same question

alvee33 wrote:

How long is Bat Out of Hell, is that longer than 10? I can't remember.

Al was that not 9 minutes and 58 seconds? lol doesnt count lol



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

selso it should be just if you have subscribed to a topic that you should get notification through email.
Down the bottom of the page here there is a part that says " subscribe" if this is clicked then i would get an email even next year. To stop the emails you should see a" unsubscribe" option.

if you are getting emails when you are not clicking or never clicked on " subsrcibe" then I would say contact per at



(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I believe in what Russell says, cant do the crime etc.
I am old school thinking when it comes to prison. I believe in bread and water, concrete pillow, 1 hour of daylight a day and locked up the rest of the time.
Depending of course on the crime.

In the Uk you could go into a prison for not paying your taxes and come out knowing how to con folk, rob a bank, how to kneecap someone quickly. You go in for something so small and come out knowing so muc more crime.
Also you could go in clean and come out hooked on drugs.

this human rights thing has made prisons all over the world too lenient.
Even in Scotland the prisoners that have to slop out ( clean their own toilets ) are getting compensation.

crazy world.



(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


I am not too sure about how high the proper way is, but my old kilt and ones i have been fitted for before went to my belly button. But I have seen guys with them under their belly buttons as well as over.
The length it should sit just above the knee.

Now if ye want to talk about women's kilt lol, they should be sitting on the hips and the length should be just covering the bum lol  My opinion lol
but most women's kilt will be much longer than a guys.



(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am thinking it was a temporary one or I would hope it wouldbe for a laugh.

I liked a few of them


Hi Jason and welcome to chordie

At first when i looked i thought you were just trying to advertise you and your music only.
But what a great introduction.
I have not got epilepsy but i have worked with quite a few that do have and seen quite a few as well as helping them get comfy when coming round again.

It is good that you carry on playing and writing even though you do not tour anymore.

I wish ye all the luck with the work ye do, to be honest I will not get involved in all the charity stuff that I used to do but i do hope folk will help with this chairty.

Looking forward to seeing ye songs.


I used to use limewire and although getting the songs free there is a high risk of a viral infection from lime wire. A few I.T guys told me it is riddled with viruses and be sure to have a really good anti virus program. Since I got told this I just got rid of it.

As for pandora, we dont have that in the UK but I am told that the thing we have " spotify" is the same.
How it works is, you cannot take the songs from it but can get loads upon loads, you have to be online. The website makes you register and it remembers all the songs in your play list, or play lists. I tihnk it is really good.
ONly fault with it is you do not get every band, but you do get tribute bands that sound the same, like metallica, they dont want their music to be on it but others have got their versions of metallica songs on and some are excellent.
Another bad thing but not that bad really ( unless you are playing the mnusic very loud) is after 7 or 8 songs you get an advertisement for about 20 seconds just like you would on the radio. If you can handle this then you will like it.

I am thinking you could take the songs though and I know a way but I would not like to advertise on how to " steal" the music while typing in chordie.



(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ozymandias wrote:
selso wrote:
bensonp wrote:

I am kind of getting tired of seeing him on every channel I turn to.  I reckon it'll be that way for at least a few more weeks.

I second that. Loved his music, even saw him in concert. Im more sad Farrah and Ed  McMann died

Thirded here.  It seems like it's the only news item on.

Im forthing that too lol

I seen advertised on tv tonight a book " the last years of michael jackson".
He has just died yet a book on his life. Makes me think there are folk out there that are constantly writing about stars, updating their diary on the star of their choice and then see who is first to publish a book once they are gone.

I dont know what to think of this. A bit sad in a way but also I suppose a bit clever for a money making idea. I dont think folk should try and make money on someone elses end of life but there will be folk wanting it. And with his death being so fresh there will be so many that think they should buy it so they know everything of what the star has done.

next the film will be out! ( which I think would make a really good film)



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Had another good look at this thing. It looks good doesnt it.

Although it shows Japan traffic as 102,000 yet it is not the highest.

I am going to play about with this website now. No reason other than bored right now.



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i think this is propaganda and it is wrong.
there is no figures for europe.
While  ibelieve that america will have the higher % I just thin kit is worng, but then i am wrong sometimes until i am educated otherwise


good one arky



(46 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

The Jam were classing themselves as punk when they first started, so "in the city" album would be a punk album. After that Paul decided they were mods. No difference really apart from the way they dressed.

The pogues I think are classed as Punk folk, or folk punk. So yeah I would say they are punk. And I should have mentioned them too for megs to listen to. Any "best of" would do.



(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

alvee33 wrote:
Doug_Smith wrote:

We all should be aware that God made Scotland First, and made the other lands on an "as needed" basis.  LOL


Hee hee lol

Ewan MacGregor said after doing The Long Way Round that he could see a lot of similarities in the landscape to that of Scotland, which just prooves that God made Scotland first. If St Ewan said it it must be true. big_smile


I missed this forst time round. superb. reminds me of a ringtone I had " if its not scottish its crap"

ok, sorry highjacking a bit here.
lets get back to topic.

happy birthday again cananda.

Hope yer having the hair of the dog and starting again



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

NativeTexan wrote:

Gotcha, and thanks for the welcome!  So if it's a song I know well, I follow the chord changes and other than that just strum the rhythm of the song?

yep you got it!!
and welcome from me



(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Hope you have a good one and get loads of free beer



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

when i transpose the chords and then save to my songbook it does remember it.
But if you mean after you have saved it and you change it and it should remember it then yes I agree, that would be good



(46 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

if you can give these bands and album a listen

Stiff little fingers..... nobody's hero
the's burning
the alarm................declaration
skids......................days in europa

ok when you have heard these report back and I will give you another 4.

Also, not my sort of thing but I saw " less than jake" when they played with "Drop kick Murphys" they seem to be a band that younger people seem to be into.



(11 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

hi Megs,

Just not right? lol ok, no idea what ye mean but it is your opinion. lol

I love it. I am listening to it so much and I am in the opinion of it is just as good if not slightly better than their last.

oh yeah and when they play they do a lot of their older stuff too.



(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

eh happy canada day? lol oh no not again, happy this happy that.

ok, happy canada day 140 years old? Sorry but I dont believe that. I am sure it will be a few million years old and I am sure.....nope I am positive that their were residents in canada before 140 years ago.

When is it happy Scotland day?

lol  lol

Hope ye all have a good day off.



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

guitar man, thanks a lot.... realy!!! thanks a lot lol

I just spent ages doing what you done but I did not get a link from google taking me to a page that had chopro.

I am not saying you never got this but for a better reply yer better emailing Per at

also post a link of the song with the chopro and another with the tabs



(5 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

hee heee hee

I do like a freebie now and then,
cheers for the info. I specialise in writing letters of complaint lol

will let ye know how it goes



(5 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

this maybe is the last time Brian Johnston plays/tours with ACDC. He said he was retiring this year but the rest say they will keep going as long as people want to hear them.

If this is the last year then I am really glad I went to Hampden Park last night to see them. Being in a stadium I thought there would not be much atmosphere being stuck in a seat ( although I never once sat down) fok were bouncing from the field to the top rows of the chairs.
This gig was better than when they played in 2001 on the stiff upper lip tour.
They never played the song stiff upper lip which was a shame as it was on their set list in other places.
The support band " The Answer" from Northern Ireland were quite good, singer  has a power voice. But I dont know much else about them .
The next support band " the subways" which I know nothing about and dont even remember if they were any good at all as I was away standing in a queue for 20 minutes to get a token for a beer, then I waited 40 minutes for an over priced burger. then into the queue for the beer, another 45 minutes. at £3.75 a pint I only had 3 in there. I didnt want to keep running to the bog ( toilet) when ACDC were on, and I already had about 10 pints before going in. Yeah I am suprised I remember all of the gig.
Angus was on form as usual, playing his wee fingers on that gibson and making the crowd go wild. Along with him for getting the crowd going Brain Johnston was fantastic. I dont think anyone would have ever guessed he was 61 years old. And talking of ages, Malcom Young still looks the same as he did when he was 23. All the rest do look like they have/are aging but he just hasn't.
Angus done his strip but not to reveal his bare bum, he revealed a pair of boxers with ACDC on his bum. Its all fun when he does these strips on stage. Usually to the song " bad boy boogie" but this time it was to......... hmmmmmm yep I forgot lol
He done a very long excellent guitar solo during " let there be rock" where he walked down the raised platform into a cylinder and came up above on a lift to be in the centre of the field.

Thank you to Brian J for nearly 30 years of super songs and vocals. I just hope if there is a new singer he can live up to brian and Bonn's songs as well as sing them.



(41 replies, posted in Acoustic)

If you dont mind it getting bashed about a bit then you have made a good choice.
Even if it doesnt sound as good as the next guitar, it is still better than no guitar and it is easier for travelling.

looking forward to hearing your verdict on it.



(41 replies, posted in Acoustic)


I got a baby Orzak travelling guitar, cost £120 a few years ago. I got it mainly for when I go hillwalking. It is easier to bungee cord it onto my rucksakc than a ful size guitar.
It works great for me and also the sound is very good.
Yep Travel guitars are very good for that.
If you are getting it mainly for camping then think a few things through.

If you walk like I do to get to your camping/bothy site then yes get one but if you drive to where you camp then I would say use your full sized guitar as it will always gove a fuller sound. Especially when playing outside, the travel guitars lose a bit of sound as the body is smaller.

Me and 3 mates went walking over the hills on Jura a few years ago. I had the travel guitar and one of my mates had his full sized guitar. He struggled more than me walking in because of his guitar.
When in the bothy and we were going to have a jam, he laughed at the sound my guitar made as he played his.
A few months ago we went to another bothy. This time he had bought a £40 baby yamaha guitar. It looks good but he was a bit miffed when he compared the two guitar sounds. My guitar won, he admitted he was wrong to say it was rubbish when we were on Jura. He now thinks it is superb. He does not like his travel guitar at all.

So my advice is if you are really wanting/needing a travel guitar then spend the time going to a shop to play them. Also maybe spend a bit more on them if it is neccessary. Or go to a shop to see what good ones there are about then bid for one online.

The best travel guitar I have heard without doubt is the Baby Martin guitar. But I could not afford the £300 at the time.



(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)


Blame the record companies and the original site that hosted the song.

Since Chordie does not host the song and gets the songs from other sites, the others dont always like this. i.e. "swazzybazzy's songs" website has seen that chordie has got a song from that site. They dont like it so they get the Chordie creator to unlink the song with his website.

It is not their song either and they should not bother if chordie is using a song they are hosting. They may get upset if they are paying money to a record company so they can host it and see chordie is doing it for free.
This is the only reason other than selfish egomaniac reasons I can see why another website would not want chordie to get a song from their website.

This is me guessing and not neccesseraly 100% correct.

And as Cameron says, print or save on word all your songbook, this way if more songs vanish at least you will still have them on your hard drive.
