
(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Tig  your a song factory turning out high powerd quality lyrics.

Jandle you have set the bar high your cover hits all the right spots. Pure Magic.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I like the way you write about relationship challenges.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

I like what you are saying Tenement the world outlook of young criminals has subtly been shaped or brainwashed  into them by the constant negative bombardment that entertainments subtly place into their susceptible brains. Also the new generation of so called Reality Stars seem to get more media coverage then thery deserve. People famous for been famous with no real talent or good character.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Daryl
I see that you are from the Phillipines. It would great to see you on the Geographical Spread Map  on chordie if are interested under Chat Corner. I am looking forward to hearing some of your playing.

Music to me has no wrongs or rights. I think what matters is are people having fun. The best covers to me are those done by people who feel the songs deep down when doing them. Also I love the way a song that fits one style such as country becomes a soul song when done by another artist. Look forward to  hearing what the gifted talented people on here come up with. Jandle your voice can make any song sound great.


(14 replies, posted in Poems)

In my younger days I spent many hours traveling around the world in Iorn Birds meeting interesting and not so interesting people.   It  was a great experience  travelling. Sometimes when its going good time would travel too fast. When things were not going good, when away, some how coming home always felt good. An excellent poem Phill.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I feel lucky to still have my 95 year old Mum still around.


(22 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Great song Bill you got the magic.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

You and I growing up here in little old NZ. 
Both old enough to remember this land before Televison arrived.
Teenagers hanging out at Milk Bars.The Blacksmith on the main street.
Where there are houses now on the hills of our valley were farm animals.

A murder shocked the whole nation and was headlines.
Now murder is just a regular event.
Our family home was rarely locked.
We knew everyone in our street.
We played on the street as there weren't many cars.
The Television came and everyone started owning cars.
Doors started to be locked and people forgot their neighbourhood and began to feel unsafe.
The rest of the world far away got closer while next door became far away.


(21 replies, posted in Acoustic)

The love I make with my guitar is differant to love I have with my girl.
One is priceless and forever the other is just a passing tune.
One I can tune up the other tunes me up.
Both make me happy.


(13 replies, posted in Song requests)

Sometimes I just take the lyrics of some song I like and just throw my own chords and feel to it. It can be a lot of fun and sometimes it can work out. That is why Joe Cocker was well liked because he did other people songs his way. Little Help From My Friends.Compare the Beatles version to his version.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hey that is one very determined song. Goood use of minor chords and interesting lyrics.


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

Gambling is a funny thing you got be in to win , you got be in to lose. It is the never you know factor if its your turn to win or lose factor.  Some contol their gambling others let it take them over and destroy their lifes. Today I will try and get the winning numbers,


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Daryl
Welcome. When you get into music it is a little bit like being a mad scientist because the only way to get good at it is to practise and experiment.
At times it can be an emotional rollercoaster especially  when you have days when you just can't make it work but when you do it is like reaching a peak. By being patient and pushing through the many frustrations of trying to get a good sound you do get bits that work and get to master more of it. When you can make bits work it is a magical feeling. Then you find the thing you can now do  is not challenging so you end up exploring other avenues which challenges your comfort zones. With music you never stop learning. Even though I am an older person everybody no mater how experienced or old they are teaches me something. Look forward to following your future growth and remember good things take time.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you for sharing Lance's magic. His time and money was well spent. He could go to the top as Phill said.

easybeat wrote:

Gidday all
This is brilliant,many chordians doing covers.
Please keep them coming i think it`s really exciting.
I guess lots of u guitarists have never had a crack at covering `an original`
Let me encourage u to have a go,sometimes an average guitarist finds they are a brilliant arranger
or have a talent for putting their signature on a song.Or put some chords to a poem.
Phill williams covered one of my songs once,it was so encouraging it kept me writing.
Have a go!
Hey baby spread the love

I love the way a song can be taken to some where else after it is writen. Joe Cocker covers of Beatle songs is a example that comes to mind. Good on those chordians who do covers .  It makes it exciting especialy when the person adds their own special touch.


(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Listening  to your song reminds me of some of the comments my 95 year old mother makes about being an older person.  It is an excellent musical statement as it is.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Your nephew has an exceptional talent.

Wow Amy  that really worked well with your voice and playing up there with Joan Baez. Take a bow you got the audience hanging onto every word and lovely guitar. Love to hear you doing it on soundcloud also.   Beamers one was good it just needed the vocals to be a bit louder.


(474 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I love when people like that make the accoustic guitar talk. They turn the solo instrument into a choir with full orchestration.  The best I ever managed with a guitar is to make it mumble slightly.


(23 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Nice cover version. Not only did you have the true  essence of the song but you made it your own. You chord changes and singing bang on.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good to have you on soundcloud Beamer.

Jim  reading your lyrics and listening to you on soundcloud was very much like a eureka moment. Your song perfectly tells it about Angels. Your voice and playing fitted together like a hand in glove. As you know I love your songwriting, this one is extra special.


(32 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank you Mekidsmom and Bill
Bill you are a genius at making this forum fun and your words are what adds value. Dont Cross The Robot is a concept put into the right hands will work on all sorts of  genres and levels. Your Blueprint is  brilliant. I can't wait for someone to grab hold of the foundation you have laid and build on it,