It was real nice what you wrote. I am glad that I live, because I had even a cardiac arrest. So I know, how it feels to die
1/ ANGRY, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE, so you really fight.
2/ After the fight, you start to accept the fact that you will leave this world.
3/ Very strange, my opinion: you are becoming very, in a way of speaking, happy to fade away, I also still remember exactly what I said to my former girlfriend, like give my family strength, tell them I love them, and don't think too much, concerning me, because I wknow that I will always be in your mind. I am leaving now, I don't know where, but it's finished, and yes: a flat line. But she screamed so loud, being with me because she's a nurse, that the whole bunch of doctors did a good reanimation, with medication, and the, I always call them, things to iron, clear- nothing- second time again clear, and yes I was back. I did not see a white light, the only thing that was important for me, was french fries. I was obsessed by french fries, that's why I think that you take your last taught with you.
People can say he didn't suffer, EXCUSE ME, I started like they often write, to be transported in critical condition, your body produce "endorfines", = morphine but made by your brain. That is also the reason why marathon, or triathlon fanatics, commit sometimes suicide, lack of "endorfines". But to be honest, I had 32 fractures in MY LEFT FOOT?! and a exploded lumbar verteber (?) in 4 pieces. And yes, I was, like a miracle, very heavy insured, and that also allowed me to buy guitars. But if somebody can cure me, my left leg is getting worse: direction paralysis, I will be happy to give away all my guitars.
Thanks for your support, I hate it to come out with this problem, but sometimes the need is there