
(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ok sunshine your on!
record one and lets hear you?

I await your melodious voice! lol Now im off out to do a wee bit of singing myself. Ill sing especially in a Scottish accent for you !! Donald wheres you trewsers? lol Let the wind blow high lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalaal. ill finish this one tomorrow for you! Now i bet you cant wait?
Have a good night UYK!
Old Doll.

Old doll.


(12 replies, posted in Song requests)

Dont be like that upyuorkilt?
Thousands of woman love Daniel O Donnell?? I personally cannot stand to listen to him! But i respect the ones who do!

At least give her a listen too. We all dont have to like every singer we listen to!

Old Doll..


(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Upyourkilt,
I have no problem with  how people sing! But its so false and funny  to hear these American twangs comin from big Irish singers!

Poalo Nutini, Sings Rewind, Brilliant!

Same guy Singing Caledonia, with his own beautiful Scottish accent is

incredible!  Well worth a listen to! "Very acceptable as he is Scottish." Its not so much the accents but the add ons! My sister in law is Scottish and she sings "The Clyde" with a few bevvies , still with her Scottish accent! after 30 years of living here!

How many wonderful singers from the first note they sing are instantly recognisable? There is to me something very individual  and wonderful about this! I guess thats how so many of them become such big stars in there own right.
But i do  respect the right to you opinion!

Old Doll.


(12 replies, posted in Song requests)

James McCormick!

Your a Sweetheart! Thats exactly who i was looking for!

Thank  you for taking the time to do this for me!

Old Doll!

Ah Jeremy,
My little drummer boy! what would you like to talk about! Apart from drums?
Your an assertive 13 year old! You will have loads to talk to here!

Old Doll.


(12 replies, posted in Song requests)

Hi Ark,
and Thank you for the link! I will listen to her also, as i love the Neville singing!

This lady is much older! Maybe in her 60s! Her singing was superb! She had lost a lot in the disaster. of New Orleans! For her age she is stunningly beautiful. Some one will come up with this for me! Never been let down yet by Chordie!
But thanks again Darlin for the link!

Hav a happy Day!

Old Doll.


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good Morning Docphil!
Thank you for your kind words!
Here is my Christian Message to you today!{ Kahlil Gibran}

"You are not enclosed within your bodies, nor confined to houses or fields

That which is in you dwells above the Mountains and roves with the Wind,

It is not a thing that crawls into the sun for warmth or digs holes in darkness
for safety,

But a thing free, a spirit that envelopes the earth and moves in the ether"

You Docphill and fellow Chordians are all free Spirits.

As regards My photo, i would not want one here on chordie! You have 2 options Doc? i can privately send one to you if  you give me you email Address?
Or  i do have a photo on Friends of Chordie! Roger Guppys or James McCormick site will take you there! Now mind your self in the Rush? lol
Ps. dont be to dissapointed! My age is also wrong by 5 years! I will be 57 on September 6th.

Old Dolly?.

Have a good Day Doc!


(12 replies, posted in Song requests)

This is more for a singers name then song. She is a beautiful Black Woman. Heard her being interviewed during the New Orleans disaster. She is pretty famous! I think she sang sometimes with the Neville brothers! I did write her name down at the time! but have lost trace of it!

Any one from New Orleans on this site? Help!

Slán and Thank you!

Old Doll.


(50 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My pet hates,
are some of the Irish Country/ Western singers here! Great gutteral Irish Accents { nothing wrong with that }But when they sing they use an American twang to there singing { Nothing wrong with American accents either} Why cant  they just sing with there own natural voices?

Old Doll.


(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Reduntex,

And Welcome to chordie! you will have a blast here!

Old Doll.

Hi Jets,
Just listened to your song on Myspace. Your song took me inside both your heads! your writing of it, and your son expressing his feeling through the words!.

Old Doll.


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Manofgod,

If you were here id make you the best Dolce gusto coffee with muffins! Id be the talking one as im good at that!
Have a happy day!
Old Doll.


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good Morning Alvee,
Jeez some of that stuff with your link is scary! Id rather live in my own world! with no hard feeling towards anyone!
Is it any wonder we have wars all around the world? when people think like this?

Have a good day Alvee!

Old Doll.


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

HI Nadine 2,
i was just going to reply to your joke last eve! when a text message to go out arrived! So extreme makeover and gone! and yes i had a good night as always!
Your Joke was told to the group. and recieved a good response! Mascara had to be reapplied! from laughing!  So Thanks Nadine2 for your lightheartness!

Have a happy day!

Old Doll..


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

See you Jerome ONeill,
you will be the  the death of me! I could put a line to that one! But i wont as i have alcohol taken! But i so want to hear the rest of that line? from you!
Your a cheeky Git! But i like your sence of fun!
I heard a joke last week about pineapple rings? Well all i can say " I nearly crashed my car on the motorway! as when i laugh so harty the tears roll! so i had to pull over on the hard shoulder, nearly killed myself and my friend!
So goodnight to you, and i want to hear the punchline! or its Paddyjacks bold chair for you? Your so bold!
Old Doll.


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Oh For God sake selso lighten up! "Im Irish" We Irish have been joked about for ions" But do you know Something? It gave us the biggest gift? We can laugh at ourselves! Read back to the start of the thread to see how this one started?. Now wheres Jerome O Neill  Hiding? Im gonna box the chops off him! lol   Now selso you wouldnt want me to start a thread on just how many creeds and colours are in my family! We all get along very nicely Why? because none of us take life to seriously!
Now its a bank holiday here and i intend to enjoy it! So i sincerely wish you the same! Ok!
Old Doll.


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Go girl! That one just made me burst out laughing! must remember that 1!

Old Doll.


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Manofgod,

Can we laugh about this together! This you know is probably the cleanest one i could find to share with you?.

There once was a religious young woman who went to Confession.

Upon entering the confessional, she said, "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned."

The priest said, "Confess your sins and be forgiven."

The young woman said, "Last night my boyfriend made mad passionate love to me seven times."

The priest thought long and hard and then said, "Squeeze seven lemons into a glass and then drink the juice."

The young woman asked, "Will this cleanse me of my sins?"

The priest said, "No, but it will wipe that smile off of your face.".

Now Have a good day ManofGod! "Smile"
Old Doll.


(0 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Badeye!

Where are you hiding this weather?  This is a Scottish Singer songwriter! His songs I think you will like!  "In particular The leaving" He has a beautiful voice and is in general a very nice Person!


Have a good day!

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

Good Morning Docphil,
Your on the ball this morning! Just writing here as usual!  Jammies! No stats! not a pretty sight! Yes" Yes" Yes" God that sounds like something from a film!
I would not have a clue as to what i could give you in return, with your knowledge of Music.?
I love all music, but do you know Ronnie Milsap? I love his " Lost in the Fifties Tonight Song!
When i wasnt singing with our group years ago, i could always be found in the local dancehalls. Every night {must be where i got this night owl part of my nature from?] One dance hall had a huge Silver diamond cut globe hanging from the ceiling! the dancers would be all shiny and sparkly as they danced!
I can still smell thoses places even now! Not in a sad way! but of such innocent
times! Milsaps song always reminds me of these times. But most people say who? when i mention him?  John Fogerty!" Have you ever seen the Rain!" was one of the first songs i learned on guitar? Love his nasel way of singing!
What ever you would like to send through cyber is fine with me!
Now Docphil "thank you "for this lovely introduction to this day!  May the sun shine on you, and you have a painfree day! Also for keeping the interest going in some of chordies threads!

Dollie?  { Docphil i havent been called a Dollie since Adam was a boy! Tee Hee! "See! that brought out the 19 year old once again!


(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

Goodnight Ark,

How stupid of me! I looked under" Mark Knopfler" only! I did think it was strange it wasnt their!    Just a little project ive decided to take on!
So Thanks for the link.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

Hi .
can anyone point me in the direction for links to Chords and words "Romeo and Juliette? Please!


Old Doll.


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Manofgod,
Im a Catholic and im not insulted? I think this is what is wrong with most religions! They become to fanatical and lose their Sense of Humour!  I had a baked Potatoe once for lunch that looked like God on the cross! Did i laugh? "yes" Did i eat it? "yes" I was Simply hungry.!
So now do i have to join Mherbert in that bucket? I dont think so!   Ah lighten up sunshine" your only here for the blink of an eye!
Diá Línn. { God to You}

Old Doll


(0 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I had an Email early today to say, "this great man had passed last night in New Hampshire!"
I just wanted to Salute You Tommy for sharing all your great talents with us. Your wonderful contribution to the history of music! Thanks for all the fun times Mó Cára..x

Slán agus Diá linn.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

jeez James,
you got that in one? no party here for you! "Maggots" only good for fishing!
Wheres the Gasúr Draoi { Young Boy Magician} gone from Jammie stats
With the cheeky Grin?.
All joking aside, how do you come up with these songs? My words all seem to follow the same theme?
Now back up that sleeve James to find your funny bone!
But well done!

Old Doll