
(14 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Ok, I got my ukulele yesterday.

A soprano one, one with 4 nylon strings on it.

I am having fun annoying my wife with it at the moment, i only wish it was louder.  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

so anyway, any other players out there find it goes out of tune too easily? i play it then almost instantly it is out of tune, maybe only a very small bit, but stil out of tune. And if I leave it after playing for 10 or 20 minutes all strings are out of tune. I have not used my tuner so much in such little time.

And what a hard time I am having trying to play Em and even E. I have biggish fingers, not exactly skinny wee things and this fret board is teeny.

Same as the mandolin really but on the mandolin I only have problem playing  the chord F.

anyone know about the tuning?

anyone know about bigger fingers playing chords on these instruments?




(6 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

if this turns into an argument  i will lock the thread.

and there is nothing wrong with being anti american, or anti british or anti muslim or anti russian etc, i am anti human. <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">


(1 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

no, but this should be in song requests.



so many replies here and i am so glad that no one has mentioned wham or take that or spice girls or any other manufactured pop nonsense that has dominated the charts in the past 10 -15 years,  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

seems like a good crowd on this forum, people know good music, even if others do not like ones that are mentioned,  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">



(6 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

I done it the opposite way. I learned the bass when I was 14 and played it for about 8 years until  Ipicked up an acoustic guitar. I played in a band for a while but now I dont play the bass at all, I still have it and the amp, what a waste, I should sell it.

sorry, no tips though apart from it is sore on yer fingers until they toughen right up, try not to use a plectrum unless you want that crap sound from it. Hmmmm, depends on the style you play I guess? lol

go try the bass line to money by pink floyd, it is a great learning bass line, even if you dont like floyd, got to admit that bass line is superb.

Also happy jack by the who, which if I am not mistaken is the first bass line to be played like this? or it is the first song that the guitars follow the bass? I canny remember but there is something special about it.

or START by the jam, this is the song I first learned in the early 1980's

phew, wow, makes me think of all the songs I played, AC/DC the entire albums of TNT and powerage. AC/DC are exteremly easy to play bass to.

metallicas For whom the bells toll.

any sex pistols.

sweet child of mine, in fact i still got the guns and roses bass book for appetite somewhere.

lots and lots,

but if you like any I have mentioned, give them a go.



(32 replies, posted in Acoustic)

congratulations jeffro on being so great.

i am glad i never posted anything before you. I would not have taken too kindly to getting told I was talking crap, even if I was, there are a lot nicer ways to word things. And yes, you did first appologise before you started but still!!!

but everything you say in your advice is right.

try and word things better when you think or know someone is talking crap.



(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

yeah, that reminds me,

i done this when i first started, I consentrated on two chords i.e. D and G and just strummed each chord once and never moved onto another chord change until i had went from D to G, then G to D easily enough that I didnt have to look.



(6 replies, posted in Song requests)

I dont know the song yer talking about ( I might have heard it though, just dunno the name)

But you could be right about changing lyrics. With lots of folks songs, traditional songs etc  the lyrics are often changed by another writer/singer. For intstance I know 4 different versions of black velvet band, 2 versions of dirty old town about 2 or 3 versions of "the leaving of liverpool" 2 versions of " sweet rose of allendale/ rose of allendale"

So it is very probable that lyrics have been changed.



(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

you have not said how long you have been playing for, but All I can say is keep practicing.

Or maybe you could try doing sometihng like knocking on heavens door, or another slow song that you are comfortable doing then just speed it up.

or get the chords to a " 3 chord wonder" that is fast and slow it right down and keep at it until you get faster.



(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

wish you were here by floyd or if ti's in you by syd barrett.

or behind blue eyes by the who

or all my favourites, Wild rover, black velvet band, whisky i nthe jar,  rose of allendale, loch lomond, fields of athenry,

or Creep by radiohead.

sorry if you were only wanting one song, I couldnt pick one, depends what I remembered one the night,lol. But I usually remember all these


what  a brilliant request and what a brilliant reply and brilliant follow up.

still a great site, long may it rule the net for songs/chords/tabs/help/info etc etc

Pere, if ye ever come to Scotland ( where I have taken it upon myself to crown myself the king of the scots) I will buy you a few beers, or single malts.

Good work



(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I think I just deleted a free demo version of what i think you might be looking for.

I cant remember what it was called exactly but it was a chord generator program.

it allowed you to load a song into the program and it would pick up on the notes and tell you what chord it was and showed you where to change.

the free demo let you do about 1 minute of the song. Cant remember what it cost for the full version though.

in fact, i dont know much else about it, lol, sorry, but i did look quite good for someone that wants to learn a song.



(19 replies, posted in Acoustic)

what is that all about spammy?



(16 replies, posted in About Chordie)

maybe people want to edit it outside a songbook because they have no plans to keep it in a songbook?

I tihnk they should just save it in a songbook, do what they want then print it out then delete it if they want.

regarding the white space missing, I just read thru these old posts about them. I do what you do James, I use .. (dots) to seperate them.

it does seem strange why it does it, but it doesnt bother me that much really.



(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

excellent song.

I thought it was on chordie? maybe not but i have seen it somewhere on the net a while ago.

I dont do it though so I cannot help.



(3 replies, posted in Song requests)

ok, i might be wrong and this is going to take some time typing this in, but i was bored.

try this







or alternatively









(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

i have came across a few wee probs, but i forgot to report them ( sorry),

next time i come across any i will report.

I use Windows explorer

hmmm, yeah there was something to do with editting a song sometime I think , but i cant think what that was now,lol, I know, not much help that!!!

o, next time I will report all bugs and hope that I win a t shirt ,lol

I am in here everyday and mucking about with my song books and looking for new songs and ideas all the time, i thin ki should be finding more bugs and errors.



(4 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

hi dada,

yes you can use a guitar tuner.

also, there are different ways top tune the mandolin but the GDAE is i tihnk the most popular way to tune, and as said it makes an easy way of playing irish/scottish folk tunes and probably more. I learned guns and roses " civil war " with this tuning.

here is a link to a mandloin page that might help

<a href="http&#58;&#47;&#47;www.mandolincafe.com/tabarc.html" target="_blank">http://www.mandolincafe.com/tabarc.html</a>

and for a list of mandolin chords

<a href="http://www.gootar.com/folder/sampleman.html" target="_blank">http://www.gootar.com/folder/sampleman.html</a>

hope that helps



(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

inspired you? cool,lol. I think that is now threee people in my life i have managed to inspire.lol

Let us know when you get your songs on and I will rate them high, whether i like them or not,lol

just what I expect from everyone here



(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I  love your way with words James, the sweet seduction od a love goddess ,lmao, cracker, very good.

so, anyway, yeah, should this post not be in other stringed instruemnts?

just wondering ,lol



(19 replies, posted in Acoustic)

kahuna, yes that is right but you would have to bar the chord on the second fret.

I dont thin kI have ever played this chord and I would find a way of cheating since I am crap at barring chords.

I looked up the chord here. 

<a href="http&#58;&#47;&#47;www.chordie.com/chords.php" target="_blank">http://www.chordie.com/chords.php</a>

yes, chordie has access to a good chord book. it is found under " resources".

in the case of Gmaj7 it has a number "2" at the left hand side of the diagram, this means it is barred on the second fret. If it had a 3, the nbar on the 3rd fret etc etc etc.

if you click on the chord diagram it will show you different ways of playing Gmaj7, and like Ant's version of it, it is just another way to play it. both ways are right.

what you got to do is decide what way sounds best with the song you are doing




(0 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Well, I was bored this morning and wrote two songs.

I put one on youtube and the other will go on when i find a spare hour or so to upload it on to the site.

inspired by syd barrett, I am turning out more and more silly songs.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96MGsJrXHvo" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96MGsJrXHvo</a>


ffs, I never missed the alarm out did I? slapping my wrists severely several times for that. And I go inthe web site every day, I listen to them every week at least once, my kids listen to them at least three times a week,lol

Also, people,

I would like to add the Alarm to my list, Mike Peters isan absolutley fantastic songwriter and still very much down to earth sort of guy.

ken <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_redface.gif" border=0 alt="Embarassed">


(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

i dont think this poll should be in song requests.

and since it has already been polled before in the proper place,

iwould like to see this post and topic vanish before my eyes



(44 replies, posted in Acoustic)

good call there alvee,

also, black velvet band, fields of athenry, loch lomond, rose of allendale, leaving of liverpool, Dirty old town ( easiest song to do ever!!!) the pub wit hno beer, the band played waltzing matilda and green fields of france.

yes, I do all of these
