(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Just a Day - Feeder

It was the encore at wakestock 2006, the crowd were chanting it, they went crazy when it started!

Someone always complains, look at the recent Queens Of The Stone Age gig.

They got kicked out of their gig at a rehab centre for playing "Feel Good hit of the Summer". Somehow I think they knew they would get kicked out.

I don't see how you could ban songs for 9/11 though. They'd have to ban "Wake me up when September ends" as well.


(44 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

bootleger wrote:
Tibernius wrote:

Hey, since you know about the electronics, maybe you can fix a problem i'm having with one of my guitars. As soon as i plug the guitar in, there's a horrible buzzing noise from the amp. It only happens with one guitar, and it stops when the lead (cord) is touched. (metal ends on the cord)

Any ideas?

Loose ground (earth) wire either on your input jack or on the ground (earth) to your pot.


Thanks, I'll have a look at that later.


(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Zurf wrote:

Then again, maybe counting isn't that important after all.  There's a band in my area called the Dixie Jazz Quartet that has five members. 

- Zurf

Nice one! Which area are you in, I'll remember to count my change if I ever shop there?!


(44 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Hey, since you know about the electronics, maybe you can fix a problem i'm having with one of my guitars. As soon as i plug the guitar in, there's a horrible buzzing noise from the amp. It only happens with one guitar, and it stops when the lead (cord) is touched. (metal ends on the cord)

Any ideas?


(44 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

No problem, glad to be of some help. Let us know when you've made your next guitar.


(44 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Try these then:






All in the US. Warmoth sell parts and complete custom guitars. LMII sell pretty much everything for making guitars, so do StewMac. The last sells plans (isn't that strange...), not sure if you could use them for a business though.

Couple of things from the book I mentioned earlier (if you haven't bought it by now, go and get a copy): "The only way to make a small fortune making guitars is to start with a big one.". Make sure you know all of the woodworking techniques, it's no good trying to build a guitar without them.

And make sure you start early, make a few guitars (maybe using the plans i mentioned) and start basic.


(8 replies, posted in Electric)

Try the Bullet in a Bible album by Green Day. Loads of solos on there, mainly after introducing each member of the band!


(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

There's a page on wikipedia about him too:



(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

bonedaddy wrote:

Nick Drake, English singer/songwriter, killed himself after about 4 albums in the 70's but great songs!

Never heard of him. Until now.
Was he Solo only or was he in a band as well?


(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)



(21 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

last_rebel wrote:

I don't know about newer ones, but my dad's 30 year old epi acoustic has an awesome sound even after all these years.

Aren't guitars supposed to sound better with age?


(2 replies, posted in Song requests)

Anyone found the correct tab for this? The last one I tried sounded nothing like it. Guitar Tab version.


(44 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

dguyton, which country are you in? I know a few shops that sell guitar parts online, thanks to the book I mentioned earlier.

gitaardocphil wrote:

And finally, where is the line between legal and illegal, if I cover an existing song, or better some one else, and I did see many times that the cover is very popular, and if I am not wrong, can people download it.

I'm not 100% certain but from what i understand if you don't profit from it (i.e. it's free) you should be alright releasing it.

Have you seen any other websites that mention this?

gitaardocphil wrote:

I am convinced that copyrights are different in different countries. I think here, they last for 70 years, and what happens, the Netherlands are now using songs from the 30ies (about that I am not 100% sure, I read it somewhere).

In the UK it is life of the artist plus 30 years.


(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

aj1 wrote:

Tiberius, the ISBN number is 0-87930-611-4 (Price printed on back of cover is US$19.95)

Thanks, I'll have look for it.


(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

aj1 wrote:

I bought a great book, recommended by someone on Chordie actually, called "How to write songs on guitar" - by Rikky Rooksby.
It cost me GB£9.21 with free delivery from PLAY.COM.

The book has loads of great tips and info on song structure, chord progressions, scales etc. etc. etc.
It's the best guitar book I've bought and I'd highly recommend it.

You got the ISBN number for that?

jamiey1 wrote:

my dream guitar is a Gibson les paul but im still happy with my Wesley.

Which Wesley?


(44 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

If you haven't already got it, try the book "Make your own electric guitar" by Melvyn Hiscock, ISBN number 0-9531049-0-7.


(12 replies, posted in Electric)

hcullis wrote:

well i'm from the UK and tryin to avoid an america shop as the p&p will cost quite a lot. If it isn't from a different country i could stretch to £500, so i think i can fins a decent guitar for that amount, not sure what thoug!! thanks a lot for you're comments everyone, i'll take them into consideration!! once again, saved by chordians!!

Check this website out then, they are much cheaper than the high-street guitar shops:

http://www.musicstreet.co.uk/index.php? … db5df7f0c5


(44 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I've read a few books on the subject, and they all say to make a few guitars before setting yourself up as a luthier.

Check out this website:


A quote from Iggy Pop:

"The best way to kill your music is to sit down every day and work at it. You've got to sneak up on it and catch it when it's not looking."


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

If it doen't have to be a Flying V, just similar style, have a look at this:

http://www.wesleyguitars.co.uk/storefro … =236208838

That is a copy of a B.C. Rich Warlock.



(12 replies, posted in Electric)

gitaardocphil wrote:

I compare these guitars with a car: BMW, MERCEDES, LEXUS, they are expensive too, it is maybe a stupid fact to compare a Gibson with a Mercedes, but they have one thing in common, producing a very good product.

Good point, also...

Lexus is another name for Toyota. You can buy a Toyota that is the same as a Lexus for about half the price. You can buy an Epiphone that is the same as a Gibson for about half the price.