
(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Been listening to "Irma Thomas" the last few hours,  "OH SHE SO GOOD" Gutsy, sexy, Passionate. She would  breathe your GITCHA'S in and sing them out in Bubbles! I bet!
Thanks again for the link.
Old Doll.


(41 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Q. Whats the difference between an Uzi and Accordian?
A. The Uzi stops after 20 rounds?

  Old Doll.


(41 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

"T"was the Irish who invented "The Bagpipes"

We gave them to the Scots! Who havent copped on to the joke yet?

Ouch! UYK!

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Im still trying to figure out who is gonna Get Who?   Never heard the expression before!
I only had visions of  mosquistos James! Now they do blinking get me every where when fishing!  As always thank you for another slant on writing!

Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good Morning Docphil,

Just started my day with this piece! Enjoy.


Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank You gentlemen for your kind words!

I do hope to record it soon!

Ark! You can call me what you like! Sure didnt we spend two nights together Recently? lol.  Shush Now! we don't want everyone to know!

Slán and Thank you,

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Ah Emma.xx

That is lovely! I so want to hear the chords to this piece! It has a lovely feel of innocence about it!

Well done.

Old Doll.


(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I had never heard of "Ian Davison! His stuff is fantastic to read! apart from listening too. So Thanks for the intro!

Old Doll.


(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ah Boxer,
Schull, Magnificent! they have great activities on at this time of year! Regattas, Out door céile, or Rock"n"Roll, with Sean Óg,"God bless ya Seaneen!" A lovely name for your Rock"N"Roll Band!" Many an ould dance i had in the harbour view! Regattas, Markets, Fish dishes to die for! Ah boxer look what you started!! now i want to pack, and head off again! My Beautiful Father-in-Law, was from West Cork.
May the light of heaven be shining on this man! Another one of  lifes finest!
Do you know boxer, our clan are like snuff at a wake! We are everywhere!
Maybe sometime we will go revisit some of these great places?
Old Doll.

Hi Docphil,
How are you today? feeling good i hope!

I  have memories of "The Big Bands" when dancing! All the Guys at some stage in the night would get the oppurtunity to show off there skills. "The Drum solo would be announced,and hundreds of us would gather around to listen and enjoy watching the raw talent of these guys.
It would be the same with the lead Guitarist!or anyone who had a God given talent within the showband .  There was something very intimate and special about this kind of Showmanship! I also feel This was the reason for so many talented people in thoses times! This would encourage the patrons watching to want to have a skill and /or the Adoration of the crowd?    People did use there natural abilities to learn with no real fancy equipment.
Todays natural talent is eroded with technology. In my humble opinion of course!

Have a Good Evening Doc!


Old Doll.{Y]  TeeHee.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

No Fancy work here! Just words i hope  will speak for themselves!

Light!Words/Chords, Helena Donovan   July 2007

[G] There is a [C] place to [Dm] lift [G] you

When [C] life can [Dm] get you [G] down

It’s in your [C] heart it’s [Dm] part of [G] you

[C] Explore and [Dm] it is [G] found.

[G]There is a [C] time when [Dm] you must [G] decide

To [C] choose the [Dm] lights [G] within

From[C] chambers [Dm] deep just [G] made for you

Just[C] look they [Dm] are [G] inside.


[G] There is a[C] map to [Dm] life for [G] you

[C] Search It [Dm] to [G] advise

[C] Behind the [Dm] lines and [G] every bar

Your [C] inner [Dm] voice will [G] guide

[G]There is a [C] Space for [Dm] each of [G] us

To[C] sit and [Dm] think and [G] muse

That[C] life goes [Dm] on [G] regardless of

Just[C] how we [Dm] lit the [G] fuse.

[G] So think on[C] this and [Dm] you will [G] know

When[C] life gets [Dm] things [G] askew

The[C] light you [Dm] seek is [G]always lit

With [C] in the [Dm] heart of [G] you.

The [C]light you [Dm] seek is [G] always lit

With[C] in the [Dm] heart of [G] you


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi, Daddy? How cool are you?

Enjoyed each and every one!
Also i can see every beginner on the site Playing " Give us a Song!

Well Done!

Old Doll.

Ah Jeez,
Another walking bag of 13 year old Hormones! God help your Mam! Been there done that! enjoyed it! but to old to deal with this  now! But i do have some beautiful nieces, who just might be able to deal with you  "Stud Muffin"at your age?. lol

Old Doll.


(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My darling boxer,
My home is an open space to any one who feels like calling here! and if you want to visit Ballycotten! I will take you personnaly! I would love to show you around this place! You i feel would love my brother and his beautiful wife and family! and the Cork Area!
Old Doll.


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Now Jerome,
Its late in the morning here, ive had a great night! Did you ? My motto for now is "Carpe Diem " Are you getting fresh with this Old Doll?. Been around the block to many times for this kind of banter!  I have kids and clothes older then you i reckon! You behave  like my! oldest son, 27th june? born.  full of devilment .
I heard another great joke tonight? i think i may just email this one! as it was so funny and a lot cleaner then the last one! So as always behave! and as Mó Cára says write a song!lol Nothing better to cheer up an Old Doll.

Old Doll


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Goodevening Jerome,

Paddyjacks/ Patricjaques, is another member of Chordie here. I recently put him on my bold chair! This is an expression i use both with adults and children, when i feel they done something wrong! I use it in jest! In Pj case i was wrong and apologised! but i am still working on his new guitar case made from coloured plectrums?
As for my joke! Holy moly! you wont be getting that one in any way from me! It is far to rude and sexual in content! but im so tempted!! leave it with me!
Now you have a good evening and behave yourself!lol.

Old Doll.


(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well isnt that a coincidence! My Sister who lives in Holland owns "A beautiful Bungalow their" Her summer Home in BallyCotton! for some 12 years now!  I know that place like the back of my hand.  Great little pubs, people, and fresh fish from the harbour!  Ballymaloe, Darina Allans famous cookery school, Stephen Pierce, one of my favourite potters! Great cliff walks! Abundant nature! And best of all one of my lovely Brothers, lives just down the road in Middleton.
Another great little town!  Now UYK if you have never been, put it on your list to do! but bring your guitar, as music is always welcome around those parts.
Be careful on the cliff walk? you just might bump into this Old Doll. lol.



(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hmm, Bitter Sweet! James,

Reminds me of "The Slap of Rejection i Once Felt!

Old Doll.


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Very interesting Ark!

It does make one think about the mental stability of some people.!! but then none of us are perfect!

Old Doll.


(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

below is the link for your fellow Artist. His web site  has lovely pictures of where he lives in Scotland!.  He has so many great songs. "
The leaving" is probably my favourite! He has a song "Degoolified" which somehow i feel you might learn with your sense of humour!!  There is another one about "Men and Fridays nights" again i feel you may learn this one!

There is no direct translation for your request?

This one word is commonly used in Cork  City slang! "Gattle" meaning looking for woman!
The one thats used mostly here if someone is annoying you! "Póg Ma Thoin!,

Pronounced! "Poag Mah Hone" meaning "Kiss My A##!  My Old  teacher would be so proud of this! {i dont think }
There are plenty more but i will email them privately, as they are not for this site! Ok.
Let me know what you think of Dave Gibb?

Old Doll.



(12 replies, posted in Song requests)

Boxer, its pouring down here!
Just been looking to book flights  somewhere to the sun! I do have a holiday booked for end of September with my friend Anne! "Instria Croatia" cannot wait! But in the meantime, i need some sun!

Enjoy your Day!



(12 replies, posted in Song requests)

Good morning Boxer,

Isnt Irma just the finest, so glad you like her. I love woman with passion like hers!

Have a good day. I have a lovely image of you in my head this morning from your Photo!!


Old Doll


(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good morning UYK!
I do believe you damage your own vocal chords when trying to sing like someone else! there  pitch and range can be so different to yours! It can put strain on your own vocal chords.

Had the great pleasure of spending time with and listening to "Dave Gibb" last week! Mother of God, that Mans voice and songs are  God given!  You must know Him UYK! as he is one of your own?.

Old Doll.


(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

you have a beautiful quality to your voice! Very Distinctive! Now thats exactly
the point i am trying to make about ones own natural singing voice.  Just  sing and be your self! and allow others to enjoy it!

Old Doll.


(12 replies, posted in Song requests)

Irma Thomas Singing for me,  "Hold me While I Cry" Is every Womans Anthem!
Singing from her very soul, is what i remembered about her and her interview!
and at breakfast time! now much better can this day get?

Old Doll.