(59 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ooops JohnCross,

I forgot to post here to say "your book went in the post early last week ! Hopfully you recieved by now.

Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


You made me think of this song !



(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Dead string,

If your Darlin needs a walker ! She also needs to see a doctor sir. She may be doing lots more damage then she realizes.

Always remember this with acute injuries.  R.I.C..E.

It works most times sir.

I wish you and yours a return to good health

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Give up the ould day Job daddy,

And take to them there hills.
Dont forget yr guitar now !!

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hands are slippery with Massage Oil !!!!

Daddycool ahem !! so there life in the old dog yet !!

Yerra ! good man yourself lol

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I love easter Daddy cool,

New beginnings. I usually get up at 5/30 am and head to Killakee car park up in the mountains.
Theres an open air mass there. Its peaceful . Its dark when i arrive and the sun comes up as the service proceeds.

Then a walk in masseys wood to watch all the bunnikens hopping around.. Not one bit pleased at my entrace to there world i may add lol
I could watch them for hours Sir. Hazelnut latte on the way home, sure what more could a body wish for.
Heres 3 photos from last year. I forgot me camera last sunday.

http://picasaweb.google.com/lena.odonov … directlink

Thank you Daddy.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Oh yes sir,

I love this time of year..  700 euro  of home heating oil last December.. ! Tomorrow another  650 euro yikes !  I rekon thets the guts of 2,000 dollars.....Its been the coldest winter in many a year.  I NEED HEAT AND SUNSHINE.. I watched some blue tits today making a nest in  one of the bird boxes  i have. Its late for them but im hoping its a sign of warmth on the way.. Or ill be singing for my supper lol

Lovely work Jets as always.

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Nice one sir,

Id call this  piece "Shooting Star, Sure aint we all  stars trying to shine as best we can in life.

Your creative star shines this day.

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

As a nation Daddy we Irish are known to be superstitious.

Some are over the top because i feel they allow  fear to rule

Monday for health,
Tuesday for wealth,
Wednesday the best day of all,
Thursday for losses,
Friday for crosses,
Saturday is no day at all.

Heres an Irish Blessing for you daddy to keep away the ghosties lol

As plentiful as the grass that grows
Or the sand on the shore
Or the dew on the lea
So the blessings of the King of Grace
On every soul that was, that is, or will ever be


Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

What a lovely simple piece.

Thought provoking  though. Time ? yes  ! Life is about time and how the  pendumlum measures out equal time.

The beauty of time is not to waste a second of it.

David Gilmore sure is not bothered by time.. he is aging with artistic class.

Be happy Mó Cara, time with fate can change all things.

Old Doll.


(69 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Irish scone recipe is very basic i feel.

This is a youtube one. It says use margarine ?  Me Mam  and i always  Use butter for nicer tasting scones.. !


I must say i  now prefer your  buttermilk recipe.   When using this recipe i dont always add fruit.
Sometimes i add ,  finely  chopped garlic and sundried tomatoe , or grated cheddar cheese and carmelized red onion. Olives also can be used finely chopped .. depending on what you wish to serve them with..

Im still trying to find out how to remove the calories  though ?. Im feeling your an Earth sign Girl Amy !

Old Doll.


(69 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Amy,
Ill hopefully get to type this without interruptions girll  Its busy here this  weekend.
Ok i use Avoca brown bread recipe. Avoca is a shop/ deli. restaurant 5 mins from me here. There food is very high quality. Delish always. A wee bit more expensive but lovely as a treat. This is there   brown bread recipe.
{ Amy in my kitchen press / larder i keep dried gogi berries, linusit seeds, mixed fruit and                                           
   nuts, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds.
i add a handful of some of these ingredients when baking bread instead of Bran and wheatgerm.. I also double up the ingredients to make more  bread which i then  slice when cool and freeze if i have no callers  ]

6 oz. white flour                         
11 oz. whole wheat flour             
3 Tbsp bran
2 Tbsp wheat germ
2 heaping tsp. baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp molasses
1 - 1 1/2 pints whole milk

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
Generously oil an 8" x 5" loaf pan. Dust it with dried breadcrumbs.
Mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Add the molasses and stir in enough milk to give the batter a "moist but not sloppy" texture.
Turn the batter into the prepared pan and shake to level.
Bake somewhere between 6 to 20 minutes, keeping an eye on the bread to see when it has risen.
When it has risen reduce the heat to 325 and continue to bake for another hour.
run a knife around the inner sides of the pan to loosen the bread and ease it out.
If, when tapped on the bottom the bread sounds hollow, it is done. Otherwise place it back in the oven just on the rack without its pan, and bake a bit more, until it passes the "hollow test", about 10 to 15 minutes.
Slice to serve and accompany with softened butter...

Here's the simplest recipe for delicious toffee.. Place One can of unopened  sweetened condensed  milk into a saucepan of boiling water. Leave for about 3 hours. Allow to cool.  Its Lovely served with pancakes. Or place cool toffee on a biscuit base-  Melt some good quality eating chocolate. Pour over toffee- chill and cut in squares. Guaranteed a winner.. Its also a very easy way to make banoffi. by just adding bananas.

Roger ! ill leave a key for you as ill be with Amy scoffing those delicious Molton chocolate cakes lol. I dare not ask for that recipe as my cholesterol would skyrocket.

Old Doll.

Hahahahahhah Zurf,

You reminded me of this joke. A wee child asking there mother what different animals looked like. Eventually she asked what a pig looked like ? The mother replied. I married one ! Go take a good hard look at your Da !

Bold but funny !


(518 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

chevo wrote:

Don't know what ever happened to this guy. He had some great tunes. This one from the 70's I think.

Edit: it seems he still performs occasionally and works in advertising in Sydney.

Thats a lovely wee song Chevo ! IVe never heard it before. I find myself humming it since i listened. Thanks for sharing.

Many years ago Bensonp, I caught my first trout mayfly fishing. on a river in  The county of " Cavan,
Andy, my sister-in- laws fiancee at that time, used to sing all Hanks songs. I can still hear the purity of Andy's voice
as he fished futher up the river. He always sang as he Fished. Unusual ! But beautiful, as his voice echoed with natures acoustics
around the hills, on a beautiful warm May day. I think i was about 19 at that time. _[ 20 years ago or so lol




(518 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Happy Easter to you all.


(69 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Me darlin Amy,

I took to the kitchen this morning..  To bake me usual grain brown bread.  as i normally do.  I had collected my buttermilk fresh.
Then  i tried your biscuits ! Well, i was expecting them to come out kinda flat like the biscuits we get here ? Was i heavy handed  i wonder ? . I  had decided to make a bigger quantity.. Why ? Coz im greedy lol. I have lots of callers here so i was thinking ill freeze some. But they came out  of the oven like  what we call "Scones here ! Now, they are and whats left of them delishious. That buttermilk sure makes a difference.
Family called, ate some, and some more.
Some even took my browns home with them [ as they do ]
My neighbour  then called, she said " Lena ! Holy mother of God what are ya cooking, the smells wafting on the breeze Cailín [ girl ] are making me hungry !  She also needs her eyes tested lol
She then pointed to the biggest biscuit/scone  left and said "Put the kettle on m having that one. Well we did Amy, sat and chatted
about your recipe. Pat was orgasmic with the taste lol. This lady makes wedding cakes, so knows a thing or 2 about baking.

Ive taken a photo of whats left, before anyone else calls lol. Now i wont freeze whats left , coz there far to nice with good butter and strawberry conserve, with a big ole mug of cha. Yumm Yumm.
The rest of my day consisted of some bad ole news i wasnt expecting .
Your biscuits were a great talking point and will be a pleasure to make now all the time. so much nicer then the shop stuff.

Thank you again for sharing.
Where would you get it ? A great recipe  for  great buttermilk biscuits on an even greater music forum !

http://picasaweb.google.com/lena.odonov … directlink

Ps. The bits that were left i made  A for Amy out of.. Look at the left side of the pics..


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I wish you a joyous and wonderful day Sir,

Unusual piece Ive chosen for you here for your special day. . On the Coast of Malabar.


Thank you for the honesty and love of our  irreplaceable friendship sir.

Abundance to you.

Old Doll


(69 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks so much Amy!  for taking the time to type  all this out.

Friday i usually bake my brown grain bread. So, ive ordered buttermilk.. Ill be baking your biscuits also.
I used to drink buttermilk as a kid. Me mam would whip the hell out of it.  Smooth as a smoothie it was. Its definitly not the same taste now. but the local dairy does supply on request.

Thanks again Amy.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Learn to keep Stum ?

Does this mean quiet Daddycool ?

It appears to me his jacksey should have been smacked when he was younger.. But i wish him well..

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good writing Here sir,

How can we sing the sacred songs
before we've learned to really love

Thoses lines are thought provoking..

Are you going to record this ? I'd like to hear it played.

Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Poems)

I read this earlier Strans but hadn't time to answer.

Its wonderful. You have is to a tee. I never had girls but adore my daughter -in-laws.
I adore there scents, baubles, style, makeup, everything girlie about them Even there wee secrets
they reveal to me.
How embarrassed they would feel  as kids "when there DA sang on holidays !  Hahahahahahahahahaha Isn't that just  typical.

Never stop communicating with them That's the magical key !

Old Doll.

PS, do they read your writings ? That would be interesting, to know how they feel about them !

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

Oh Dear !

Just seeing these replies now.  Your kind words make me teary.

I guess we grow from such tragedies over time.

Love and Light to you all.

Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Sad old song isn't it sir.

I got a feeling in my chest listening to it... I used to have the same feeling when our own war was at its heights here in Ireland.
Such dreadful atrocities over so many years.   The countless lives lost on both sides of the divide.
This was a song i heard so many times sung also in  those times.


God love  and protect all involved in war..


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Yes, i checked out his new web site.

He's a great wee kid. So young and so knowledgeable about techno stuff. He must take after
the main Man !

Old Doll.


(69 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Recipe please for homemade Buttermilk Bikkies please..
Sound  delish..

I hope you get time to chill out..