(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thankfully I don't suffer with headache { well rarely]

My brother suffers with migraine for years now.. Chocolate- Cheese- and Chinese food takeaway.
Mono sodium glutamate side effects !

I agree with buvvy, i have heard of tissue salts being affective. I used them years ago for sinus problems.

My advice would be take 10 Min's every day to switch off and relax.. Old fashioned cat nap is very effective. This also works.. Burning essential lavender oil in your home. relaxes the mind, so in turn every other part of the body happily follows..

Your migrane is now being aggravated by your thoughts .

Positive thoughts to you sir.

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Love these links Bensonp.

I guess thats how my list of things to do works !. From the smallest to the biggest ive been listing  stuff for years. Some come right out of the blue at times.
I love the coffee video.. Im a holy terror for not having stained cups. I just cannot drink from a cup/ mug thats stained .. A jam jar id drink from as long as it spotless ! I  know i have a problem now. lol

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ya gotta love the local Dj's. Especially when its Kerry local radio.


Old Doll.


(69 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hush Puppies ?

Hahaha.- Shoes ? or the jalapeno ?

Mekidsmom, I adore cheese cake. Now, not the ones you add jello too. I love the Original cheese cake's
Key lime is one ive found and made in the last few years. I use cottage cheese and philly cheese !
Id be interested in some older cheese cake recipes you  or anyone may  have ..

This is no bake Baily's Cheese cake.

1 1/2 packet sweet biscuit crumbs [ Use ginger nut [ nicer flavour }
75 ml melted butter.  Crumble amd mix with melted butter. Press into spring loaded tin.
800 g cream cheese
800 ml single cream
1/2 C castor sugar

A good half glass of  Baileys Irish cream.
Mix the 1st 3 ingredients untill  thickened.  { Dont over do it . It thickenes while chilling.

Then fold in bailys. You can add chocolate and or juice of an Orange.

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Ah no !

Bungalow Ken !!! Just kiddin.

deadstring wrote:

And further back the lyrics were even stranger. I GOTTA GIRL NAMED LAM A LAM A LAM A LAM A DING DONG.  lol

Gosh " near busted me gut  laughing at that one deadstring. Here the words ding dong is another name for a mans lower extremities lol..

Now i adored Johnny Cash. But this song  he sang !!! Ive been flushed from the bathroom of your heart"


Lord, ill be fabreezing me knickers after listening to this one again.

Old Doll


(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Intoguitar,

My advice to you ! Look at youtube. theres so many covers of this song on there.
Some easy ! some more complicated. take the easy route. Learn it .Then you can always embellish your playing with practice.

This guy is brill. But some of us have to crawl  etc....

Enjoy ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY22A0UdOkM

Welcome to chordie.

Old Doll.

Melody always strikes the chord with me first.

This usually makes me listen to the lyrics to get the full picture
From the first time i heard this song it made me cry, Still does to this day. I have no clue as to why it always affects me this way. Touches something deep inside somewhere.


Old Doll.


(69 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Medkidsmom! ya cant get any more irish then this bread.
Did you ever bring potato cake
in a basket to the school,
Tucked underneath your oxter
with your book, your slate and rule,
And when teacher wasn't looking
sure a great big bite you'd take,
Of the flowery flavoured buttered
soft and sweet potato cake."
Boxty Bread.
1lb (450g) Raw Potatoes (peeled and grated) Then wring tightly  in a linen tea cloth to remove excess water and starch ] dont worry about the raw potatoe changing colour. Nae bother!
Add  1lb (450g) Cooked Mashed Potatoes
1lb (450g) Self Raising Flour
2 Teaspoons Baking Powder
2 oz. (60g) melted Butter
2 eggs.

Mekidsmom. "No woman is an Island " lol use any  electrical gadget  you can get your hands on to make it quick and easy... leaves more  time for guitar practice !

Heat pan, bacon fat is the best to cook them in for great flavour.. Every woman worth her salt here, had a  large Varsity Jar. All the fats would be drained from the cooked  meats and strained into these jars for there boxty making  to get full flavour.. The jelly left  at the bottom would be added to gravies and soups... Now a days i wouldnt do this. The meats  now are  full of a nice word beignning wit C ends in P !!

You can then make big rounds the size of your pan. or small ones  like pancakes. My Mam and the older woman here made a quick cross at a point in cooking, it would then cut like triangles. Usually 2 portions  per person.
This  vid is the nearest on the tube to what we do. Theres another guy on there, "Irish  lad god bless him" Cannot understand a word he is saying lol "Ah thats Leitrim for ya.!!! Only kiddin in case my relations read this post.
The above recipe  hails from County Cavan ions ago.


Ps . next week wheaten scones lads lol.


(69 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ah Jeez Mekidsmom,

I always had a small rear but, them buttermilk scones are addictive girl. Ill soon be called ,
"Old Doll lardy Ass ! if i keep this up. You know i have a low tolerance for white flour. maybe because brown was really my staple for so long. The buttermilk scones are such a treat.

Heres a wee something i like to cook and eat.
Brown Pitta Pizza.

Chop and stir fry any vegetable you or your family like. Using whatever herbs you like also.{ Use Virgin olive oil.}
I use cumin, oregano, and  fresh basil. Add chopped ham and pineapple OR Chorizo or whatever you like.

Split pitta breads. Spread  the inner with tomato base sauce.{ I like Loydd Grosman  sauces]
Place pitta breads on aluminum foil.. Fill with prepared veg] cover with shredded mozzarella OR grated cheddar cheese and some split kalamata olives.
Place in heated oven for 15 minutes.
I dont like the dough on pizza, unless its very thin dough, so this is a good option. I love this with home made hummus.

Large can chick peas. leave some juice.  Add Juice of 1 fresh lemon. 1 tablespoon of  natural dark tahini. 1 small clove of garlic. hint of coriander.
Whizz all in a blender.  Its  lovely as  a dip, also with chips or veggie strips. Full of protein..

Baking more scones tomorrow lol Ive another  irish recipe for you to try, no time now to do it. Im away to my shower and leaba [ Bed}
Nite nite.

Old Doll.
Ps. while your doing all this cooking. Play the best music you like. makes life and  everything a doddle.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This was the last post i read here last night Bensonp.

Thanks so much for sharing this Lovely story i went to bed with kind and positive thoughts to this man.

Then slept like a baby..

Great heartwarming  stuff.  He is the  very essence of Positive thinking.

Old Doll.


(2 replies, posted in Poems)


I was to be in Dubai Docs this month.  Stuff happened here which prevented my going..
My lovely friend lives there.. She's definitely  not artificial  like this woman you write about..
I wonder had she stayed ,would she have  left more outside the bed then in it ? lol Sounds to me like she was hiding a lot.

Be thankful you escaped intact.

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Fantastic my Crazy canuk.

Your so more in touch then maybe you realize.  Just don't be scared by it or whatever we think it is?
Its all  as good as your writings..VERY REAL !

I look forward to this recorded.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I would like to hear this recorded too.

I know a man like that all my life. The best 12 string guitar player i ever heard.
He could and still can quieten a room within seconds of playing. I used sing with him for many years.. He also wanted to marry me lol  Shouda- coulda- didn't ! Thats another story.

Great stuff Strans. Love, love, love  your compositions sir.

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Very good wannabelikejimmorrison,

You mention so many here i liked . I do wish they were still around. It would be great to see what path
life would have taken them on.

I do like your writing and the what ifs ! Good work.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

What about ye ?

Lads that took me totally by surprise ! Its a lovely ballad, not at all what i was expecting. First listen and im humming to it. Always a good sign for me. I loved it. Congrats all round.
Im thinking this is a good partership.

Very well done sirs.

Old Doll.


(518 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good stuff lads.

Never heard of Vern Gosdin.. Ill be looking him up.

Father and Son, My brother whose been living in London now for 30 odd years, plays  and sings this beautifully  with guitar. It always reminds me of him..
I still believe we had the best music in our time. Out of 2 wars, The depression, and assassinations. We had the best times to write about. Percolating great music for years.  We had peace movements/ womans movement etc.
We went from Ginsberg, to Gordon Gekko. and greed greed greed. Very little of the eighties music appeals to me. We didnt change the world lol i do believe our acceptance of "Recreational drugs" was a downfall. A negative equity so to speak.
My Sis gave me  a Vonda Shepard CD some years ago. Love every song on there. This one is an oldie.
She sings it beautifully i think. [ Oh ! A big ole fly just landed on my pc ! First ive seen this year. Must be the heat were having] I digress !



(518 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Bensonp ,

Ill have to get back to this thread tomorrow to catch up.. To much going on here at the moment..

Old Doll.


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Im so pleased for you and yours.. I envy you also. I know those days are over for me . { Unless its an immaculate conception ] :loL: I wish you  both many  happy nappy washing days. Its such a wonderful time of life.. Relish and enjoy every second.

The power of DNA for baby Chaz.    Helena Donovan

Your soul took on the journey
You birthed safe into this world
Left behind your mystic heaven
Earthly souls now to unfurl.

May you grow and learn with pride
New guides, your loving cloak
Ingest knowledge like the salmon
Secure the strength of timeless Oak

Learn to live life effortless
Watch the rain on window panes
Sit to watch the sunrise
  Splash in puddles on wet days

May your journey be amazing?
From life senses never stray
Hear the voice of ancient ancestors
Guiding you!  The power of DNA.

Much love  and hugs to all concerned.
Old Doll.


(12 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Tabula,

I used to have this problem a long time ago. I uninstalled Norton security from my Pc. I  then added
AVG.  Been fine since then.. You possibly could have a virus also..These can cause problems like your having. Have you tried a total scan on your PC. Its important to do this regularly.

Good luck.

Old Doll.

Failte Zurf,

Thank you " Thats my not so wee baby now. All 6 feet of him. I love the bones of that fella.
Here's a link to some  fishing flies i took yesterday while visiting him.

http://picasaweb.google.com/lena.odonov … directlink

Old Doll.


(1,560 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Old Doll wrote:

Lordy, This thread made me feel like i want to hit the music spots again tonight.

Sooooo good segosha's. Keep it up.



Night all. [ Oiche mhait.

Hmm Im not to sure why this was reposted lol It did make me realize i need to wear my glasses
or use spell check more !!
Done !


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I like this Jody,

I do believe true love in our hearts is our  path to victory.
I would love to hear this piece at church. It would feel right i believe in that setting.

Hope your  keeping well sir.

Old Doll.


(69 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hahhahahahaah Segosha,

I made another double batch this morning for visiting friends from the Wee North. I tell you they waded into them lol.
Mekidsmom will be pleased to know they took the recipe home with them plus what was left of the biscuits. They eat wheaten bread a lot up North, so now its "buttermilk wheaten Biscuits" lol Good recipes will travel.

Love to you and gem.

Old Doll.


(518 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Love  that link Bensonp.
I never heard of that guy before. Lovely song.

Not to many i know like lenord Cohen. I believe him to be a very creative  man.
