(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi MArk,
Firstly I think ye look a wee bit like a younger John hartson.

OK, Music.....

I loved them, i tihnk they are very very good. Walking and Balance I would say are much better than Games, I dont know if I like games much BUT, that is nott o say it is not good or great. I just think it sounds a bit too poppy, I think that would go down well in the charts given the right P.R

I listened to all your other songs there and I like them all, You can really tell the difference with recording at home and the studio. This makes me want to go to a studio even more now.
Your songs to me sound like acoustical rocky sort of songs, something that you could get a band with a bit of distortion on it, even the slower ones. But not Games,lol. then again maybe you could?

very well done, keep it up.



(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

arkady wrote:

Whatever anyone thought of his private life (If you could call it that) The man was a great songwriter and entertainer..
RIP Michael Jackson

well said.
I am not going to be hypocritical here and say how much I will miss him or how great I thought he was because I didnt.
I do admire for what he achieved in his life through music and thats it.

I was watching the news this morning and showing a young woman, probably too young to be around in the early 80's when whacko was at his peak. She was crying her eyes out saying she heard this heard that and then she said " I just dont know who to trust anymore" she looked genuinely heartbroken. My question is WHY? whacko probably didnt even know, he probably maybe never even had eye contact with her. If she is like this with someone she didnt know personally what will she be like with family members when they die. What a sad life she is going to have.
Death of celebrities really goes too far sometimes. Everyone thinks they know the person personally.
It is sad when anyone dies, and you could feel sad,very sad and depressed when a favourite celebrity dies but to act like this is becoming a morbid facsination.
I felt sad when Syd Barrett died and Stuart Adamson, I sad quiet most of the night and had a few whiskies and played their music. I just dont understand why folk take to the streets as if they were demonstrating against the persons death.
Take allsorts in this world I suppose.

Well, looks like whackos surgeon can finally get a day off now.


p.s. Sorry for the bad joke to any whacho fans, I have a sick sense of humour sometimes


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Alvee gave me this idea.
Rather than highjack a thread there lets hear what rubbish songs you have learned in the name of entertainment...or enjoyment.
Travis done a cover version of that britney person's "oops I did it again" ( is it called that?)
they changed my mind a bit on crappy songs done by terrible so called singers/musicians. It turns out this is a good song if done by someone else.

I have played and sang along with rowan Keaton song but I think it was a country singer first that done it, whatever it is called, but i enjoyed it.

Anyone got some embarrassing songs they will share that they do or have done?



(10 replies, posted in Acoustic)




(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

NO lol  lol lol

straight enough answer?

You could email per admin@chordie and ask him to add your chords



Zurf I do not mind anyone I internettly know having a laugh, it is the idiots that think they are funny, the ones that do not know me or my humour or attitude.
Folk that do not know others should not even try to joke, but I feel he is just a racist bleeping bleep towards scots as he has already shown.

Right Eric, yeah, No where near punk. I love love punk, folk, traditional, country,
I just hate manufactured boy/girl bands



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

totally agree with you headcase.
I do not know their reason for not wanting others to see the lyrics and chords other than they want folk to buy the expensive songbooks that are not always correct.
Here we can get different variations from folk, or easier ways to play them in a different key if needed.

yeah they are bleeping bleeping bleeps.


I wonder if every site on the internet have took the beatles songs off?

rayco37 wrote:

4 Songs !

Could it be that Eric Bogle is just a dour old man, something to do with being Scottish maybe ?

Eh No and I take offence to your unwanted words " something to do with being scottish",
why bother saying anything like this at all without wanting to start an argument?

Dour?, not at all. Do not show your pathetic ignorance here, it will do you no good.

If you knew any of eric bogle's stuff you would know he has a lot of cheery funny songs.

go grow up and do not try to argue with someone that is far superior to you in being a human being.



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

and now i just read daddy's reply lol
in the end same remedy.


(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

you might have some stale cookies.
try deleting your cookies and temp internet files and I am tihnking that should do it.


I got a few

the soldier.....harvey Andrews
trains and my grandfather........brian mcneil
no mans land ( aka green fields of france) eric bogle
reason for it all.....Eric Bogle
As if he knows....eric bogle
and the band played walktzing matilda....yep you guessed right another Eric Bogle


(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

LCAjockey wrote:

What I did not care for was that the font is small and makes it difficult to read from any appreciable distance.

You didnt care for it? lol font was small? couldnt read it from an appreciable distance?  :LOL:

some complaints in here just get better and better.

sorry if I seem rude but have you had your eyes tested lately to see if you need glasses or stronger ones?



(15 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Linusguitar wrote:

HEY! I actually do! very little, but I enjoy it sometimes. Lecrae is the BOMB. Cool to see other christians here!!!

I think it is cool to find other punks,folkies and devil worshippers here. get alsorts on here it is great.



(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

as said Well done Bud.

I think I need to do this too but I dont know when.
looking forward to hearing.



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I copy as does millions of not billions of folk in the world

But I would not copy and sell which is what this woman's boys had done I expect.
I dont agree the woman should get the fine though. It should be her sons! And with a court deciding to fine her that much then I would think she is loaded to start with.

I copy my cd's that I want t oplay in the car so my orginal ones dont get damaged. I tend to throw them about the car after taking them out the cd player resulting in them getting the odd scratch or 10 on them.



(7 replies, posted in Poems)

Excellent poem!

I am all for humans living wherever they feel like in the world but losing traditions in any country is a sad thing. And Englands traditions are slowly dying away too, but I mostly blame computers for all this.

At least ye still have that race down the big hill wit hlumps of cheese lol That is a tradtional I tihnk that will only grow more and more popular.



(4 replies, posted in Poems)

well done stransongs,
Good one
well done



(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I just call mine "guitar"


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

thats a shame Al.
I was thinking of taking my guitar down on the Saturday and have a jam or two in the pubs.
Sunday however is not a day for jamming for me, it is historically a 12:30 start in the pub, the 1st pub then the second, third then a carry out and watch the bands on stage outside then back in the pub for some more music.

Never mind, I am sure we could organise something sometime.



(2 replies, posted in Poems)

Thanks Phil,

I wrote this today after writing out a wee set list I will be doing in Jura this year. I sat and looked at it and thought how most of the songs revolved round the clearances and jacobites. And also I just finished reading a book on the jacobites a few weeks ago.
I also listen to Brian McNeils album " no gods" a lot and a song on that gave me the inspiration to write this. The song is called " bring back the wolf"  lyrics here http://www.mysongbook.de/msb/songs/b/bringbck.html



(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I could give christains a bad name..as well as jews, muslims, hindus,sieks,bhudisits, mormons, jahova witnesses as well as myself lol lol

could resist that.

humiliating anyone no matter who or what they are is a bad thing.

Anyway, Zurf has just about covered anything I was going to say so his post is good for me.



(2 replies, posted in Poems)

A poem about the highland clearances in Scotland that started about 1725 after a jacobite rising and carried on until the late 1800's. The Government decided they could not afford another battle since they lost a lot as well as scraped through a few wins ( lol yes I am biased)

They came and built roads to take us off our land
they built bridges so strong that today they still stand
burnt down the houses while we breathed in the smoke
like rabbits in a burrow we ran out before we choked
they killed who fought back and raped the women before our eyes
tears dripped from our faces as we heard our children's cries
they replaced the men with sheep, they were easier to control
paying off the lairds to ease the conscience that they stole
they broke up the clans and looked for ways to bring us down
created the black watch to keep us prisoner in a town
Now they are reintroducing the wolf,beaver and bear
so why not man where once he lived his life so fair
today we we say we want our land back
but the thought of this in westminster makes hairs stand on their backs
a Referendum  is what we will get in the year two thousand and ten
but will we get back to the hills to live in a butt and ben


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

not brilliant?
And britney spears, justim timerman, culture club, boney M, the tweets, black lace are all brilliant?

yer better than them mate and dont let anyone tell you different.

I am getting better than the wee guy I saw at balloch folk festival last year so I tihnk I will knock him off the stage this year.



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

well done Jeff, great lyrics and good story to go wit hit



(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

alvee33 wrote:
bud_wiser wrote:

Nice work fellas....this could be an point of inspiration for all. I'm thinking there needs to be a Scottish equivalent set up some day.....until the International event gets scheduled anyway.


interesting it is.

Paisley, Balloch, Al in kilbrachin? johnston? somewhere near there?
so a radius within 20 odd miles.
not impossible
