
(32 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank you Mekidsmom and Bill
Bill you are a genius at making this forum fun and your words are what adds value. Dont Cross The Robot is a concept put into the right hands will work on all sorts of  genres and levels. Your Blueprint is  brilliant. I can't wait for someone to grab hold of the foundation you have laid and build on it,

You guys rock three wonderfully  talented dudes. The combination of each of your inputs made the final product a entertaining experience that made me feel like I was a teenager again at a Youth dance.


(32 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Sorry Uncle Joe
My attempts at doing links havent been that good. I have edited my post above hopefully that will work better, My computer skills are very limited.
Thank you for your reply.
Peatle                                                                https://soundcloud.com/eatleville


(32 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Bill
I have thrown a rough attempt on soundcloud for a couple of days of your clever piece. Hopefully someone who is better at that sort of genre will put together something that will do your piece more justice. It  is under Peatle Jville on Soundcloud.
Your friend,                                                                                                                        https://soundcloud.com/eatleville

I think you come from a community that has real good values. I am a white guy born to  a English father and a part Fijian mother. As a kid I never thought of skin colour as on my mother side we are of all colours.  As a kid  living in Fiji for a while I  never noticed that I was one of the few white kids around.   Colour meant nothing apart from wishing my skin was darker so that I could handle the sun better.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Even down here at the bottom of the world Hank has a large fan base.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Jim you have a superb talent for putting life and its various aspects into song. As a poet and song writer  with your clever video presentations I rate you up there with the best.


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

One of the best guitars I ever had was a Takemine.  A New Zealand Journalist Mark Sainsbury is trying to be your look alike.  If you get a chance CHECK his picture out online.http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Shows/MarkSainsbury.asphttp://www.radiolive.co.nz/Shows/MarkSainsbury.aspxx


(32 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I think your words tell it real good as they are. I can see these words been used in many differant ways top writing. I couldnt do  these words justice I am sure some one on chordie will. This could be the start of a concept Album.

This is not a gig story. Many years ago when I was walking through a park over in Tokyo Japan I was mobed by a whole bunch of screaming teenage girls who mistook me for a pop star. Maree who was with me was asked by a passer by does he play with Rod Stewart. That was my 15 seconds of mistaken fame. This now  is more a gig story when I was living in Sydney I became friendly with an old Jazz trumpet player. Every now and then I would sing an odd blues number with his band. His band's drummer had a drinking problem and got kicked out of the pub they were playing at.  Im not that good a drummer but filled in for the last set just jamming along to old standards. After the gig, a  gig  guide reporter asked me about my style of drumming. I jokingly told him I came from the  Keith Moon school of drumming.  The next guide that was published noted that a  fill in  drummer  had played the last set with the band. It also  said the drummer from New Zealand had also played drums with the famous Who.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Bill I enjoyed reading your Dont Cross The Robot lyrics. I can visualise, Don't Cross The Robot  been used in a concept album or  a film or Tv or even just as a poem, maybe a narrated song with sound effects. I hope someone picks  up your lyrics and presents it. I am sure one of the Chordie family is working on your ideas as we speak. Artificial Inteligence Robots, Computers are taking over and it is not all good. Your thoughts on all sorts of things make me think. Thank you for your  imput and bringing differant perspective to Chordie Land.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Bill  you are  a great suporter of mine. You and Dondra are legends a vital part of the Chordie family.


(12 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Keep them coming Jim another excellent production. I love the way you cover  diverse subjects. Deployments are extremly tough on family life. Over the years though I have found that deployment  also has strengthend some relationships and made those people appreciate each other even more.


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

There many who have large amounts of money who dont pay taxes or put back. While the struggling masses have no option and pay their taxes. Large Corperates are ruthless in the way they destroy small business. Good on the few  wealthy philanthropist who try and make  a differance. EB  you got me thinking.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

1986 I appreciated the talent of Queen but wasn't a fan apart their Bohemian Rhapsody.. My wife Maree took me to Wembly stadium as we were in London, to see Queen ,which blew me away. Best concert I have been to in my life and since  then a total fan.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

It good to hear Dondra is doing well. Sorry to hear Burt Passed away. We have been thinking about you in our prayers. And many of us here in chordie land missed you while you were away, Great to have you back.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Bill you are a champion of the people I am so pleased to see you back again.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Miss  having you around recently Bill and your lovely Dondra. Your two are much loved by many of us from all around the world.


(41 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Jim your video is pure genius. Graham preformance with the visuals brings it home perfectly. Look forward to hearing Grahams band playing Girlfriend.


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

It must be disheartening for the the  increasing number of young people who have studied hard to improve their lifes stuck working on minimum wage jobs due to lack of opportunity. Fast Food shops and other global franchises full  of qualified people who studied hard to pass exams unable  to  use their qualifications stuck in low paid jobs. The other side is also those young people who dont have qualification but are prepared to work hard  if they could get a job. I agree with Jim a beautifully writen piognant poem. EB you have got us all thinking.

Kim love what your doing with the uke and also your composing and singing. Your 3 kids have a wonderful role model. obviously the clasically trained pianist's add a nice dimension to your creative household.

Hey it is real good to see your photos a great record of an important fun event. In years to come you will apreciate the fact that these images of all you wonderful characters exist.
Thank you for putting them up.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Love the video keep them coming.


(41 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Jim those words hit the mark. My wife  and I have worked with drug addicts in the past at the Bridge programme those lyrics bring  out what addiction is. Societys around the world are been destroyed by drug addiction a  modern epidemic.
One of my songs on soundcloud Louis And Mum is about two drug addicts I knew when I lived in Sydney..


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Jim you have writen another song with emotional substance and the Phill version with the strings brings it to life in a way that impacts on me even stronger.