(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

3 beers this whole weekend. Did some playing. Practiced some lead parts. The music was flowing. Looking forward to retirement. Even if it is temporary.  Things are starting to look up. Thanks to everyone for all the support. My friends here all have my back too. That helps a lot.  It is great to see a new beginning on the horizon. No more beating myself up


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Russell_Harding wrote:

Don't know if this is going to help but I quit drinking about 7 years ago not because I wanted to but my doctor on the advise of my landlord had me committed to the hospital for severe alcohol addiction I was told later I almost died, talk about a wake up call! I experienced the worst nightmares in my life for several days they had me under surveillance 24/7 after a week I was able to get out of bed with the help of a nurse and a  walker so I walked up and down the corridors and steps gaining my balance back and little by little I started to feel better when I was released I had to do something and like you I was climbing the walls but I stuck to the diet soda and ate healthier meals and started to practice again and after a few months I was feeling normal again just had to develop new habits that were healthier. I can tell you it will not be easy, temptation will always be there but that's where you have to get stubborn and with me that experience in the hospital was one I NEVER wanted to feel again. Today I am in a top notch band with gigs upcoming I have good friends and I lost over 65 lbs on a diet the last 7 months so I feel good and look much better might even find a lady to share some time with that sure beats sitting around the TV smile good luck and hang in there. Russell

My Girlfriend Chris rushed me to the hospital 2 weeks ago.  That was a wake up call for me.  Not planning on drinking anything until I find out what is going on.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This may help. I put in for retirement from my job today. 3 months left. Working 13-14 hours a day nonstop for years was starting to take its toll.  I will get 2 weeks rest in May and start looking for a new job. Something a little more age friendly. Still holding off on any drinking.  Trying to go all the way with this. Plus, I don`t want to end up like my father. He died in 1984. Nine months before he was going to retire. I still have a lot of life left in me. I was going to have a couple tonight to celebrate. I changed my mind. Hawiian Punch instead.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have been trying to play. Just don`t have the energy to. I am used to grabbing certain beverages (Genny, Jack Daniels) when I do. Now it is juice or Diet Coke. Going from hours to about 20 minutes when I do. This change of habits isn`t all it`s cracked up to be. No energy to do much of anything.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Aced it. 30 out of 30.  Some were process of elimination. Singing the song in my head.  Plus some lucky guesses.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

To everyone. Thank you for all the support.   One thing. I am not looking to stop completely. Just cut down. My friends. Nobody pushed me Friday night to do anything. I guess it is safe to say that all my friends are on my side.  Last night I was drinking apple juice. Played for about an hour. Almost flawless. Not out of the woods yet. Still have to get checked to find what is going on. Chris has been great through the whole thing. She keeps on me to watch myself. My other friends have my back too. When they found out what happened Monday, their whole atittude changed. 18 months ago, I wouldn`t have cared. A lot has changed. I guess I have to change with the times. Thanx again


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

It`s time to start rethinking my Recreational Habits. After spending the whole day in the hospital yesterday. Luckily, I had Chris to drive me and stay with me the whole time. I also have to face up to events in the past 2 years. This may have been the kick in the butt I needed. I have the full support of some of my friends. Some won`t like it. Wish me luck. Time to try a different way of living now. Starting yesterday.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Just got them back today. Pictures on FB. For what it`s worth, they play like a dream. Especially the Tele.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Make that NGD x 3. Picked up an old Harmony fron the 70s. (Korean).  Also a Silvertone Chord Organ.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

topdown wrote:

All these NGD posts are putting me in the mood. Need Pics!!!

No pics yet. They are being set up. I haven`t brought them home yet


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

topdown wrote:

All these NGD posts are putting me in the mood. Need Pics!!!

No pics yet. They are being set up. I haven`t brought them home yet


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Happy NGD


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This time it is an 02 Ibanez Artcore full hollow body. Plus a 97 Fender Tele California series MIA. No pictures yet. I took them right away to Union Music for setup. The Ibanez shows some signs of use but still in great shape. The Tele definitely has been "Experienced".  Got the pair for $1100.00. The price they were asking for the Tele alone.  Truthfully, I said that I was through buying for a while. But an Orange Tele stands out in a crowd. I guess that didn`t last long.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

1) Work less, hopefully find a different job and concentrate more on living.                                                                                                                                                                                                2)Rethink some of my recreational habits.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         3) Just to be happy. I am done being a basketcase.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Happy Birthday


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A little late but Happy Birthday Amy.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

TIGLJK wrote:

I believe there's a mathematical formula that Joey uses to calculate what can go into that space....... it goes   -      room area size x 2 /divided by the # of guitars/   (x + c)2=x2 + 2xc + c2  ...... a = √(GMa0/r),         if c = bread machine and x = cash on hand

Lol. Now it is a couch, a chair, 2 end tables. 2 lamps. A TV on top of a cabinet. And a really nice hardwood floor that was underneath. My dining room is another story


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The last thing I did this year. Cleaned my living room and kitchen. Had to move 27 guitars, 8 amps. Havent seen this room for over one year. Having friends over tonight figured into it. Lol. Now I don`t have a dining room. Fair trade. 1 room for 2. Plus. Have a happy new year everyone.


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If you want, my real name is Joey Terlizzi. You can see NGDs that don`t get posted here. Amps too. Warning: my page can get a little bit crude sometimes.

It`s like looking at porn for me.


(10 replies, posted in Electric)

I now have 4. Just got another one this weekend. You may find that hard to believe.


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Merry Xmas to everyone from JJJ. Hoping everyone has a good one


(15 replies, posted in Electric)

Doug_Smith wrote:

Joey, your Plectrums were Thomastik correct?  I also had good results and long life from the sets I have used.  The Thomastik Enfeld strings are a bit spendy, so this last time around went for  D'Addario Flat-Tops in the FT .012 set.  I find them fairly quiet like true "flat wound" strings but with a bit brighter tone..... they seem to be holding up quite well so far as sound etc.  So you might consider them for a change.

I was trying to copy and paste part of your comment. I have never used flat acoustic strings. They are all I use now on electrics. I was wondering about tone loss. They do sound enticing. If I find a set of strings I really like, I don`t care about the cost.


(15 replies, posted in Electric)

my last set of Plectrums (acoustic flats) have finally gone so dead it was time to retire them after more than a year (I can hear the lectures  Doug. How arer acoustic flat wounds?? I would love to try them out. Are they flat?? It would be straight acoustic. No amp


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

mekidsmom wrote:

Ah well, at least Facebook had the good sense to just mute you for a couple days rather than ban you completely.  Frustrating though I'm sure.  Interestingly enough, I manage a facebook business page for work and we simply ban people from posting on the page rather than report them to Facebook.  I wonder why the person didn't just report you to the group and have them remove or ban you.  I'm surprised Facebook didn't just suggest that to them as well.  You must have said something REALLY bad!  I didn't think FB's moderation was all that strict!  You'll have to send me a msg and give me all the details when you get access again!  wink

I will show you later this afternoon. When I am out of FB jail. Lol.  Someone was asking for memes on a certain. I supplied 2. Quite a few people got reported. You know how my sense of humor is.  I have been banned before. I am sure it will happen again.