
(3 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)


I only play acoustic too, and processor is the correct way of spelling it,lol, and not the way i did, i tried various ways thiking they were all wrong, so dont think yerself a thicko.

an effects processor is like an effects pedal but it can do distortion,flange,echo,delay etc.

it has maybe about 5 pedals that can all be programmed to a certain sound. But you do not need this to plug a guitar into the computer. It can go straight into the socket for microphone.



I have no idea who any of those bands are you mentioned apart from poison, a band I used to love but "one of the greatest" ????? nah, no way, they may have sold venues out but not stadiums, they may have been good musicians but not fantastic.

Although Michael Jacko, even though I dont like his stuff apart from the earth song ( at a push) he would have to be in the greatest as fans and album sales and sell out concerts for years upon years.



(3 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Hi Ant

My mate plays his guitar through his PC all the time for recording purposes but also has his PC rigged upto his stereo so the sound comes through that, not as good as an amp but still works.

I asked him before about this and he says he just plugs it straight into the mic jack on the pc.

He has an effects prossesor plugged in to his pc as well.

I think when I asked him ages ago he said start with all volumes down lowest then work it out from there

hope that helps



(32 replies, posted in Acoustic)

( not shouting)

QUOTE" strum along to some crap"

I strum, I wouldnt say I strum along to crap, I may play crap sometimes though. And sometimes, very frequently I will finger pluck, but it always the same way.

I enjoy strumming, I enjoy trying to finger pluck so it sounds right, but I have never managed a full song sounding good never mind excellent.

I  am not very good at reading TAB, but can with a little struggle. I never try to play any lead guitar parts ( apart from sweet child of mine but never play the song) I dont have an electric guitar ( apart from my bass)

BUT........ I enjoy it.

I am not out to make money from my playing whether they be good or bad.

PLaying the guitar should be fun, is fun and should be taken as fun and not " eww, that was crap, can you not play that better" sort of way.

And now I have ranted so much here, I cannot remember what you said,lol. ( maybe I shold have stayed in bed to get extra sleep? 3 hours is not enough)

( dont take this too seriously)

Strumming is good



(21 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hmmm, I dont see the point in this.

Maybe it's just me,lol. I look for songs to play that I already know the tune of.

If I came across some lyrics that I didnt know the tune of, I would download the song and learn it that way, with the chords in front of me.

But I suppose everyone is different to how they learn things



(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

thank you James,.

and delli, go to the thread that says contest, rules are there.

it is in the same section as this, ( songwriting)



(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Since only 2 people have entered I have decided to extend the finishing date to 14th October.

hopefully we will get more people entering.




(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

thanks slim.

No idea why no one wants to enter this fun contest with a prize at the end.

I might have to extend the finishing date. It is suppose to be in 12 hours and 15 minutes time but looks like I will have to change it.

hmmmm, yeah.



all songs for contest in the appropriate place, and please read rules first.



(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)



I think you have been unlucky. I find that the majority of songs here are  in "chord form" rather than tab.

I prefer the chords too instead of tab, some like tabs, some dont, some dont care, lol

When I look for a song I try to avoid any saying "text only "

this is usually or always in tab form.

It might be the sort of music you like?

I find that lots of "THE WHO" and AC/DC" songs are in tab form. I would love all these to be in "chord form" but thats life.

Since chordie is a search engine for tabs I hope someone does find a site that has these bands with just chords and links it with choride, but I have looked and looked several times for more chords but have failed.



(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)


I have had no problem printing from this site, I printed out about 15 songs today no bother.



(11 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Jace

I am a young 36 year old and I still cant bar chords, but i work my way round it by just playing all the easy chords ,lol

I think you rpobably could build the strength back up if that is what is needed, or maybe the action on your guitar is too high?

or try lighter gauge string?



(9 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

sorry tjbigs

But I know of no program like that, but i would love to know if there is one too, and yes smappy, I can read and write music but why bother doiing that if you can get something to do it for you?



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Pere.

I was reading a post about how you can now change the song list into order of bands or songs, Fantastic stuff.

Then I noticed you could change from guitar to other instruments, again, fantastic, but what is not so fantstic is, it didnt work when i tried to change it for the uke or the mandolin, when I clicked change I went into the song and it never changed, whoever, I think it still works if you go into the song and change it there.

I was not planning to keep my songbook changed, but I might make a new one up for the uke and the mandolin,

just thought I would let you know this feature isnt working properly.



p.s. ( came back in to say this. I just made up a uke book ( i like the sound of that))

when I clicked on view/print book, it was transposed into the uke chords , so that part works, just when you click on the individual song it doesnt



(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

going great james with the uke, I am loving it, my wife is hating it, she keeps laughing saying it is a toy,lol

I found I cant sing all songs along with it, i am currently sorting out my music sheets for ones i can do wit hthe uke,

and going to put that link on the scales thread if i can find it again,lol




(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)


why has this been given lots of stars , showing the topic to be of great interest when no one has replied but 60 odd people have read it?  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

Anyway, tabs, I hate them. I much prefer to use chords and strum, since I am a strummer.

Tabs are more accurate for how to play a song, they tell you the exact notes to play.

When you see the song in tab form it is possible to get the chords from it by looking at the pattern of what notes are getting played.

So, are you missing out? well depends on what your style of guitar playing is like or what you want it to be like. I wouldnt say I am missing out since I am happy being a strummery sort of player, but if you want to go more advanced than just strumming then I would say  YEAH, yer missing out ,lol



(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

and also E7 and E6 are excellent chords to play, especially at the end of a song.

here is a site I found which I think is great for chord progression and scales and finding out what a chord is called.

<a href="http://www.all-guitar-chords.com/chord_name.php" target="_blank">http://www.all-guitar-chords.com/chord_name.php</a>


as david bowie has been quoted for saying

"if you write a song and you like it, then someone somewhere in the world will like it also" ( or something along those words)

meaning, it doesnt matter what you do, what you sound like, if you like it yourself, keep playing it and dont listen to negative comments

If anyone has the david bowie cd with the extra songs on it, i.e the demo version of ziggy stardust, you will know what I am talking about, it is a terrible demo for a record company but some producer saw the potential and went withit and created a superb classic.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Yes, it is a song writing contest again, but done a bit different. It is more of a lyric contest

There will be a prize for the winner. The winner can choose a prize from <a href="http://www.cafepress.com/chordie," target="_blank">http://www.cafepress.com/chordie,</a>

I am the judge, the closing date is Wednesday 27th september 8am ( gmt)

winner will be announced Thursday 28th sept.2006 at 9pm ( gmt)


3 verses with no more than 6 lines per verse

a chorus with no more than 4 lines

an interlude with no more than 2 lines

Lyrics wrote with chords are good but not necessary.

no sweary words allowed.

no conversations allowed on this page, if you want to discuss any songs entered here then make a new thread up please.

Since I am the judge, I will not be taking part.

good luck


(10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

electric are good but what happen if you have a power cut? or go camping?

acoustic for me, it can be played anywhere,anytime


(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

yeah, some online tuners are not bad.

but for an actual tuner I have the dogs bollocks of tuners, About £36- £39
but you can get good ones for £10.
Get one that works with the vibrations, they clip onto the guitar and pick up the note thru vibrations. This means people in the same room can still make a noise without interfering wit hthe tuning of the guitar, whereas with the tuners that pick up the sound of the note will also pick up sounds other than the guitar.



(3 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi philo

This was discussed on chordie briefly a while ago,

looked up and found the page:

<a href="http://www.chordie.com/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=7&start=0&S=0815e5dbc933784294d8b6bc5de3e4de" target="_blank"> http://www.chordie.com/forum/index.php? … h=7&st art=0&S=0815e5dbc933784294d8b6bc5de3e4de</a>

hopefully this might help a bit



(2 replies, posted in Acoustic)

down down down down up down down, down down up, down up down  down up down down down up down

try that


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

or you could really get the crowd going by making something up on the spot, including imnprovising with lyrics.

It will either be good or give the crowd a good laugh.

they might think yer weird but as long as you have fun.



(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

<a href="http://www.alligatorboogaloo.com/uke/tabs.html" target="_blank">http://www.alligatorboogaloo.com/uke/tabs.html</a>

any song can be done on the uke.


very true james,

the reason I love going to folk festivals mainly on the western isles of scotland, people jamming constantly thru the day and night, even when they are asleep in tents you still here guitars and singing.

and thanks alvee. S 7 club thingy are really good arent they? pmsl.

but ye canny forget ........ yep, I forgotten, so ye can forget them
