
(2 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi flare,

no, not all the time.

It just indicates when to strum the chord, be it one strum or a strumming pattern.

But if you see something like the chords DG next to each other like that then yeah usually one strum, but sometimes you can cheat and miss out the " one strummed chord"

Also sometimes the chord above a certain word is not always in the right place, you would have to know the song and the rythum of it so you can play it better, or you can put it in your songbook then go back and edit it so it is in the right place.

And for lines like this

G         D         C

one time I had a baby elephant


it didnt give me the time of day

you will see there is a big space from the C chord on the top to the D chord on the second line, this means you would continue to keep playing C.

If there are no chords at certain part of a song it is mostly indicated with N/C ( no chord)

hope this answers you question

and by the way, above is not really a song, I made it up for the purpose of explaining, but now I look at it, I might make a song up with those lyrics in it.

back to edit it, it loooks like all the chords are all together at the begining, oh well, i did try.



(44 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi meggie,

There are loads of really eaasy songs you can learn.

johnny cash's cocaine blues, only 2 chords C and G ( although there is an F at the end)

knocking on heavens door 

hotel yorba

house of the rising sun

there are tons,

best way to find some are to look up peoples song books on chordie or just browse a while thru bands that you like or certain songs you like and see if it looks easy.

good luck



(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

i play everyday and I cant say I have ever felt tingly feeling or pins and needles etc anywhere in my hand.

Maybe bad circulation? do you smoke? lol,

I think thuogh it is maybe the way you are holding the neck of the guitar? maybe not.

Also if you are just starting to play and you are playing 2 hours a day for a while, you might be doing a bit of harm to your hand? I am no doctor so if I were you, give it a rest for a few days see if you get the feeling, if not then it must be your tecnique and if you do get the feeling, get to the docs.



(115 replies, posted in Other string instruments)


i WILL GO OUT AND GET ONE, A CHEAP ONE AND A GOOD ONE i TIHNK, A CHEAP ONE FOR SAME REASON AS YOU, CHUCK IT ABOUT ( and dont ye just hate where the caps lock is on a keyboard)

I have the dogs bollox of tuners, an intellitouch tuner, work by vibrations, so there can be a lot of noise while you tune, but you can get tuners that work off vibrations for about a tenner, no need t ospend £38 like I did, lol, my first uke will be cheaper than my tuner.lol



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>brad01_2003 wrote on Sat, 19 August 2006 01&#58;04</b></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">
I think that's a pretty good idea.  I hate finding songs and then realize that I don't know half the chords involved.

the page shows you how to play a chord. I have only seen a couple of times where there is no diagram of the chord.

If you dont know the chord then these diagrams are here for you to learn.

I do not know every chord but that doesnt stop me learning a new chord.

You could go on forever with using the only chords you know just but wouldnt that be so boring?

By the sounds of it you two are thinking negative, too negative.

I think the search for song with only certain chords is a waste of time as ( I said) there are diagrams with how to play the chord on it.



(21 replies, posted in Acoustic)

lmao, and also jimmy hendrix covered it too


although it is not my place to say, I thank you.

Yes, this site is grat and that is why I continue to come her everyday and look at posts and sometimes answer posts even when i feel I am not qualified enough to do so.

If more poeple got involvd in the forum it could be much much better tahn it is, ( eve nthough I thin kit is great just now)

IF WE ALL COMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER AND HELP EACH OTHER OUT THRU QUESTION AND ANSWERS ETC WE WILL ALL BENIFIT FRO M IT.  ooops, sorry but the caps,  i hate where the caps lock is, especially when i am drunk, like now)

yeah, great post

keep posting, asking answring etc



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

i dont know if this has anything to do with the upgrades or ot, but i ind that going from page to page is going much faster.



(21 replies, posted in Acoustic)

<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>djangograppelli wrote on Fri, 18 August 2006 09&#58;49</b></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">
Jimi was full of wind - overblown in fact!!! most over rated guiter player ever.....

none of this is fact as you seem to be trying to tell people.

this is your personal opinion, personal opinions do not count as a factual statement, only a personal statement.

Some people say the beatles were over rated, but with so many fans there is no way they could have been.

Jimmy hendrix influenced so many people to pick up a guitar and do different things apart from just the usual strum or lead, so to be such a big influence on so many people, including famous guitarists today does not make him over rated

( and I am not a jimmy hendrix fan, a few songs are good though)



(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I play it the normal way ( the way spaminator has shown) but since I have difficulties in barring chords I dont play the E string, I just play the bottom notes.

Yes, I cheat.

Same with Bm, and Fm7 and a lot of other chords, I just try not to play the low notes and strum the bottom strings, and believe me I have practiced a lot trying to bar chords but when I do they come out with a duff sound, so cheating works for me

not as if I am on stage making a lot of money or a living out of it, as long as you find a comfortable way of playing that you like, thats all that matters



(115 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

cheers marty

this lanikai and $'s stuff means nothing to me,lol, i am scotish and live in scotland, but there are plenty of music shops about here, and like you said e bay.
I am going to wait a few months and get a decent one instead of my original plan of just jumping out and getting the cheapest one i could get for £12 ( about $20)

After I get it I will have roughly one year to learn to play it good so I can take it to the isle of jura folk festival at the end of september. This year it is guitar going again and my tambourine for when i am too drunk to hold a chord.

cheers anyway



(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)


so you actually believe me? lmao, if you thin k Iam pathetic for having a laugh then that makes you sad for believing.

You really think I care?

and I have some of my songs on youtube, go rate them as low as possible if you want since others are that I am cheeky to

some people really dont understand some others sense of humour.



(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)


that is a bit trickier,

all to do with scales.

Something I am not an expert in.

but i hope someone does answer you so I can find out how to tel las welll,lol



(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi marybeth

If you mean transposing as in transopsing chords or the key of the song then look to the right of the page of the song you are on.

There are drop down menus to transpose the key of the song. i.e if the song starts with E and you trenspose it down a semitone the song will change and will start with F#.

also you can change from guitar to mandolin,ukulele,banjo etc and get the chords for these instruments instead of the guitar chords.

hope that answers you, if not someone else will tell you hopefully



(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

lol spammy, thats only because you have more friends in here than I have,lol

it is a conspiracy!!!!!!1

please people, vote for me, I never win anything... well I won a three legged race in primary 3 ( that means 3rd year in school when i was a bout 7 years old)

please, please, vote me, vote me, vote me

My lyrics are far superior than anyone elsees, mine are the best.

and even if you dont thin kthey are, dont worry, not everyone is perfect, not everyone can recognise true tallent such as I have,

go now vote for me, NOW




(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

hi Kate,

I dont thin kmuch of the second song. Dont know why really, I just think the lyrics are cheesy and a bit pish, sorry.lol

but i do like the first song. It can be sung by anyone, male or female young or old.

I actually thought before I read the second chorus that this was wrote by a 40 year old guy wit ha daughter that was rebelling against him and seeing whoever she wanted to see.

Yeah, I like this song. 2 verses is enough and for your first attempt I tihnk both are good attempts but the first i think is really good. oh yeah back to the verse thing,lol...... Would look better if it had a break in it, a break as in  an interlude part, a part that is different from the verse and the chorus but still fits in, a main part of it if you like.

well done, dont give up, keep at it.



(4 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

was wondering if anyone has an OUD.

I have one in my house ( my sons)

I am told it is a turkish oud and should have 7 strings, but the one i have has got 6 string and with guitar strings.

anyone know if this is right?



(115 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

so you would reccomend the ukelele or ukulele, (both spellings correct, apart from reccomend, that should be recommend))
I am thinking of getting one of these too, only £12, and the chords look quite easy.
But I have only heard one getting played by george formby and  idont know if that is a good example since his songs were dire, apart from " when im cleaning windows" lol

I still plan to get one, I just want to know from a guitarist, or ex guitarist's point of view how good they are, how good they sound, how easy to play.

But, I dont think I will ever give up my guitarrs.



(4 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi seadreamer,

remember that the songs on chordie are taken from other site and they are not always spot on accurate. The transcriptions are from other people na dsometimes people get things wrong.

I have seen a lot of songs that are wrong in chordie, but they still work, just in a different key sometimes or sometimes completely wrong but still sound ok until you try and play along with a song.

I do like John Prine but I dont know this song ( even though I might have it)

My advice is play what you see if it sounds right , use it, if not, find another chord that sounds correct.

And if you have it saved in your songbook ( if you have one) you can change it by clicking edit and amend chords to any songs in your songbooks on chordie



(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi Pere,

another error.....

After I had told someone in "other stringed instruments" about how chordie has mandolin chords, I thought I would try this out. The F chord for the mandolin is a swine to play and I thought I would get a different variation of it by clicking on the chord (as it says to do so for chord variations)

I got this error :

testing [Dm]Test

Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /data/www/guitar/chord2htmlclass/chord2html.class.inc on line 488

I also tried this for the guitar and get the same error.




(87 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

it is quite good, but then after I posted that reply I remembered that CHORDIE has mandolin chords too,lol.

if you click on a song then go to the right hand side of the screeen and change from guitar to mandolin.


(87 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

My father in law has just gave my son a mandolin to mess about with.

I was playing it for hours today. I went to a site and got chords for the mandolin, and so far I am enjoying it. I am not playing single notes, just chords but still sounds good.

I am finding all the chords easy to do apart from F, so I am cheating with that chord.

I have big chinky fingers , no, not fat , just chunky and I am finding chords easy.

the site i went to was gootar.com it has chords for uke, madolin and kore instruments



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

looks like a good song, but wheres the chorus?



(2 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

hi blind,

I use my computer. I only have a built in sound card but still does the job, but a good sound card would be better.

I use a program called "cakewalk guitar pro 3"

this is a 32 track studio on my computer. After recording your tracks the ycan be saved in the guitar pro3 to mess about wit hlater and also saved as a wav file to be turned into an mp3 later.

The mp3 convertor I had on it ran out of time for the free demo on it and wants me to pay for an upgrade, so instead I downloaded a free mp3 convertor from the net.

Also I have a program called fruit loops version 6. this is a drum machine, or I use it as a drum machine. D.J's use it for mixing sounds etc. but the drum machine part is excellent on it. After you have a drum rythum it can be imported into guitar pro3,

hope this helps.



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)


your link to your e mail address does nto work, took me a few minutes but  iknow why now. you have a full stop after com 

people wanting to e mail their sngs will have to delete the . from the end.
