(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)

This forum has been moderated by Ackward Strummer. He has now retired from this very important job.

Anyone feel they are up for the challenge? It really is an easy job. Just look through the posts from time to time and delete anything inappropriate (spam!).

This bug is now fixed. Please retry.


(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Search boxes are available. Take a look here:


(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

If this is really something people would like to do, I can add a button that hides the chords. It is technically very easy, but I do not want to add extra buttons that people dont use (just makes the site more confusing to use).

So I would like to at least hear this from a couple of more users before adding it...


(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Send a screenshot to admin@chordie.com, and Ill look into it.

Lots of these problems are caused by someone setting the default font-size in Internet Explorer too small or too large. You can change this by doing "View - Text size", or very easy by holding down the ctrl-key and using the scroll wheel on your mouse (works in most cases).


(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I can't let people publish songbook with songs they enter into Chordie. That could get me into trouble. It is very likely that I will add a feature letting you add new songs (I promised this earlier). However it will not be possible to publish these books.


(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Take a look at the post "Trouble printing" by Boo. Give me that info, and I will fix this very soon.


(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

First check:
How does it look in "print preview". If everything looks fine here, it is a local problem (drivers/cables/ink etc)

If it also is broken in "print preview", do the following:

Send a mail to admin@chordie.com. You MUST include
a) the url to the song you are having problem printing. If it happens on "lots of songs", include the url for ONE song you are having problems with.

It is also great if you include:
b) a note about what browser you are using
c) a screenshot of your print preview (ctrl-shift-prtScr in Windows, and ctrl-v to paste it to your mail)

If you can reproduce this at another computer: send it as a bug report to admin@chordie.com


(19 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I am pretty sure you will have to enable disc use manually, but I am no iPod experts. Maybe ask for help in some iPod-realted forums?


(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Phil,
I have updated the songs with the copyright info. All songs on Chordie are automatically formatted (they are still hosted at their original site). There is quite a lot of cleanup done, and lines starting with # are deleted.

Please check the songs, and note that the songs can be annotated and corrected if you are logged in (at the bottom).

I am sorry about the wrong sidebar-info. This text is from Wikipedia - and is also automatically generated. Do you have a correct entry in Wikipedia? I will update it.


(38 replies, posted in JamPlay.com)

This forum is for all questions regarding JamPlay.com. Chordie do recommend Jamplay. It has some really impressive online video lessons that retails as low as $19.95.

Please tell all Chordie users what you think about the course.


(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Sounds like a bug. Please give me more info, and Ill look into it.

It is possible, but unfortunately not trivial. It is added to the wish list.

A new category (thanks James) and a new forum (thanks Roger).

As an experiment, I am allowing non-members to post messages in this forum.

I am open to adding new forums, but I think "funny things" are too "narrow". I think it would be too few posts there. Maybe something like "off topic" or "after work".... Anything. Come up with a good name for the forum (and the forum category), and Ill add it.

No, it will not work for the big chord chart. That is a totally different story. I know that this is a popular request, so I will try to fix it.

I am sorry about this. My mistake. Now it should work.

What browser are you using?

Just tested it. Everything seems fine.

Are you using this address:


(19 replies, posted in About Chordie)

This is now also directly available from the public songbooks, but you need to log in before seeing the option.


(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

It is very hard doing this for search. There are however possible to add a filter when you are browsing for songs. Please check the top right corner when you are browsing. It says "Showing all songs - change".

Ive had several requests for this one, and now it is implemented. Songbooks can be ordered by the percentage of edited songs. Makes it a lot easier to find high quality books.

That is a link to all the songs by Seal. I took a look at some of them, and they did look fairly OK.

Could you find one specific song you are having problem with, and send me the link for that one. Just to figure out if you are having a local problem, or if you just are finding badly formatted songs.

Please send me an url to the song you are editing.