
I couldnt have said it better myself.

really, I really couldnt. I was thinking this before and said something along the same lines as you have done, but very true.

And some people are just too lazy to ammend songs I tihnk and leave the errors on it which doesnt help people that are trying to learn a song, especially from someones songbook, but there is the wee ratings thingy to say how accurate it is.



(56 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

a christian website for songwriting? hmmm ,so you got to write stuff about that guy called god and heavens etc?



(2 replies, posted in Song requests)

you have been waiting a while for the answer.

maybe there are not a lot of jam fans on here? do idea why not as they were superb.

I play in the crowd but I dont tab anything. I am just a strummer and strum chords mostly.

Why not make your own intro up? I do this, and most people might not know the song so you can get away with it. And if they do know the song then you will fool them into thinking they dont know it or it is another song.



(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

yeah, like blindy says, learn the song very well.

I still learn a song by playing it and singing it at the same time, I get to know what chord I am on when I start to sing a verse or chorus, the rest just comes if you know the song well enough.

And sometimes I use the songs of chordie but I dont try to make them sound exactly the same as the original artisit. I do my own version as much as possible. If you like it then keep playing it the way you want to and ignore anyone that says you have destroyed it.

If you like it then others will



(23 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

i would say more than 40%

and here are a few more

wild rover.....about coming home and going to a brothel

black velvet band.... about going to jail because a prostitute set you up

whisky in the jar...... about a woman betraying you

the artic monkey's album.... about going out at the weekend to get wrecked at the dancing.

effervessing elephant by syd barrett

the jack by ac dc. a very well wrote song about catching v.d., listen to the studio version then the live version.

too many too mention now.lol


(23 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

bonkers I know this song, I am a corries fan but I know it as "the bricklayers song"

another song with a good story is " the final cut" by pink floyd, or the entire wall album, tells a very big story, or the who's tommy album.

creadance clearwater revival, LODI.

or JOhn Prine.  "Sam Stone" about amn american vietnam veteran that spends his money on heroine, sells his house to get his drug, A very sad and deep song, the chorus is:

there's a whole in daddy's arm, where all the money goes. jesus christ died for nothing I suppose.

etc etc etfc.. and I am not religious but not a religious song although that chorus would suggest otherwise.

yeah, John Prine's  Sam stone would be my favourite one just now.



(4 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi tidal

I am sure there are a few songbooks online in this site that people have submitted and named them along the lines of " for beginers" or " easy songs" etc.

In my public book there are a lot of easy songs and varies from country to punk, metal to pop, and crap to good



(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

pmsl Alvee,

I used to think that too, and to a certain extent still do. But who cares? just go in and give it some welly. They have probably heard worse players.

If in doubt, do this. Ask them if you can have a go of a guitar, they will undoubtably say yes, then tell them if they have ever heard a bad player think again and start deliberatly playing really bad.

If you think he is giving you a bad look ask to see another guitar, preferably one from the top that he has to get ladders to get down. Do this 4 or 5 times then tell him you are not interested ,lol

but seriously, they have heard bad players, I have heard bad players in a shop too.

If looking for a guitar think of a song or few chords etc, something you know you can play well ( even if it is easy). you will not feel as bad then, thats what I do.



(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

oh yeah the da da da um dum dum doo bee doo's are good for getting your lyrical line



(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

lots are asking this,

it can come naturally to some and for some it is hard work, especially trying not to make it sound corny, but even corny lyrics acn be sung to sound not so corny.

a lot of practice, try making a rythum on guitar and writing lyrics at same time, think of a subject i.e camping, getting to work, driving across the country. Each verse is about a different part of the story and the chorus is common to all verses. then try puting abreak in ( a part that sounds different from the verse and chorus).

and to start with , try ripping off some famous song that someone esle has already done but change the tune slightly and use other words instead of ones that a famous song has.

hope this helps.



(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

on the main page at the left there is a link to view all public songbooks, Just look thru them ,lol

would be better for you if you had a search for xxxxx option I guess,

go to the forum request part in here by the admin, Pere ( the Admin) was looking for sugestions from users of chordie to make the site better and more friendly user.



(2 replies, posted in Acoustic)


I only started using a pick recently.

I dont finger pluck much, just a little. I am a strummer and I was getting sick of my index finger nail filing down to blood sometimes against the strings.

I find strumming with the thumb is very dull sound.

So I started on the pick strumming. The chords sound clearer and better, my finger nail is a nice shape and no blood or sore finger.

A problem I did have was finding the right plectrum. I found they kept moving about and ended up falling out from my thumb and finger. And sometimes my hand would cramp up trying to hold it tight enough so it didnt move.

Resolved my problems a few ways. You can get plectrums with holes in the middle, this allows you finger and thumb skin to touch making it virtually impossible to slide away.

Also I dont use smooth picks, a pick with some embossed writing on it i.e. dunlop work for me.

Then you got the decision on thick or thin or in between,lol. Buy a few, you will find one to suit you.




(14 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I just went into my songbook to find them missing too, but I looked in the public songbooks place, found my song book and I have access to it this way.

not perfect but if ye are needing a song and it is public, it is still possible to get it



(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

i hope someone tells you, I was looking for this ages ago.

I might try and work it out myself but it will be basic chords and not in tab form.

And if yer in the UK, look out for "the Gift" the band. Rick Buckler's new band, they play a lot of Jam songs and are pretty bloody good, no need for paul weller for their songs to sound great



(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

Father to son by cat stevens

and johnny cash bot named sue,lol



(6 replies, posted in Song requests)

true vamps,

I do look up lyrics only sometimes as I have learnt by ear the song or had the tune in my head.

I will look up some chords when i get stuck i.e  Cm#7 etc, when ye get silly chords like that.

Ok, not only for chords, I stand corrected, but it is mainly for chords ,lol



(6 replies, posted in Song requests)

<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>vampsfang wrote on Fri, 09 June 2006 23&#58;42</b></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">
chris  ever heard of playing by ear ? learn to play what u hear learn to play whats in ur head  and u will be a awesome musician, i myself play pro its my liveing  train ur ear dude  it saves u mega time !

After reading your reply it made me think, Why are you on this site at all if you are so good by learning by ear? Why bother to find out what the chords are because that is what CHORDIE is all about.

not everyone can learn by listening to a song. I can learn a few songs that way but I have replied on CHORDIE to help me with most of the songs I play.

I think what you say about the music in your head is right but some people need the chords first.



(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)


have you highjacked spammy's contest?lol

Are you not meant to have a poll and the lyrics for the song on here too, to remind everyone so they dont have to go looking?



(5 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

hmmm, what song bonkers?

I have 4 songs on it,lol

I could email you them, they are in mp3 format on my computer.

I recorded them on guitar pro3 but the raw files on that cannot be moved out of the program unless converted onto mpe or wav.



(8 replies, posted in Song requests)

I got the perfect song for you. hmmm, well maybe.

try the song called " absolute reality" by the band "the alarm"

chords on the chordie site. And I am sure you could managed to get an mp3 of this song from the net somewhere.

( I love the alarm by the way and their lyrics are superb)

Let us know how ye get on



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hmmm, maybe only allow one public songbook per person? That might not cut the numbers down so much though.

another way is only have songbooks public that have over 70 songs?. I see there are some songbooks with only a handful of songs on them and if more songs are not added to it then they are taking up space.

thats the only thing I can think of right now.

and good on ye for fixing the voting system, I am away to do some voting now.



(2 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi sexy suzi and welcome t the forum.

have you tried doing a search on google or another search engline to find out who sang it?

sounds like a good song, lol.



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

yep that works, fantastic wee extra option there. One I have bee nthinking of since  Igot more than one songbook. Makes it much easier now to save songs where you want them




(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

you want a challenge?  iwill give you one, one I saw on youtube.com. A guy playing on an acoustic guitar the tune of "the simpsons", every note, going up and down that fret board, fantastic it was. Anyone that can do this note for note perfect has completeed the challenge and should not be sitting there typing on this forum but out there playing and making money.



(10 replies, posted in Acoustic)

flippell alvee,

I bet that took ages to correct?

I have bee nplaying the guitar for about 14 years or so and  inever knew this about the intonation thingy.

I had a guitar in the past that was a gibson, a boomin good one too but I had this same problem so I sold it cheap.

i just thought a duff guitar and ran its course of life.

Now I know for the next time it happens but I think I will hand it in to a shop to do. If I lose my patience wit hit I might throw it out the sondow,lol
