(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

TIGLJK wrote:

Sweet snag there JJJ.  I also like the dedication - honorable sir !

Now that it`s too late. I wish I did it before. I think it`s going to be named Dino.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanx picture fairy for working your magic.Amy---This was a bit pricey. $600.00. As soon as I picked it up, it had a feel to it. Then I plugged it in, played it for a few minutes and I was sold. It was waiting for me to buy it. How do I know?? It had flat wound strings on it. Chris and I (we`re still together) went to Gabrielle`s art show in Westfield. We stopped at the West Springfield Guitar Center and there it was. Right place. Right time. I guess.

For some strange reason, I can picture Dino starting out on one of these. With a Supro or Kay amp. A 59-62 Silvertone Jupiter.  Pic on facebook.  RIP Dino. You always noticed my NGDs. I will miss your comments.


(29 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

R.I.P. Dino. We used to have a race to see who could wish each other happy birthday first. It won`t be the same now.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Reading glasses. They are cheap. Available everywhere. Even at Dollar Tree.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Huge news here. Especially since it is local music. A major loss.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Yesterday was my last day at Frito Lay. I am retired. Handed in my card key and gas credit card. The job was too draining and I couldn`t wait until I was 62. First on the agenda is to restring all my acoustic guitars. It has got to the point that I just can`t reach for another one.  Then get some rest. Travel a little. Then find another job more age friendly. For now, I am still trying to get used to the fact that I don`t have to go in anymore. I signed off my route and cleaned out my truck. April 28th will officially be my last day. On April 29th (weather permitting), I am having a marshmallow toasting. Throwing all my work shirts in the firepit and burning them. The Genny will flow and the marshmallows will be plenty. The guitars will be playing. It is a distance but anyone is invited. I know it is far away but the invitation is open.   Oh. Special thanks to everyone here. You have been there through the best and worst of times. You have all been great.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Zurf wrote:

On the small car front, I am loving my Prius. With the back seat down (it folds flat) I could sleep back there.  A couple guitars and some camping gear wouldn't be a problem.  I'm averaging 44 mpg overall. 

You'll get a premium price for your FJ I'm sure.

I have no intention of selling my FJ. I had a hard enough time finding it.I `m thinking Subaru Baja. 4 Wheel Drive. 4 doors. Tiny truck in the back. Winters up here can be challenging sometimes

Zurf wrote:

On the small car front, I am loving my Prius. With the back seat down (it folds flat) I could sleep back there.  A couple guitars and some camping gear wouldn't be a problem.  I'm averaging 44 mpg overall. 

You'll get a premium price for your FJ I'm sure.

I have no intention of selling my FJ. I had a hard enough time finding it.I `m thinking Subaru Baja. 4 Wheel Drive. 4 doors. Tiny truck in the back. Winters up here can be challenging sometimes

First thing I plan to do is sell my pickup and bike. Get a small car. Maybe do a bit of traveling. My car uses too much gas to do that on a regular basis. Most important. I want to get some rest. 13-14 hours a day gets a little tiring. Then look for a job more age appropriate. Either way, I am looking forward to it

As many know, I am due to retire on April 28th.  Today, the "Big Boss" came over and informed me that I had 3 weeks vacation left.  Then he asked me if I wanted the money and work. Or if I wanted to take the time off. That was a no brainer. So now My retirement is moved up to April 7th.  The last 3 weeks are paid vacation. Only 8 more working days.  I will still be employed until the 28th. I just won`t be working the last 3 weeks.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Happy NGD. If anyone can appreciate an NGD, it is me.

I actually gave them all to my daughter. I am just borrowing them. There are a few she has to keep when I am gone. The rest, she can do what she wants to with. If I find a new one, it is automatically hers. A little more to it than that.

Thank you for posting the pics. If it wasn`t for the gold hardware, I wouldn`t have even noticed it. From 4 feet away, all the other guitars looked the same. This one stood out in the crowd. Like it had an aura around it. As soon as Chris saw it, she knew it was coming home with me. Lol.

While in New Hampshire, I saw a Gretsch that stood out like a light. It was calling me. I have never seen this color combination. It also wasn`t so expensive that I am afraid to scratch it. Picture on facebook. Picture fairy. Please help.





(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

We are getting buried here in Auburn right now. The wind is brutal too.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That looks great. Great way to recycle the old name plate


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

TF-- thanx for posting the picture.  Scott-- the body is chambered. Not hollow. Not quite solid.  Everyone-- Thanx for all the compliments.  7 more weeks, I will have time to work on and play all these toys. For what it`s worth-- this plays like a dream. Just have to get used to playing electric again.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Picture fairy. Please help. UPS delivered it yesterday.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Happy NGD. Then again. I have never heard of a sad NGD.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

It should be here on Friday. This time it is a Gretsch White Penguin.  When retirement comes, I will probably be doing this less and less. If I am going to cut down, I may as well do it in style.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Happy Birthday Scott.


(60 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If there is something going on in May or June, I may be able to attend. If it is within a reasonable driving distance. I won`t be working. I will definitely have some free time.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

What would I do. Lol