloud.com/tigljk/shooting- … ng-phill-w 

https://soundcloud.com/tigljk/shooting- … ng-phill-w


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Okay - here goes -----    I created a song cloud account and ventured out into the unknown - well - actually It isn't unknown because it is known that  I can't sing. But I thought I'd put this song out there.  At least you can tell what it's supposed to sound like - just imagine someone with a good voice singing it smile

It is my song from this a few months ago when it was warm enough to sit on my porch, instead of looking a day of ice and 14" of snow.  - Summer Groovin'


lyrics are posted elsewhere


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)


As much  as I loved the song, the picture next to it made the song !!!   I assume that's Brodie - what a wonderful picture to accompany the song. I'm a cowboy song lover -and with that picture and verse- it's a terrific piece of music, heartwarming in fact. Stirred a lot of memories of singing to my kids when they wer young.  I miss it terribly ( prob bc they never criticized my singing)    Well done Jets !! Thoroughly enjoyable  Thanks for sharing.



you're right on brother - sounds much better - more rockin', without the Capo - thanks for the tip.  ( I'm not too great at Barr Chords though - working at 'em) I made a couple small lyric changes on the third line of each verse - it seems to make a smoother transition to the fourth line  - remember - it's my first rock song smile



(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)


That is hysterical !  Reminds me of the old saying - " I never went to bed with an ugly woman, but I sure woke up with a few!"
Thanks for the song


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Market Place)

Thank you Graham


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Market Place)


I  can't afford a top end resonator like yours, but i have looking around on the internet at a Gretsch and a Dean. Can you give some advice on what I should look for. I have never even played one, but they cool and would like to maybe give it a go.  Thanks



(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Graham     Well Done !!!      Music is such a great venue for social statements - and yours is a terrific statement!  Nice song about tragic topic.   
Reminds us all to be thankful not to have such an experience, and to stand up for those that are experiencing it.
This is a great passage from a great social justice warrior :

"You may be 38 years old as I happen to be, and one day some great opportunity stands before you and calls upon you to stand up for some great principle, some great issue, some great cause--and you refuse to do it because you are afraid; you refuse to do it because you want to live longer; you're afraid that you will lose your job, or you're afraid that you will be criticized or that you will lose your popularity or you're afraid that somebody will stab you or shoot at you or bomb your house, and so you refuse to take the stand. Well you may go on and live until you are 90, but you're just as dead at 38 as you would be at 90! And the cessation of breathing in your life is but the belated announcement of an earlier death of the spirit. You died when you refused to stand up for right, you died when you refused to stand up for truth, you died when you refused to stand up for justice." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr., November 1967

Keep on rocking Graham! Thanks for the message



(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

So true Easybeat, so true
And same words to one are different meaning to another - often misunderstood.  Thanks for sharing

Thank you Phill, Dino, and Graham.   I had that tune  in my head for about two years and this morning it just decided to come out -
I 've got no clue why !
I really wish I had a voice that was more than garbage, then I might make a recording.   

The Bm is always a struggle for me to play , but I'm glad I used it.

Graham, I just listened to your band on your website, you are very talented!!  How is it that you live in Crete ?

Thanks again to all,

Chordpro error: This is not a valid artistname. You will have to specify an artistname in the form {st: Artistname} in the beginning of the code.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

pretty unique   - catchy - I like it


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Awesome !! - having had three little girls myself - I can appreciate this.  probably double effective about 4 am
Great job Jeff !!


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

ah ha !  I finally figured out what the names of the chords were that I was playing !!   I found this site - sure a help to all rookies like myself out there.  it is pretty cool - you mark the strings you are playing - it tells you the chord. 
It is at   



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

To my fellow Chordians

This whole episode has been a matter of bad communication, and filled with very good people trying to do the right thing.

I apologize to all  -  especially Russell .   I did not see his private email to me explaining what he was talking about.  I thought he meant that I had to take down the song I wrote because it was entitled the same as the Rascal's song.
I thought that I had been reported - but I didn't even know what that meant.

I also was unaware that you can't post lyrics - even if you give credit to the writers.  I certainly would never do anything to jeopardize Chordy intentionally.

Thanks to Phill for pointing out his thoughts and to Arklady and Roger G for taking the time to get things straightened out.

Again, I apologize for the misunderstanding.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Chordpro error: This is not a valid artistname. You will have to specify an artistname in the form {st: Artistname} in the beginning of the code.


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Love the song  ( a little  hard for me to play though. ) 

I agree with Grah 1      I think I would change the line to  " She's mad as Jesse James, she's got murder on her mind "
I picked him because he was bitter and twisted as well


Chordpro error: This is not a valid artistname. You will have to specify an artistname in the form {st: Artistname} in the beginning of the code.


(1,560 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I posted my new song under songwriting, but was not sure if the same "Chordians" monitored this section.  Since I love the Friday Blues posts.... always great stuff on here, I thought I would post it here as well.  It is country blues for sure... hope you like it and honored to be able to post on Friday Blues Fix !! smile


click on Blue Train  when you get there - have a great ride !


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)


NASHJAK -   MY WORDS and MUSIC - Friends in Nashville that produce it and sing it smile


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)


try this - click on Blue train

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