
(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Conás Ata Tu! Clareausten,
I was thinking that you were walking fom Kerry to Donegal to prove a point!!lol.
Ive been on the new" Newery Motor way" since we last spoke! Fantastic!
Your their before your finished whistling Dixie.. I took my annual visit to the Fiddlers Green Festival! Took a wee trip to Omagh to the Ulster/American Folk Park, Nestled at the foot of the Sperrins Mountains. Thought id died and was in heaven such is the beauty of the place! Well worth the visit.....Sure its wonderful how they have restored there Heritage, after the terrible Bombing they had..The Hearts of the people are alive and well!
I hope your Parents  are now in the whole of there health?...
Portugal! you could have Visited{ Roger Guppy} one of the admin here! He is always looking for people to visit. A friendly Guy with a vast repretoire of songs.
I have a Great Memory of a beautiful summers evening, Like a picture in my head of the "Tall Ships leaving Dun Laoghaire Harbour" There great big billowing Sails heading off to exotic places!
You see Clareaustin my life is like a slideshow of all The best bits. If i dont write about them, I talk about them!
I am Going away to a wedding on Saturday!
But will travel back for the Dublin/Kerry match on Sunday!  Come on The Dubs!
Now i know as a Clarey! You agree with me? Lol.
Welcome back to the  "Global Chordie Class People and Musicians"
Old Doll


(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Goodluck Southpaw41l
Thanks for the mention! I doubt my ability to do same!
Now if it was organizing Nights out? Perfect! Im a whizz at that!
Diá Linn {God to you}

Old Doll.

i do watch soccer, as some of my family do play! One even played for Arsenal!
at one time!  One still plays for one of our top teams here at the moment.  He is The best goal Scorer of a dead ball ive ever seen. He is magic to watch.... But i still prefer "Hurling". Bring on the Ash!!
Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Are you saying your a vandal? Or you have to much time or your hands?

If you spend yout time writing as you do! There will not be enough time in a year! dont mind a week for anything else?

Old Doll.


Give me the good old Gaelic Game of Hurling! Or in Scotland Shinty! The Clash of The Ash!   No Sissys in this game! The finest skill with a moving ball you ever seen!

Old Doll.


(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well done young Man!
It was worth the 3 hours UYK. love John Prine!

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I like your writings and you also have an interesting My Space!

Old Doll


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I cannot bear vandalism.  Morons with to much time on there hands!
They all should be conscripted into the Army for  the discipline and guidence their Parents cannot seem to give!

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Well a "TOOTIN HOOTIN, well done to you! This brought back a great memory to me of a visit to Tenerifee with the girlees!
"Gonna hang my sombrero on the limb of a tree" Dean Martin! Id be barred from the forum if i told you why daddycool!
But thanks for the memory and the song, "Giddyup" Lol

Old Doll.


(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Kath,
I have read your post several times!  You have a great battle going on inside of you! But you and only you "HAVE THE ANSWER TO YOUR OWN QUESTIONS?!"
You can receive all the helpful advice people are so willing to give you to help you! All of it well meaning! At the end of the day, i feel you have already started the transition...
Your transition will not only be painful for you, but to everyone connected to you. Some will walk away and never come back! Others will in the long term be there for you!  I feel You have become institutionalized within your life..
Your toe is on the line i feel  and your  ready to step over it! 
I so admire any addict who quit there addiction, but a lot of the isms remain! Usually the demons in there heads that started there addiction in the first place! "YOU" have to learn how to live with this with 100% commitment  Or make a new life for yourself.  Your biggest problem is  living with indecision ?the what ifs? you live with every day! Make a decision Kath, and feel free Girl! the time will come when you will know this, you will feel it deep to the very core of your being!
Am i being Smug? No! been there and regreted all the "what ifs years!" I also loved the Man with a passion from 16 years of age!
I could write much more, but would have to get to personal. So suffice to say!
i am now one very happy woman.. You are in my positive thoughts Kath.
And will remain their.
Diá Linn  {God to You}
Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Hi last rebel,
I would have so many over the years!

First one Rock around the Clock! Bill Haley! It was the first time i ever seen people dancing in the aisles of a Cinema!

Tina turners life story! But then "She is Simply the Best"

Ray as you mentioned! Jamie Fox was superb in that film!

Coalminers Daughter! About Loretta Lynn. Another Artist i adored!

So many more, but the Old head is tired now! Off to my Shower and Beddybys!

Good night now Rebel!


Old Doll.

That first piece for Wibble i put there testing the waters! as that piece is instantantly recogniseable to anyone who has a fairly basic knowledge of world history! As an Irish famine piece...I dont skirt issues, i deal with them head on.

Your Right! I did not come to this site looking for History Lessons, Men or Love!
My love of music and guitar keeps me here. and nice people along the way are a bonus!
I do not hate anybody! Hate is to strong an emotion which causes dis-ease in the body! so i dont do hate!  I dislike "Well Educated " people with no etiquette!
But music is my love. So Wibble no more on this for me. "Thank You" But you are entitled to your opinion.  Ill finish on this!!

{C}When Irish Eyes are smiling, sure  {F}"tis like a morning {C}spring
{F}in the lilt of Irish {C}laughter, {A7}you can {D&}hear the Angels{G} sing
when{C} irish hearts are happy {C7}all the {F}world seems bright and {G}gay
{F}Sure when irish {C}eyes are {A7]smiling, they would {D}steal your {G7]heart  {C}away.

Old Doll.

I expected you to understand this piece! without any explaination! As you give the impression you know your History!
But it seems your selective in only considering  your own!   Did you never take the time to read more about your Dads Irish History?  Especially now as you say your  Dad is a Irishman...  I am100% Irish!  So your sweeping statement is wrong!    My Dad was born in Liverpool of Irish Parents. But was raised in Dublin!
One snippet in your piece rattled me. quote! "And the fear that this supply chain  {Food] would be broken".  Brought back all my Famine history to me!
I suggest you read "The Mass Graves Of Ireland " 1845 to 1850!  and get a feeling for the" Pomposity Of the British Empire" and there destruction on my Little Island.   I suggest you also read up on you Scottish History as well. It will give you a much broader view on our world and its History!
I have family and friends stretching right across the globe and English Born and bred family members through marriage! Never had a problem with colour race or creed!
I hope now this Piece was concise enough for you Wibble!
So have a good Day!
Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Lads did you not read the thread?  ZURFS 6  YEAR OLD WROTE THIS!

Zurf! encourage your 6 year old to keep writing. If its a girl, buy her a nice folder! Write her name in bold sparkley print on the front  to encourage her.
If its a boy. Use an image he likes for the cover. But keep encourageing them!



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

My best friends are so precious to me! so undemanding. Even if we dont meet for a long time, we just pick up where we left off. Never any pressure.
Thank you all Mó Cáras and you Jets.

Old Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi last Rebel.

We used to sing a song here during the troubles! "Son of Mine came home today" Unfortunately in coffins as most do for there freedom! From both sides of the divide. Brave Men with strong beliefs!
So Thank you for this song! and the reminder of how good it is to live in a war free land!.

Old Doll.


(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well UYK,
My 2 six footers are big womans blouses! as they bought 2 Tartan Tongs on the net to wear under the kilts for a laugh!  These tongs  were so tiny, i imagine they are both having there teeth flossed at this stage of the day! lol
or at least walking funny!

Old Doll.

Hi Wibble,
I dont normally enter into religion or politics. But i would like you to read this!

Weary Men what reap ye? Golden corn for the stranger what sow ye?
Human corpses that await for the avenger .  Fainting forms all hunger stricken,
what see you in the offing? Stately ships to bear our Food away amid the strangers scoffing..
Theres a proud array of soldiers, why are they around our door? They guard our masters granaries from the thin hand of the poor.. Our children swoon before us and we cannot give them bread!
We were wretches Famished scorned, Human tools to build your pride!
Now in your hour of pleasure, Bask ye in the worlds caress; our whitening bones will arise as witnesses.  From the the cabins and the ditches in there charred uncoffined masses for the angel of the Trumpet Will know them as he passes.
A ghastly spectral army before god we will stand and arraign ye all as murderers O spoilers of our land.
Now Wibble my question to you is!
Which Smug Pot here is calling the Kettle black Ass.? also  Is your Queen German?
Quote"Any body can make history! But it takes a great Man to write about  it". Thank you "Oscar Wilde!
this is all i have to say on this matter!
Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good Man yourself Daddycool!

Ill drive very carefully. Hang on a moe! "There now mirror adjusted, no distractions for this driver!

Tra la la la la, Tra la la la la, Tra la la la la la. I even finished finished the song for you! as your so busy! Lol.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I only ever heard your expression from English People, friends or holiday makers!
We do use that word here in different ways! A term of endearment?
"Ah your an awful B####x" can mean i like you! or i think your funny!
That yoke is B####x? means its broke or not working!
Your only a B####x? Means "your not a very nice person!
I will-n-me B####x? means "Im not doing that!
Ask me B####x, "speaks for its self!

We also use the word "Hoor" not as whore" But!
"Your a cute hoor" meaning clever! or i like you!
He is a hoor of a man! Meaning "Great fella"
That fella is an awful hoor! meaning "he is always up to devilment!
Thats a hoor of a haircut! Meaning the" Hairdresser did a bad job"

Thanks Ark for this one! i very seldom use any of these words, But always find them very amusing in the right context!
Now what other words around the world are used like this?

ADMIN! feel free to delete this if you feel its improper for the Forum?

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank you all for all your kind post as always! They are graciously recieved.

I do agree with you! I have always had a very intuitive sense/gut feeling!
Maybe to sensitive at times. So that life, i dont have to deal with now except by choice!    Im now doing what i love most, "Being ME!" One Happy little Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

So this is what goes through your head when driving? You little Stud Muffin!
I will probably crash through lights today, with your words going through my head!.... Can i tell them to blame DaddyCool?

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Nice one James!
To all who find themselves in this position! Think of all the fun you have in the now! enjoy enjoy! Sure you may never want to see the exit signs!   If you do? you will have had a great time anyway! so either way you can't lose...
Record please James and send it this way! Thanks!

Old Doll.


(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good Morning DOCPHIL,
How is life with you today? Good i hope!

I dont think the Scots speak "The Irish Language" On my own little island here, we are broken up into 4 regions! Ulster, Munster ,Leinster, and Connaught.  The Accents are so different in each area. Different dialects.
I have found it difficult to understand "Donegal spoken Irish". and yet i can go to the West of ireland and  have no problems there with very basic Irish!
Within each area there are different accents. I have always been told i dont have a real Dublin Accent.! I feel i have and am very proud of it.
Friends in Newfoundland, sound like they have  Irish Waterford Accents, although they have been born and reared their! Something i believe to do with the  Seafishermen, working back and forth between there land and ours!
I also feel some of them were trading more then Fish somehow! lol.
My sister who lives in HOLLAND 30+ years, speaks Dutch fluently, but with a Dublin Accent! Lovely to listen to.
Some people do spell phonetically, which i have no problem with! Understanding them, and being understood is more important to me!

Now RockDoc a wee bit of Irish for you!
Barróga agus Póga Mó Cára.   { Hugs and Kisses My Friend} Now dont you just love the Irish spoken language!!

This is where i should be today!


(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Some where back in these threads there was a discussion about Drugs!
In those post i mentioned i think, PhilL. I had the Great Honour of knowing Phil.
We were born and reared together! I also danced to his" Black Eagles"Band, as far back as 65" I was 15. The little youth Club  Called St Bernadettes" would be jammed for Phil. I still have my membership card!  He was amazing! He always sang with a natural voice. Never known him to sing any differently!
Alas! He was also the first person i knew to lapse into the drugs scene and decline from same. He was one Beautiful Man both to look at and know.

I was to fly to inverness Yesterday for a wedding in Wick. My Doc wouldnt let me fly Boo HOO.!!  But 80 of my family filled the plane yesterday morning and flew to Inverness.and were driving the rest of the way. Lucky beggars!
Now My Sons are wearing Kilts to this wedding? As a Scot Is this in your opinion right? Or is  the Celt in them allowed this role.
All the text messaging  im getting is now finished with "Byefrnu! and there only 24 hours there!  Must be catching.....
Byefrnu, UYK. LOL
Old Doll.