
(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Another excellent piece of story telling through song. I cant wait for the lyrics to be writen up as I am not sure  of  what a couple of the words were, as they are ones I am not familiar with but I understood and enjoyed the whole song.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Siga Siga slowly slowly in Greek, it is the inbuilt aceptance of official coruption will always make life difficult for those stationed in Greece. Back handers having to pay again to get things moving. My wife family are Greeek and I understand the frustrations that go with the lifestyle there and the lack of accountability on public servants. Still I loved my times back in the 80's  spent over in Greece Food, Song and Music. Opa Opa. Staying in my inlaws village gave me a fresh outlook on living.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Just listened to your  This Time I Maybe Wrong on soundcloud it is a good song your guitar drives it along nicely As a song writer your vocals do the job setting down a good template for someone to cover.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I would like to encourage more Chordie folk to give this song a listen on soundcloud.
To me its the played song that gives the song a life and for this baby to walk into your soul it needs
people to give it a listen.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Your lyrics work pefectly and the chords fit nicely.


(43 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Even though you live a long way from where we are, you and Dondra are in the centre of our thoughts. Our prayers are for the both of you while your in this valley.
Keep looking up.
Love to you both,
Pete and Maree

Hi Topdown
From down here in New Zealand.
Even though I wont be at your wonderful Chordiestock I will  be thinking of you all. Here is a music game you might want to try.  First you descide on two or three chords. You also need a clock or a timer 3 minutes is usually a good length of time. You then select a subject could be anything Cars, Dogs, Love, Travel, losing your way, Whatever.
You then chose the people who are going to sing maybe four to six each will have to adlib one line then pass on singing next line to another singer,
1 Start clock
2 A selected Person then plays a rift using selected chords it doesnt matter if they get it wrong.
3 After about 10 seconds everyone else joins in with their instruments doing what they can or feel like playing.
4 Now the fun part all adlib. So say you have selected  four singers they all sing a line each made up on the spot about the subject chosen.
5 After selected time stop.
6 Work out a chorus lyric for everyone to sing, from what you have just done alowing participants only two minutes to figure one out.
7 Give the Chorus about three practise runs to get everyone in sinc sort of.
8 Get a recording device and set your clock again for whatever length of time you want it to be. Also select a conductor whose job  is to let everyone know when to sing the chorus.
9 Start recorder and clock. Alow an extra length of time for Chorus.
10 Everyone trying to remember what they had done before and descided on, which no one ever does, go for for it in the length of time you have set.
11 The same individual singers will try and sing their lines from before with everyone doing the chorus.
11 Play back recording of what you have just done and have a laugh about it.
12 If it works out good save what you have done to share with rest of the world..

I look forward to viewing and hearing the things that are put up online from Chordiestock.


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

Beautiful words TF about you and your eternal buddy. You and your wife were made for each other. In this modern age of broken relationships that seem to be the normal part of life, it is good to know that there are others who have long marriages like mine with Maree. You got the lyrics to make  a great song. Your a natural wordsmith.

I often wonder when we put things up on line will people in a hundred years time come looking for what we put up or will our posts just disapear lost to history.


(9 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Great Video I hope everyone checks it out.


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A About once a week.
B Varies from once a week to every day depending on whats happening.
C Songs, Poems, and Chat Corner.
D Yes, but only in my style.
E Sometimes when a song resonates with me.
F Always, I dont worry if they put up a link or not as I never put a link to my stuff as I dont know how to do it.
G May be about 4 months not sure.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

Hello again Tenement hope you don't mind I will put out your song on soundcloud if you don't like it I will take it down.
Every one I have shown your BE IT RESOLVED love the lyrics. Hope my version is ok. I even got my better half to help with it. It has a Indian Tabla drum playing on it that my wife brought back from India many years ago. The recording is not the greatest as it only done with my cell phone.
Peatle from the south end of the globe
That saying THERE IS NO 'ME IN TEAM, also should have, The only I we should have is the eye we keep out for each other.

Bill I have thrown a New Year greeting up on YouTube.
Thank you for a brilliant Chordian get together.

Hi Bill
Just a thought as I don't know how to do links. There is a New Zealand song singing about the beautiful people that come into our life's on YouTube that maybe someone could put a link on here to it. The song is Herbs  Sensitive To A Smile YouTube.
It is now 1.36 pm in the afternoon here will try catch you a bit latter on. Pleased to hear that Dondra just needs her meds adjusted. Bless you both.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

That is a good  New Years resolution  for 2016 that I wish the world would follow. The Me, Me world seems to be promoted as an absolutely cool way to go now days which saddens me. I applaud you for recognising what we should be about. What we sow is what we reap.
HAPPY NEW YEAR from sunny summers day in Wellington, New Zealand.


(6 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Congratulation TIG what a beautiful gift a healthy baby boy. Many years from now that  boy will be saying my Grand Daddy wrote those beautiful songs.

Happy Birthday Bill. I loved the Waltzing Matilda song on youtube. Man you and Dondra are an awesome couple. It is now 9.23 am New Years morning here. Tuning into your New Year contributions has made our morning more fun. Our thoughts are with Dondra and hope she is managing to get some enjoyment out of today.
Love Pete and Maree

Happy New Year from New Zealand it is now 35 minutes into 2016.(12.35am) Hope everyone enjoys the evening. Thank you for putting my New Year song up. 

Bill our hearts are with you. It is just under 6 hours away from the start of 2016 down here in our part of the world. We  here will be thinking of you and Dondra and asking God to give you a better 2016.
Maree and Pete


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

You got the song writing gift. Excellent.


(43 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Bill and Dondra
Your Sunshine beamed out even in your very difficult times this year. You two are legends and we feel privileged to know two wonderful people. Your shining lights remind us not to let the challenges of life overwhelm us.
Love to you both.
Peatle and Maree


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Phill you are a genius of a musician and songwriter. What you do is magic. I find if I think to hard about song writing nothing happens. When I am completely relaxed without a care in the world lyrics and melodies start popping into my head. I have only been writing songs for about a  year so I have a lot to learn. Easybeat got me playing guitar and composing which has turned out as a great way for me to just chill out and relax.

Now I am in my sixties I still haven't figured out what I am going to do when I grow up.


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you E B , Tenement and T7. When I look back at the young Peatle under 30 he seems like a different person to who I am now. I am hoping some one will take my lyrics put their own version of I'm Heading Home up with a better voice and playing than what I have put out. Jandle and EB gave me some good ideas on how to make it into what I have put up. The first draft was really bad.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Jim you describe perfectly how I feel about the love of my life my wife. I am looking forward to hearing you sing it.


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

I will post this as a poem even though I have put it up on soundcloud as a song. I sing  play guitar and piano by feel and very rarely think about what I am playing. This song ,,poem is me remembering what was going through my mind on the morning before heading back to my home town when I was in my late twenties. I had been away for a few years and wanted a more settled down steady life. I use the word road in the song but I was actually catching a plane from Sydney, Australia across the Tasman sea to Wellington, New Zealand. For those who play guitar and had a listen to it sung on soundcloud. The bass line  is basically C and D  picked on the A string with the chords  D and E on the rhythm bits. I think as a song someone else could do it better. As a poem I would cut the repeated lyrics on the chorus if I was reciting it without singing. Any feed back good or bad always welcome.

                                                  I'm Heading Home.

Its early in the morning as I try to gather my thoughts before hitting the road.
I've been away far,far to long.
Travelling lonely roads.
Trying to find adventure in all the wrong places.
I know I had to get away and give it a go because nothing ventured then there is nothing gained.
I know that  while I've been travelling around my friends back home have most probably settled down.
Maybe started families.
I know the time has come for me to maybe settle down.
I think the best place for me right now is back home.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
Will my old friends still have something in common with me or am I going to be the odd one out.
Oh well only time will tell.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
The time has come for me to find a steady life.
Try and get a steady job.
If I'm lucky I might even find a wife.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
Well you know that eventually you got to make a decision and I know I can't keep travelling that lonely road.
I've got to find some sort of settled down new direction.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
I know that's most probably the best place for me and I hope that it works out.
It's definitely time to settle down and get a steady life.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.
I'm heading home.