(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Tenement Funster wrote:

Nice song, Mojo ... really heart-warming. AND ... I also like that you actually have a room at work where you can take time to do personal stuff like recording music. I just hope your boss doesn't visit the Forums at Chordie, or it could be trouble. lol

TF, the boss don't mind I'm on my time off in the evening in my quarters. now my neighbor next door can hear me through the thin walls when I play at night might mind lol. perhaps I should explain,  i work a 28 day rotation for a large oil company i am currently working n a small west African country i have a small apartment on the compound where i live while i am at work. Not much else to do here on my down time
and thanks' for the comment i am glad you liked it


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I changed the chords up a little and a couple of the lines from the previous post and gave it a name. sorry about the back ground noise, recording on my lap top in my room at work. hope you like it


(20 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I agree with the others got some good lines in this one. haven't had a chance to play it will have a go at it after work today.


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

well it has been awhile since I posted anything this is one that has been in the works for awhile and still may make some changes but any way here is my latest attempt at song writing. this is pretty much the life story of my old man. I think one of my biggest regrets in life is that he never heard me play he passed while I was just learning guitar. wow a little over thirty years since cancer took him seems like only yesterday. any way hope you like it and maybe it brings back a memory of someone you miss.
Am             C                            G          A
C                                                   G                      Am
with a sway back horse and a mule named jack
C                                                G           Am
he headed to the gin by the rail road tracks

with a cotton bail that made his fingers bleed
it was deep east Texas 1943

the hard times were over or so they said
but they never worked the fields just to make their bread

the times were tough just like before
he joined the Texas guard and headed off to war

he was just 18 when he went over seas
to see the world and the Japanese

sent his money home to his mom and dad
paid for the land and everything they had

survived the war and went back school
learned a trade and how to use his tools

but a back woods town the times were still hard
headed to the coast to work the ship yards

had a forgiving wife three boys and two girls
smoked his camels and drank his pearl

for thirty year's he worked the ships
along the docks and in the slips

they had no OSHA or EPA
you did your job and you earned your pay

his only dream was to move back home
when the job was done and the kids were grown

you make your plans and you break your back
save your money and you build your stack

fate steps in and takes it all away
two short years from retirement day

was it ship yard fumes or two packs a day
or just to much drink its hard to say

he moved back home this much is true
I saw it myself from the front pew

for eternity now where he lays
in that deep east Texas red dirt clay


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

welcome aboard

i will give your so bad a shot as soon as i get over this crud, between work and hacking up a lung every morning not much for singing this week. how ever  i will post this that i recorded earlier,  i thought i saw some where they were looking for Texas artist for softm . so here is a song written by a Texan, townes  van zant. made famous by a Texan Willie Nelson and now butchered  by a Texan ( me)


Jan nice cover, the voice of an angel with a broken wing  uh leg  get well soon

here is wishing everyone a speedy recovery, having suffered a few hold my beer and watch this self inflicted injuries  and preforming health defying stunts over the years I feel your pain so to speak. come to think of it that may be what's wrong with me now ,one to many blows to the head. I don't remember ( see previous sentence )  who here summed it up pretty well with the saying getting old is not for sissies. but all this does give inspiration for a song of the month, Up on cripple creek.

in no particular order here a few of the self inflicted
broken arm - skate board
concussion/amnesia - football
broken arm - ladder
concussion - dirt bike
dislocated shoulder - dirt bike
road rash/ stiches- street bike
broken elbow- car wreck
and the list goes on, my accident rate has gone way down as I got older and wiser. so when some one says hold my beer it is me holding the beer now because its lot more fun and less painful being the first responder than the respondee.

Peatle Jville wrote:

My prayers and thoughts are with the good folk of Texas. At this time I pray the people worse affected find the strength to get through it.

people from all over are sending help, our neighbors to the east have sent the Cajun navy. every red neck in texas with a boat has headed that way to assist.i would be going my self with my friends but I leave for work in the morning. say what you want about this country but when a neighbor is in trouble or any one for that matter Americans drop what they are doing and come to the rescue. thanks for the thoughts and prayers on behalf of my fellow Texans

TIGLJK wrote:


Can't help but think there is a song in there with how you posted that title ......  I was just sitting here thinking about the opening line,,,,,

well it's raining here in Texas, don't know when  it will  end
well it's flooding here in Texas, gonna need some help  my friends

I hope there is no further loss of life.   With all the other dumbass stuff going on in our country, maybe we can instead focus on helping the good folks of Texas recover.

Best wishes and prayers  to all of the Texans that are suffering.


well I am afraid the first line is taken. texas flood was a big SRV hit not sure who wrote it. it was kind of his anthem.

unclejoesband wrote:

Oh wow! You're practically in the heart of that mess. Will you have to bug out?

Hang in there and good luck

on the northern edge of the storm  we are good here in Nac, got friends and family farther south not doing so good. I grew up on the coast , rode out hurricanes in the gulf on platforms and on onshore to, never seen anything like this.

asking all my chordie friends to keep Texas in their thoughts and prayers.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

had a few minutes this morning so here is quick cover of good time Charlie from memory ( which aint to good) so lots of mistakes I sure

Peatle Jville wrote:

Muchas Gracias, Thank you Mojo.

de nada mi amigo
now knowing that it should explain these lines .
he blew a smoke ring and he smiled at me, I aint never going back
and we were  flying like the end was not in sight and we soared all afternoon

if you liked that song you should check more of his stuff. Robert earl Kean, all of his songs tell a good story

Peatle Jville wrote:

Mojo great choice of song. It is the first time this Gringo has heard that  song and I enjoyed it  immensely. I was just wondering what is the DEA the cowboy was running from???

that would be the drug enforcement agency

well it looks like I missed out on a good time. cant wait to see the rest of the pictures

ok so I had every intention of doing bad moon rising, been playing that one for a long time. never realized how bad I sounded singing it until I recorded it. lets just say it don't fit my voice. so instead here is a song I just learned last month by REK.


(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)

that's pretty cool stuff

unclejoesband wrote:
mojo01 wrote:

Malabo, let me know if you need a hint

Equatorial Guinea?

that would be the it

Malabo, let me know if you need a hint

can I get a second flag? I spend six months out of the year at my second home.

Baldguitardude wrote:

Beamer, great job. I put a note in Soundcloud. This song is HARD. Fun challenge!

Here's my try.  https://soundcloud.com/joe-lilly/taxi-c … -the-month

you nailed this one

Baldguitardude wrote:
mojo01 wrote:
Zurf wrote:

I don't know about Mojo, but I have played and sung with BGD and it was a blast.  I can only imagine how much fun we'd have with Mojo and his pickles pitching in.

sounds like I good time but Texas is a long way from where  you guys throw the chordae get togethers.i would love to sit down and play a few tunes with my chordae friends. maybe some one knows how to send a audacity file around by email it could be done that way maybe.

How far are you from Dallas?

3 1/2- 4 hours depending on traffic

Zurf wrote:
TIGLJK wrote:

all of you  guys - nicely done.    Looking forward to the recording of it by the " Chordie trio  "        If only you three could get together and play it collaboratively.

keep'em coming


I don't know about Mojo, but I have played and sung with BGD and it was a blast.  I can only imagine how much fun we'd have with Mojo and his pickles pitching in.

sounds like I good time but Texas is a long way from where  you guys throw the chordae get togethers.i would love to sit down and play a few tunes with my chordae friends. maybe some one knows how to send a audacity file around by email it could be done that way maybe.

interesting as I never really thought about it my self until a few weeks ago.  I had made my first CD with the song Zelie that I wrote for my newest granddaughter, and gave the wife and daughter for mothers day. every one loved it including my first grand daughter who is four. now here is where the problem comes in, the wife tells me you need to write a song for your other grand kids. well that would mean three more songs. and that is where the why I write question comes in, I don't why or where they come from.if I sit down with a specific subject in mind to write a song you can forget it. now a certain line or phrase pops in my head and I can relate it to something bingo the song just kind of materializes. so I guess my answer to the question why I write is I don't  know.  a perfect example is I think is what seems to be the favorite of everyone when they ask me to play one of my songs. oil field trash. that first line "staring at the bottom the bottom of an empty glass "sat in my note book for a longtime. I always had visions of a song about drinking to much coming out of that line.but one night sitting at work looking through my note book I read the line and the second line just kind of popped in my head and the rest just kind of wrote itself. sure it came from experience but I did not sit down with the intention of writing a song about the oil field life. which gets back to where this started the wife does not understand why I just don't sit down and write three more songs for the other grand kids. i suppose if I could do that  I wouldn't be working in the oil field I might rich and famous song writer. ahh there is the answer I want to be rich and famous. there is probably a song in that somewhere. well now I am staring at the bottom of an empty glass so I will shut up now before I say something really stupid. as the others have said Peatle great conversation starter thanks for posting it