Good Morning James,
Im not angry at all. In Fact i feel very much alive "Thank You".

Some Folk  here say  " The only way to play the Bodhran is with a good Sharp Knife?

I just happen to love the Vibrancy when its played properly!

Now i Need to get off my butt and Bodhran Myself into doing some work!
May the Sun shine on you today!
Old Doll.
ps Yes! The Balm Worked!

How could you James A GRÃ ,

Include our wonderful BODHRAN PLAYERS? in that  list? LOL

Have you never heard of or Seen" River Dance"? You are surely not that rural?

The best rythem beat in the world! "WITH OR WITHOUT GUINNESS" or anything else liquid for that matter!

  This tribal sound  inate in all of us as Irish People and  our Culture helped us overcome 800 years of oppression !  Now Allannah  {DARLING} i will just put this down to overload in your "Micro Chip" Overworked and not  enough pleasure time!  You may need a "Soft Place To Fall " Probably due to overload at "SONIC"?. So mull over this! Mó Grá?  Except for your self and "AUTO Harp"
Now thats a totally different Schéile.  {STORY}

Pleasant Dreams.

Old Doll.

Hi Me ould flower badeye,
How are you doing? My Guitar Playing is coming on fine! Ahem, im so good now im being called Erica Clapton? lol jesting! The tips of my fingers feel like builders blocks. I practise 2 or more hours a day! Work permitting! Just learned "This Old Guitar#" John Denver> Love that song. and simple songs " "Just when i needed  you most", Oh and lots more i want to learn.
Just Got Chords today for one of my alltime favourites! But the F#m i do find very difficult But ill get their! Determined!
Now Badeye we just have peace in this lovely land of ours and Mother Nature is running amok! My Beautiful willow was torn to shreds with the storm we had
last night!  So from this till next March im off to the sun every chance i get.
So you keep those tents well aired, and the practise for when i arrive!
Ill bring a Gasunder for  Your "GEM" for her Garden! And sure if were stuck on the lawn ? it would come in handy! lol
Old Doll.


(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Michel,
What a nice alluring name! Nicer then Mike!
You make it all sound so easy? Copy and Paste?
I get Emails from friends everyday with q marks asking whats this all about! I do nearly bust my gut laughing,at what i send them sometimes Dont ask how i manage This I just do.
I have tried with the mouse and controls, But one day it will work out. Now i can organize huge parties but cannot copy and paste!
Old Doll.

Goodnight to you Patrick jacques.

Yes! I think like every other walk in life, The most expensive  Guitar will not make the best player! It might make them feel good! I have friends who can pick up the cheapest of guitars, and sound like " John Martyn" They are just excellent musicians,
Old Doll.

Hi Sunnidae,

Welcome to Chordie. They treat the Girlie/ Girlettes very well on this site.
Ask all the questions, they will help and answer all.  You will have a good time here as i do!   They are all Gentlemen ... Enjoy enjoy Petal. 
Older Doll.

Hóla Senoríta Trippy,

De Nada Chordie!

Salud, Buenas Noches!

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Well Roger and Sue,
Ive said  my piece on Myspace for both of you! So i wont repeat myself, as i so ofton do!

Suffice to say Roger! Badeye got you in one  " You Old Honey Dipper You".
Very well done!

Old Doll.


(242 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Try Looking up" Brendan Grace " {Irish,} He does a great impression of The Drunken Father of The Bride! Very funny!and clean.

Old Doll

How are you badeye.
Before i head for the Labba {Bed}
Well I took the dogs for a walk today and i was wet to my preverbials by the time i got home!  Jeez one hour only of complete dryness in 3 weeks?
Are you setting up those tents again? lol, "Ill be there?"  God i just reminded myself of a great song! Was it the four Tops?  Good night Badeye!
Brolly Dolly.


(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Well Thank you James!

Totally understand your explaination!
I was waiting for some wise crack to say something about the {bridge of My Nose } But hey all is good!

Old Doll.

Hi Roxmysox,
Very shortly i will be among all of the above mentioned { except Bagpipes} A hundred or more! Ive been Going to this festival for years, Its fantastic. Folk, Blues, jazz,and Trad irish /modern, You name they have it!  All Fantastic Musicians! Pensive {NO} Quiet Yes! early in the morning  when we think someone is  playing  the Bagpipes inside our heads?... A couple of gallons of water and by 12 noon we are rareing to go again untill the wee small hours?  One long beautiful week of { Ceol agus craic } Music and Fun.   Then a month to recover!! But thanks for posing the question?
I only know one person who reflects the instrument he plays?  "Our very own James McCormck" Auto Harp. Fantastic!
Take a bow James!

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Boxer,
Reading your song, after having spoken privately, I now understand?
How are our 2 {  Gswps } Doing? and you of course?
Any more songs to reveal?. I look forward to them!

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Dreamer85

What a beautiful gentle insight into Human Frailty! "You Captured it perfectly!" with your words...

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi again,
Can some one explain { Bridge } to me please?  Is it the piece between the verses? When playing?

Now dont go making it all technical for me please! As the grey matter takes longer to digest at my age { 19 } I wish!
Then it used to? Must be all the Rain?
Thank You,
Old Doll.


(20 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Satman,
I Have tried all kinds of picks? and i still feel it doesnt sound right? Looked up all the books on ways to hold them! no joy! Now i have no thumb nail{ well i have } but not  extended as it used to be! Keeps breaking?
Help Me please! Would the forum  advise useing  the picks that fit over the thumb?

Old Doll.

James McCormick,

It is 11 oClock at Night. I Have just read the piece from the Union! I could not see the screen for the tears and laughter that piece evoked. That is the funniest article ive read in a long time.
Now Where did i leave my recipe for " Unrestricted Sweet Potatoe Pie. Well! If it works for that Old Doll Who Knows?
Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


May a what be upon their What?, Do you know you could be " Going to Hell in a Bucket with M Hebert?" For that one.!lol.

You were to lenient with them? I thought of worse! But id be barred from the site if i printed My thoughts!. Yes Between consenting Adults? But this is the wrong site.  Now 7 Decades of the Rosary for You James to get out of the Bucket!

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank You James!

For the links, I appreciate you taking the time!

"A big Happy Independance Day to you also and all your Fellow Country Men!  and "Woman" OF Course!.

Old Doll.

WEll for you Patrickjaques,
George Therogood!  Great Lively music, Great to jive and rock/roll too Also!   Enjoy,enjoy!.

Old Doll.

Olá Roger, Tudo Bem?,
Yes the frying pan is packed safely away! In My luggage? and we are both on our way! " I bet that news will put some pep in your Step!lol
Boa Noite
Ate Logó! Mó Cára.

Old Doll.

Hi Jets,
Nice song! 
There seems to be a message their for Weejie Also? I hope he takes the time to listen to it.

Thank you.

Sorry Jets about "Referee" The simplistic movement of turning on record on my PC never entered my Boozy Head?.
You will just have to take my word "It went down  very well.

Old Doll.

Good Morning Babeye,
I hope thats not you putting all that funny stuff on the forum today? Bit early in the morn for that kind of thing?
Well its still raining cats and dogs here. Never saw so much rain in all my life! Ive changed my name to" brolly dolly"

But My Sons Have christened me Chordelia? Well badeye have a great day! in the meantime , I will keep writing!

Brolly Dolly!

Absolutely agee with you their Johncross21!

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

My Email is there if you ever feel the need Weejie!
Your a Little  Seoda  { Gem } Yourself!

Old Doll.