Good one Kim reminiscent of how I imagine Santana would approach Jims song.

Wow Rick and Graham you guys got it going on with your versions of After The Goldrush. Once again thank you to all  of those who have taken the time to listen to my attempt.


(2 replies, posted in My local band and me)

POLY KALA very good loved it  a wonderful raunchy sound.

Manually with help on recording instruments by sound engineer.

Thank you for having  a listen and the feed back. I did the backing as single tracks with borrowed instruments with the help of my  visiting friend from India, Yogesh and his work, microphones and other tricks.   With the vocals I just recorded that with a cell phone no mike. My aim is to try to keep things raw as possible and aviod using technology. Also that way it covers up my poor singing voice. So its all done manual on this one so that is why the playing is not that great. Drums, Keyboard, Guitar, Bass. We only had an hour to get the instruments down.  Vocals done at home later with cell phone. Zurf I have been trying to get a tune out of a Hamonica I got given at Christmas and it has proved to be a tough instrument to conquer.

I have put my version of After The Gold Rush up on soundcloud if anyone is interested to have a listen.

That sounds like a good name fo a new musical movement the.  Sleeping Glass Eyed Club.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Roger I like  your version it felt like the late Roy Orbison was trying make a return through your voice.


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

That sounds like you know  Easy Beat. On the tennis court he is a legend of great wit, and return hits.
When the the Easy Beat Film comes out will we  have Peter Fonda playing Easy Beat.
I want Jack Nicholson to play me.


(15 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Roger Guppy wrote:
Peatle Jville wrote:

It is wonderful to have a  talented New Zealand, Wahine of Waiata on chordie as a moderator well done Jandle . Wahine is a Maori word for lady and Waiata (why art ah ) is the Maori word for song.

So are you suggesting something like: Waiata Wahine Moderator?


I think the Uke-A-Lady moderator is the best title it has nice flow to it..  Wahine Waiata doesnt  have a flow to it and wasnt meant as a name sugestion, I was just comenting on it was nice to have a Kiwi moderator. Kiwi is a New Zealand Native bird and also  the word Kiwi is a name for a New Zealander. When New Zealanders and Australians get together we refer to ourselves as Ozzies and Kiwis.  I also know that folks overseas refer to Kiwi Fruit as a Kiwi.


(15 replies, posted in About Chordie)

It is wonderful to have a  talented New Zealand, Wahine of Waiata on chordie as a moderator well done Jandle . Wahine is a Maori word for lady and Waiata (why art ah ) is the Maori word for song.


(4 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Maree and I use to work with young addicts and this song could be about most of them.  Love the way you do it on soundcloud.


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That is a powerful musical of our times cutting right to the bone  thank you Beamer for putting me on to it.


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

This a few words about running into Easy Beat on a street in Wellington.

                                             Easy Beat
Standing on Salamanca Road talking to Easy Beat.
On a street next to Vic University with passing clever feet,
Talking about music and poetry from  a working mans seat.
Enlightening me about words that are poetry does Easy Beat.
Before my feet move on marching to their own beat.
Cheeky Tuis calling at us.
Rustling away on branches looking for nector.
Distracting us for a minute while we consider the tunes and lyrics of life.
Passing thoughts.
Next to passing traffic rushing by, we take our time.
Enjoying a moment not letting it pass too quick.
He has a tennis ball to chase.
I have a public servants job to complete.
We are not off just to compete we just want to be complete.
Thank you friend for your time on the street.
Thats me and my friend Easy Beat.


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you Jandle my vocals need a bit of work.but hopefully each new song I attempt is differant from the ones I have done before.  I appreciate the way you consistantly take time to have a listen to what people put up and offer a comment.  EB has good thought provoking words, he has a wonderful way of making good statements without over doing things.


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

EB I have used your poem Cheap Thrills and put it up as a song on soundcloud. Hope I have done it ok.


(7 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Has an interesting middle eastern feel to your playing. I could imagine people folk dancing to that tune in a town square on a hot still summers  evening.


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

That is a great piece on todays throw away society and  craft skills now  relegated to history.
I dont want to hear songs writen by computers.
I dont  want a computerised love.
I want real human love.
Love of a real person.
The rest of life has been overtaken by cheap and thats all we can affford.
First it was cheap labour overseas that took our jobs.
Now it is technology objects created by passionless machines.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good one ctech not over done not under done.


(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

The lads have talent and a nice laid back style.


(15 replies, posted in My local band and me)

I love your cover your got the voice soul and playing. This to me this is what good Blues is all about and this is why this song will live on. A personal favourite of mine.


(10 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Love the way you play and sing.

Hi Jandal I put a cover up on soundcloud just  my version of a Bob Dylan song .  It is not as good as what you have done.


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

Being a graduate  of the school of hard knocks and having attended the university of life your words resonate with me.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If I didnt have music the space between my ears would have very little going on.