
(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

My lovely Old Uncle Bob no longer with us would have Saluted this song! He was a londoner,who lived in Surrey most of his life. fought in the wars and i loved his stories of same! He lived to the ripe old age of 97 years! I could see him all over again in uniform from his photos. He was  one of lifes Gentlemen! also one of my most favourite people!
Thanks for that lovely memory.. Do you know i can here his voice in my head singing " Maybe its because i'm a londoner"Ah he was an absolute Pet.

Old Doll.


(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Re! Plectrums/Picks..

I have purchased and recieved some new plecs. some i find a little better or easier to use!
Today i was given the gift of a beautiful Amber fitted thumb pick.  I have tried it out already and i have a feeling this might be what i needed?
It does feel strange as there is a slight distance from the strings, but it still felt good to use!
Will keep all informed, and once again "A Big Thank You to All"

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I like this song also Jets!
I do believe if we change our thoughts to happy ones! we can change our world! Not always easy,but! we must try!

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good Old "Gertrude Mary Cox"!

Yes! now i have a better understanding of same!

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Goodnight James,

Thank you for that answer? Now wheres my candle? as im still in the dark?

Never doubted for one minute you were anything other then happy and adjusted! Sure we only have to read your songs!
Sleep well A Grá. Or have a good day? Tomorrow i will look up the word Statistician? To tired now? to gasted? lol.
Old Doll.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Docphil,

This Old Doll would buy a stronger  guitar case for the Guitar i have. Love it! and go traveling with the rest of the Dosh!! with my guitar!
Might even visit you ? lol.

Ps, the Guitar i gave away was a Taylor!


Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good evening James!

I know what logistics are! I know what Statistics Are!  I know what Maths are!
I even know what Slinkys are!
Now can you put away your Slinky for a min, and explain just what im missing out on here? Will it be a life changing experience for me to Learn this?
Will i be flabbergasted? Or will my Gast be just Flabbered?.... Explain please!
Be gentle with me now!  Have respect for your  Elders!!.

Ps. i do like the video, yes!  as it shows your sense of humour!

Old Doll.


(44 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi, it depends a lot on what you like!
some of my first ones were!
Peaceful easy Feeling! Eagles
You left me just when i needed you most . Dolly parton!
California Blue , Roy Orbison!
I dont want to talk about it. Rod Stewart!

Old Doll.


(17 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Well now  Nevermoore and  James its a pity you were not at my festival last week!
Lorrie Ornstein presented the Appalachian Dulcimers history, tradition and song! With a view to having a hands on workshop next summer? .as they were giving Dulcimer lessons as part of the Festival! The best part  " It was all no charge"
Old Doll.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Docphil,
Thank you for that information! I do have a brother who knows these things! so he will organize this for me! I willl let you know when i hear them! ok!

Have a happy painfree Day Doc!

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well Mherbert,
I had just made a chicken lunch for myself, as its a nice day here I took my laptop to the garden! 
That link was the best dessert ive had in a long time!
Holy God! that is amazing! It put the pep back in my step after my week of Partying!  I Really enjoyed that! so "Thank you!"

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Docphil,
Heres something for you to ponder on. Irish music session! some fiddlers, Guitarist  banjo players, whistles,accordians, Bodhran.  The session started with one of my favourite pieces of classical music! Pachelbels Canon!  Much to mine and  everyones surprise!  Talk about being lulled into oblivion. I thought id died and gone to heaven! The last section of this piece was belted out with a great Irish trad twist! It nearly took the roof off the building! and the crowd went wild.  And so Docphil  the party had  begun!
I met a beautiful Man, A Scottish Song writer called" Dave Gibb". I did buy his CD. Some of his songs are superb! and his group fantastic. Also The Sands family, Cara Dillon,Steve Cooney from Stocktons Wing, SvendEric Larsen and Band, Danish group! and so many more!
All of these musicians played every thing from The Galway Girl, To the best rendition of Frankie and Johnny i have ever heard! Even songs like "Sweet Sweet The Memories you gave to me! One young girl Played "The Isle of Innishfree on her Accordian. My Dads song!
Organized  Nocturnal  trip  to see the" Hunter Bats" at there best! French cookery lessons! Local Art, "wall to wall inspiration!. Oh so much in so short a time! I cannot wait for next year again!  Now give your self a treat and play Pachelbels Canon D Major!
Old Doll.


(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Arkady,
Ive Been using The fleshy part of my thumb! In the beginning i was thought to use my index and thumb nail together! But  I rapidly ran out of nails?
Ive seen loads of guitarist,and Banjo Players in the last week! all of them used Plectrums or in Paddyjacks case {Picks}. So a whole new education for me now?.

Old Doll.


(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Guitardocphil,
been away for a few days north of the tension line for a change! for a music festival!  Brilliant!   Only dealing with my post now! Thank you for your love Doc! always welcome here!  I will have to get Per to send me a secretary to catch up on all ive missed?. I watched a guy playing with a fitted thumb pick? he was magic! So Doc i am going to try this myself!..this should be fun? As im all fingers and thumbs anyway!
I have also been given the gift of some very special plectrums! Thank you Kind Sir!! you know who you are!?
Doc i will tell you all about the festival in Chat!
Old Doll.


(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My first appearence on stage i loved! It was an Easter Musical! in my school !Remember it vividly! I think it was the early 19 hundreds? well it feels that far back!and yes i remember My Parents in the front row, and the colour of my Mams coat! Wine!  My Dads suit, as the men then only wore suits for these occasions! Most of all the total look of love from them to me on that stage!
Money just cannot buy that sort of memory! So Thanks Arc for a lovely trip down memory lane!

Old Doll.

I thought you were 12? also.     14, hmm you hit a chord there! I remember mine at that age! They were walking Raging bags of Hormones. You "Will" have just explained why you feel the way you do sometimes! So you will be  fine it passes quickly into Manhood!
Old Doll.

Hi  Docphil and Will.
There is nothing extra special about me! I am no different to anyone else!
I am blessed with so many friends, maybe because i genuinely love my connections with people! There is always something to learn from them!
while i was reading both your post, my mp3 was playing as usual. All my favourite songs. This one in particular i love. they were a Irish group.  since disbanded i think? never hear any more of them
I know now Will you are quite young, but still think you will like this.
Doc phil i know you will love it! as you have quite an extensive knowledge of
music!  One question Docphil? Did you have an out of body experience with your crash?
Just curious!

Sorry Admin, for this thread in songwriting! but you know how these things start!!

D side. The real world


Hi Wil,
Im sure there are lots of coincidences happen in life to all!
But you should start just by jotting down words to your song! just get a note book and start! It ofton comes together very quickly! Or another picture takes on the story!
Dont try to hard as its supposed to be enjoyable!

I always seem to mention Disaster,but these things happen to some of us in life? 
My Dad died on the 3rd of June in france and is buried their! But my Mam also died on the 3rd of June in Cork City Ireland!  Both died on the same day away from home on the same date although 16 years apart!!

now i hope everyone elses story  is as happy as yours!
Now start writing Sunshine!

Old Doll .


(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Guitardocphil,
Im now wondering would the one that fits over the thumb, be more helpful with fingerpicking, as it would seem more stable? Just a thought!. I recently had a blocked pipe in my washer! Yes you Guessed right Doc!, I beautiful coloured plectrum after another, well it did make a change from socks?
Have a good Day.
Old Doll.


(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thank you Zurf, for that information!
Also it wont break the bank,as we have a great rate of exchange here Euro against Dollar! I Will probably order them on  line!
Appreciate you taking the time! I will keep you informed.....

Old Doll.


(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Will,
your apologies are graciously accepted! It takes a bigger person to do that"
I also dont like being sarcastic with anyone!as not only does it hurt them! it also leaves me with a  negative feeling! Your much to young to be telling your self your no good! You young Man are just as special as any other human being! Know this please.!  Did any one tell you they loved you today Will?

Well i do! as a fellow human being .. Now you must do the same with some one else today!  its not that hard to say once its done with sincerity.
Have a happy day Sunshine,

Barróga agus Póga to you Will!  { Hugs and Kisses}

Could i suggest you use something more young and funky as your own signature? I feel that one is a bit heavy for you. just a thought!

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Delighted to hear that news Patrickjacque.
Your Coffees await you! Im also half way through making your Case? My house is like lego land at the mo! tehe! Have a good day!

Old Doll.


(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Zurf,
no i have not! I did look at them on the net, but know absolutely nothing about them?

Old Doll.

Yes upyourkilt,
My Mam Played one! thats exactly what we called it " a Squeese box"
happy Days!

Old Doll.


(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi hopeful,
theres a good music store near  where im going for a few days! i will try the dimpled one and the Dunlop! probably end up with more dimples then  golf balls! ah well it will match the one on my own face! Lol. Where will the babies dimple be? just reminded myself of that tune! Jeez how old am i?.
Nice to hear frrom you! Keep well petal!
Old Doll