
(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thank you badeye,
I cannot believe that anyone would think im so up my own? That I would mean that quote for myself! I never had that kind of confidence! But you know badeye, Mary cannot smile anymore with her facial muscles, But her eyes still sparkle and smile. Her and i will have a good old laugh about this one! with me doing all the talking as usual! Im gonna take my laptop to her to show her this thread before i head off for a few days!
Keep well now and dont miss to much? lol. tell Gem i said Hello!


(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thank you Netzcoyte,
I am trying all suggestions, I want to pick the easiest one! Just so i can stand out in the crowd for my friend.
Thank you for your tip and supporting my friend Mary!
Dia linn { God to you }

Old Doll.


(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Good afternoon to you Will,
Let me explain to you about my quote/Signature! I was at  Healing Convention some years ago. Mary a very dear friend with motor nuerone disease had one of these !gismoes! that supported her to walk a while upright. She used this when coming to these places as her wheelchair was more cumbersome! On this particular day i watched this friend being knocked around the crowd as if her and her dissability was invisible! By so called able bodies!

I remarked to her " it was upsetting me to see this! Her reply "Lena when your sick you dont stand out in the crowd".
I use this quote for her! as she is one of the many people who has survived this long in this land with her disease!

She is Completely bedridden now,and protected in a strange kind of way from people who think like you! Small Minded!
Now Will a little piece of advice for you from this Old Doll of 56 years! "The laws of our universe are easy to understand! For every action there is a reaction. Every thing we give out we get back."
Now just what signature would please you for me? And what is it about me that rattles your cage?
I never apologise to anyone for being a compassionate person,and i sure aint going to start now with you Will./or is it Paranoid?
Some suggestions Please!!

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Well done James and your wife,

for dealing with this one. Its difficult as it can restrict your child in many ways!

My second son got the same treatment!  When my son was 22 years old,

the guy who caused him such hardship apologised to him! which i did admire! He revealed his own
parents marriage had ended at that time in school! and he hated the way i said" Hello My Sunshine Child" to my son when picking him up from school.
Message recieved!

Old Doll.


(46 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi welcometomyhead,
I came to this thread today to see what you had to say in answer to all your replies????? Nothing!  I dont read music either! My Niece who plays the Concert Harp, In the Neatherlands, is dislexic, never stopped her?
Its a well known fact to some people on this site, when i came to it i was trying to keep tabs on not losing my mind? 5 awful tragedys in 22 months!
No one  questioned my ability on music skills? But all of them recognised my passion for Guitar and music,and interacting with my fellow human beings! I ofton felt i asked the most stupid questions? But recieved gems of tips to help me along! and have improved greatly!
I do believe we all connect in life for a reason! lifelessons in all connections!
You! have been given a harvest full here! how lucky are you!
If you posed the question wrong! Say so! If your feelings are as we read, then i would rather have my own crazy head any day!    At the risk of sounding unchristian to you. Quote "Your Ulcers will not be from what you are eating? But whats eating you?"  end off.
Welcometomyhead you will be included in the candle i light every morning in thanksgiving for every member of the Chordie Site. "May God hold you all in the palm of his Hands"  because you all deserve it!
Old Doll.


(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thank you Rockgods, for that information, will check those out!

Wormproof 101, that link is excellent!

Old Doll.

Thank you all for your kind words!

Old Doll.


(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Wormproof 101,
Thank you for the info! also Jim Croce! time in a bottle. My baby Sis died 2 years ago, and her and i used to sing Croce songs. He was one of her favourites! Nice memories listening to that link!.

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Patrickjacque,
Ive come with cap in hand to apologise!
To take you outa the bold chair! I have  been informed you call Plectrums "PICKS" How can i make amends? Would you like Dinner? Or a Couple of Home Made Irish Coffees?. Or will i start making the colourful Guitar case for you? Please dont pick the latter! the others are much more enjoyable! lol.......

Please forgive me Petal!. Your coffees will be ready in 2 secs!!!

Old Doll.


(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Bingo! Ark,

You little treasure!  " Ask and you shall receive."
Thank you!

Old Doll.


(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Im learning Richard Thompsoms "Waltzing for Dreamers song.. one problem!  This D/C chord. I cannot seem to get a natural movement here! which digit do i move to play the C  to keep the flow?

Thanking you.
Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Yes! i agree Chainz 22, Come on now PatrickJacques {Paddy Jack} must be Irish running in those veins as well?  finish thoses songs!

Suggestion here from Old Doll!

If you cannot finish the ones you started! why not write a nice new colourful one about Plectrums? lol.

"35 years playing the guitar and your asking this Doll about plectrums?" See that Big chair in the Bold Cornor? your name is written all over it!you Git. lol.  "I do not have a clue" That sentence is gonna haunt me for the rest of my natural days!

Old Doll.


(0 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Devildogs-doll.
At last i can answer your post. So many photos! Not only have you lovely Children! but some of the photos of nature? wow!. Bobcats ,sunsets Aquariums! I have a  very large aquarium myself! but im giving it to my son for his new house as its now to much work for me!
Devildog!    there is a photo of one of your babies hands! "Oh my God"! i wanted to hold them and kiss them forever.. that photo made me all broody! I wonder if i looked in the yellow pages,could i get the spare parts i need? lol. Thats the second time thats happened this week! James McCormick has a babies hand to on his site which also had the same effect!
We also have a Caitriona in our clan.. name  meaning "Pure"  beautiful.
Irish or Scottish Connections? Although i think its greek origin? Like my own!
Its a pity you dont live near me.. You could have the morning off as im going to walk my dogs in a short while and would have loved to take your babies strolling with me...
Devildogs a little bit of advice for you! Your babies are like Placticine.. To have sound adults, you must start moulding them now. In my book it was loads of love, then manners, respect and honesty...  Talk talk talk with them not at them.  I did make some mistakes im sure!. But we all do at some stage! enjoy every moment,as time goes by so quickly!
Old Doll.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

if you feel its good enough for your space? then go ahead with the recording i sent you!

Old Doll.


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Ark,

I  like this song! Thought Provoking! Reminds me one cannot bury feelings!
When your feeling at your lowest, they come back to haunt you!

Well done!

Old Doll.


(46 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Badeye me ould flower!
nice to hear from you! I thought Gem had locked you up away from me!   Never in my life time took any one elses man!   have to much respect for my  fellow sisters!  Pity one of them  never felt the same about me!.
Just all maudlin At  this hour!   Badeye! Will you make us a cup of cha? and we can talk about it? I feel in a lonely old space at the moment! . But  I still need my decking done?
Nanci Griffits was magic tonight! and of course, i continued on after the show! never know when to stop?.

Old doll.


(71 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thank you so much for the link! Mhebert,
for my favourite song of all time! At this hour of the morning when this old Doll should be in her bed!    Yes! the tears are as always as big as ever! It happens always when i hear this song?  Lost times ? wasted years? who knows? But thank you? Theres a lesson here somewhere? i just need to figure
it out
Old Doll.


(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Patrickjaques,

Are you taking the{ } out of this old doll today? Plectrum {singular } are small Kinda V shaped plastic PIECES one holds to play guitar strings! They come in different gauges! Believe me i know this, as i have tried everyone one in every gauge and colour?
Now Patrickjaques does this explaination satisfy your need ?.
As i have thousands of them send me your address and ill send you some!
And you can make yourself a fancy guitar case from same?

[Aside! What are plectrums i have no clue?

Im going to see Miss Nanci Griffitts tonight "Yipee" And you patrickjaques stressing me out asking me about Plectrums?.
"Its gone away yesterday, now i find myself on the other side, where the river changed direction across the great divide" Sorry Paddy i was just practising for the gig tonight! lol." Plectrums what are you like?
Old Doll.


(71 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi 25 Frankster,

I couldn't agree more! "Unchained Melody" is my favourite song of all time! Still have the orignal album {lP}
That song still makes me cry all these years later! My son gave me the Smallest music box ive ever seen the other day and it plays "Unchained Melody". Beautiful!

Old Doll.


(46 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Mikeen Beág {Michel }

Thank you  for your reply  to that perfect person.!  Saved me loads of time to browse elsewhere!

As they say here in these parts" GO ON YA BOY YA" Must be the Gaelic in you!

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Roger Guppy!
What  are you on?  Thats  fantastic..very well done! I can see the manufacturers of that bicycle sending one to Portugal!
Old Doll.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Docphil,
I have tried many careers in my time!
I finally Decided on  the 2 thats gives me most pleasure to do.
Floristry which i qualified in 25 years ago. Love love love it.  Im my own boss! just as well as iwould have been sacked for talking breaks to visit Chordie? The pleasure from working with  the Beauty of nature. The different seasons! also Mothers Day, Valentines Day! this one is a hoot here in this land of hours! Most Irish men will spend ioo euro on a huge Red rose Bouquet,and then look for a bag to cover it up as they leave the store?. as they dont want there mates slagging them?? Most irish men need lessons on how to woo there woman!
Some Irish chat up lines ive heard docphil! " Howya! what way do you like your eggs in the morning?
or Hows it goin! Do you sleep on your belly "no" well can I?.
This one was said to me in Northern Ireland last year. This guy i was speaking to asked me " had i a spanner? When i asked why! He said " everytime he looked in my eyes his nuts tightened?. When i got over the shock i laughed for a week. Still do when i think of it! Enough of that! admin will be getting on to me!
My other Career which i love is "Massage and Aromatherpy!" Healing Massage! 18 years.
If it was the other kind, id be driving a Mercedes! I did have my own Clinic for 7 years. Due to lots of circumstances i had to give this up, much to my regret..
But hey go with the flow!all meant to be. I still do this work as well but with
Marginalized  people.in rehabs and centres. Also my friends reap the rewards of this!.  { maybe thats why there my friends } lol.
Now Docphil! there is nothing i would like more then to tell you some of the things that happened to me in this business. but as this is a public forum i cant!  There is a book their somewhere! Suffice to say " i would have needed more then towel technique?.  When my lads got older and i could relate the stories to them over tea, we used to fall about laughing. Thank God for my sense of humour!
Thank you for asking the question! Now im off to our local Priory to deliver Bridal Flowers!
Have a good day Petal!
Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Matt,
just reading your post here!
You are in my positive thoughts!  They are very tough times!

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi daddycool,
These topics are like trips down memory lane.  People with T B. here years ago were taken to 3 different airs to breathe? Mountain Air, Seaside air, and Hot Ashfelt to clear the lungs.

Welll done.

Old Doll.


(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thank you both for the tips. will do that!
Alan sheeran you just wrote my script! now 2 weeks?, ive been trying to master this for 2plus Years!.  Every time i hear that sound i just put the pick down... Some times it does sound right!but no consistency. So now i will persist....

Old Doll