
(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My older Brother played "What we called a bugle or Trumpet?  A small Copper
Coloured instrument with just 3 bottons on the top? He was part of the Scouting Movement, so it would be around him with a lanyard? I loved polishing this piece... I used love the sound of his practice as it could be heard all over the area. And yes he always has dry lips and a wee red mark from the pressure! Someone here must know the proper name for this instrument?

One of my younger brothers was adverse to washing himself! My Mam was always scolding him for this! One Saturday evening, no one could get to the bathroom? On enquries,we discovered This young brother was having a bath!
My Dad, got up from his chair took the bugle and stood outside the bathroom door and to everyones surprise played "Revellie".
We all hung out of one another laughing at the fun of this. This image and sound is vivid in my mind! and always spoken about when our clan get together still with great laughter!
My Mam remarked" That young man has his eye on a wee girl"!!  How right she was!He married the same Beautiful girl. She has been my sister in law
for the last 35 years.
Another great memory! So thanks again..

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank You James!

Old Doll.


(17 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Hi Southpaw41l,
Yes! i  the would appreciate the email when you get the time! Thank You!
One of the Guys is a drummer. Another owns a house out there and has been
a Trombone and Trumpet player all his life.. Could be, He has already heard you play..
An Old Childhood friend also lives in Clearwater! He was home some years ago for his Mams funeral and did give me his address, but ive lost same!

Any how, I wont be with this group,as an American friend from Colarado, Fell in love with Ireland and one of of our" Fear"{Man} And is having her wedding here late October.{ I was Miffed} as wanted to see The Rockies and Sing "Annies Song" from the top of one of them! Its on my list of things to do!!   Oh well! some other time! DV.


Old Doll.


(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Docphil,

I Hope your well and pain free!   

I love Acoustic for its relaxing feeling! Love all  music, but cannot do the real

noisy stuff anymore, the stuff  that leaves your ears ringing for a week!

Sure Doc, i cry if someone Shouts or  Raises there voice to me! So real loud noise and i dont gel anymore...

Have a good Evening Doc!

Old Doll.


(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Jerome Oneill,
Preacher and The Slave Tune, reminded me of an incident in my childhood that has stayed with me my whole life..I was born and raised a Catholic!
when i was around 11 years old i was sent to church for a service with some of my young brothers! My Mam gave us all some brown pennies for the plate in chapel. 
She also gave me 1 half crown to get more milk and bread on our way home!
Yes you guessed! i put the half crown { which was a lot of money in those days} on the plate by mistake! When i went to the parish house to explain and ask for the money back This is what happened.
The Parish priest, Thundered down the hall at me with long swinging black robes, didnt like the fact that i was interrupting his tea! When i explained, He bent down and in my face, said " Ask your Mother does She deny the house of God one half crown"? I explained what it was for, but he turned me by the collar of my  pink jacket on to the street and slammed his well polished door after me! So shocked was i at this supposedly Holy Mans act, that to this day i can still smell the scent of the lilac mixed with my tears as i walked the lane home!
I learned that day, what my Parents taught us at home was more about God then this man would ever know! They taught us what love was all about. Simple skills for life. Honesty, Thruth, Respect,and Compassion. They encouraged us to have an opinion on things in life, but respect  others also.
This same Church also went on to deny the Woman of Ireland the right to contraception!They denied us the right to divorce untill recently!  One could be killed in the rush for the divorce courts when this legislation was introduced!  We now have to be separated 5 years at least to divorce!  Lol.
  There Celibacy, {which i dont agree with } as it has turned out now was a farce as a lot of them "Fathered Children " and lived with and denied this fact Some to there death Bed!
Some Priest hid behind there Sacred Robes as they created Pedophile Rings around the world!
Some had the good grace to leave and admit there love for a woman, and were and still are shunned in this modern time for doing so! It seems the Catholic Church prefers hypocrisy? Some i knew became Alcoholics so trapped did they feel in there ministry.
Am i still Involved with my church? Yes! I love the community feeling it brings.
I love Our Church Leader, a wonderful beautiful Man. Whom i ask to" Marry Me" on a regular basis. He would make a great Husband and Father and a great Priest altogether. He always busts out laughing when i ask him, blesses me and sends me on my merry way.
The fear and Hypocrisy Our church instilled in us has paid a heavy price!
Practically empty Churches. Seven services per day, down to one a day! All our seminaries closed down, and not one person wanting to be A Priest or Nun!
Its been a long time since our parish door was slammed after me But I still use my Parents simple rules in life. There teachings were about Love and to me God is not about religion. Our Creater is about Love.

Diá Linn { God to You }

Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Altex
I believe your own natural voice is the way to go! Any other way puts a strain on your vocal chords!

Good luck,

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi DaddyCool,

Loved this song! Having 8 brothers Christmas time in our house was full of
Guns,Holsters,Cowboy Hats and the smell of caps.. Pearl Handle guns seem to be the biggie that time.! None of them became bad lads in real life, as is often
the perception now with some people when you give guns as a toy!

Thank you for the memory!

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Boxer Mó Cára,

This is to wish you a Happy Birthday! And all that your heart desires on this your Special Day.

Enjoy Enjoy.

Josh Grogan


Know that you are in my thoughts! Barróga agus Póga.

Old Doll.


(17 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Hi Southpaw41l,
I am now only seeing this post from you!!!

I do know what they sound like! and there is a Hog shaped one as well! But no i cannot help you! "Sorry"  The Class i was at was fascinating! for the dulcimers! Its a great sound..
Would the Auto Harp not be on the same Principle, ?? If so The Bould James McCormick is your Man!

I have a group of friends going to Florida in October! Where do you Play there?

I was to go to Virginia this year, but Health circumstances prevented it. I have teacher friends in New Richmond! Ohio, who are  Originally from  Virginia.
So next year im planning a long break in the States. So Many things i want to do Id need a year there! Sure i just might never come back!


Old Doll.


(58 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Well Done Mhebert!

Congrats on the Chordie Logo..

May you always have...
A sunbeam to warm you,
Good luck to charm you,
And a sheltering angel
so nothing can harm you.
Laughter to cheer you,
Faithful friends near you all in you new home!

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks to all as always for your encouragement.

I love all of chordie, but this section is my favourite. Reading everyones work feeds my soul and makes my days!


JONI MITCHELL?  Sure hang on a sec!>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I was just checking to see did my head still fit in my shower! Phew! Yes it does!! Thank You, I am always delighted when the emotion of the song is felt!

Now where will i get a "Big Yellow Taxi" To take me celebrating!!

Goodnight Now!..TEHE..


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Bloods eternal scars

I read this song much earlier today! And kept it with me! over and over in my head! I was driving and it still went around in my head!
I  would love to hear this whole piece on piano! if this is possible i will get my
nephew to play it for me!


Thank you,

Old Doll.

Hi Lockdown,

Do you mean Gay? As in lesbian and Homosexual?

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

No Apologies needed Jets! Lovely Song.

For 20 years a guy ran into his local church early every morning. Genuflected Blessed himself and muttered a few words. His Priest decided to ask one morning why he did this?
He Said, Every Morning I come in and say, "Good Morning God this is John! Just to let you know i am not forgetting you in my busy life!
Some morning i wont waken, and Gods Voice will say " Good Morning John this is God. So Im hoping he remembers my visits!

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This is for you "Bheilin Meala Óg! Sonás Ort! { Happiness to You }
Special You.      Words/Melody    Helena Donovan. “07

Hi All, this song has been recorded. I have changed the melody slightly since
recording as i felt it was a bit monotonous. But only after the recording! So

Thank You for listening.

[G]                              [Em]
Your understanding  ways
[A]                                 [D]    [D7]
Touched deep inside of me
Soothing all my senses
[C]      [D7]                 [G]
Like falling Autumn leaves.

[G]                                      [Em]
Emotions trapped  love was pain
[A]                     [D]   [D7]
No future did I see
In this dark mess you
[C]                [D7]            [G]
Turned the light on for me.

[C]     [D7]              [G]
Heart cries  only I could hear
      [A]           [D]   [D7]   
Echoed in my life 
  [G]                                         [Em]
Erased by you with words of hope
         [C]    [D7]           [G]     
You cared about my pride.

[G]                                     [Em]
  Times the need I feel to touch
[A]                        [D]
Is stronger then a greed  {D7]
To tenderly enfold you to
[C]        [D7]            [G]
Thank you for your deeds.

[G]                                           [Em]
Hold tightly to the vows you  made
[A]                              [D]     [D7]
Real love can hold so long 
I will  keep you with me
[C]        [D7]                       [G]
"Special You" your still my  song.

Repeat last line...


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)


I recently had a conversation with some young people! between !9/23 years!

They tell me they now have Sex buddies?. If there not in relationships, they have these friends, to fulfill whatever!   
Most said " Its better then just ending up with someone you dont know? when hammered"?
This whole scene is totally alien to me! So i gather this is just sex with them!
Why or how would anyone want this for themselves? What ever happened to self respect?
My old fashioned idea is this act should be remembered and totally enjoyed by 2 people!
So i have come to the conclusion this is lust and not a trace of love as i would have known! Just my thoughts!
I can see the point your trying to make!

Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi James,
Early yesterday Morning, Daylight breaking,birds singing! and the added Bonus of "Iris Dement" So very thoughtful of you to do that for me!One of the nicest presents ive had...
Lucky Wife and Family, having a Darling Man like you around.

Many Thanks!

Old Doll..

Hi last rebel,
I love the mixture of songs here on the Forum.  Some of this song reminds me
of my old Catechism at school!..
We were singing one time for a weeks retreat
in our local church! Some down and outs used to hang out there begging!
One of them totally reformed  after this as he said " The Music and Words seeped into his wine sodden brain and changed something in him".
He was someones bundle of joy at Birth,and im glad to say he is now one of our Parishioners Bundle of Joy! So these words and songs are very important in life!
And i Thank You for this...

Old Doll.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love this kind of Stuff!

If you want to make a Man Happy, Do not add to his possessions, But subtract from His Desires!

When a Man has a" Pet Peeve" Its remarkable how often he Pets it!

Hate is a prolonged manner of Suicide!

A Teacher affects Eternity,He can never tell where his influnce stops!

A partnership with God is Motherhood!

The coin of Gods Realm is Love!

Faults are Thick when Love is Thin'

The Bible is a guide book, The way to Master it? Is to let it Master us!  { These quotes above are all Unknown }

Oscar Wilde!

"For him there is but one time, the artistic moment; but one law, the law of form; but one land, the land of Beauty--a land removed indeed from the real world yet more sensuous because more enduring; calm, yet with that calm which dwells in the faces of Greek statues, the calm which comes not from the rejection but the absorption of passion."

"I hope you never lose your sense of wonder." - Ronan Keating!

"Hooshie Booshie", as we call him here, is One of my favourite songs to sing! Ronan is a remarkable Young Man! He has helped  greatly by Giving and Fund raising for Breast Cancer, for these unfortunate woman and men with this disease!

Barróga agus Póga Ronan! Your a Pet!

{ Ministers and Goverment Officials, For Health in Ireland, Shame on you all}


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

music always worked for me! Him and I did record stuff so long ago! Havent a clue where it is now! He was and Still is to me the best 12 string Guitar player Ive known!   He also sent me flowers today for my birthday, and Phoned to chat.
Sometime i may get to tell you how his life turned out despite his money! Sad very Sad!
Pity the chemistry wasnt there, we could have had our own Rockets. Lol.
Thanks for the compliment!


Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Goodmorning James,

this song reminded me of Rocket Man" Elton John. Many Tangerine Moons ago,
i had a Marriage Proposal which i refused! He went and made His fortune!
The rest is a whole other Sceála {story} The song was being played at that time! You guys here have a great knack of reminding me of My life!.

Love the line " Come into my capsule" Sounds like a great place to be...

Lovely Happy Song! Well Done.

Old Doll.


(55 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Goodmorning Southpaw41l,

I have a Friend who spent Years in Chicago! He is forever using the expression

" Go Figure" It drives us all nuts!

But at the end of the day! Do you know what really irks me?

Good Musicians who wont play " Margaritaville" When i want to line dance!

I will try to remember who wrote this on the forum! In the mean time " Go Figure" LOL.

Have a real happy Day,Sp41l.
Ps, I love reading about your Gigs!

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good Morning Docphil,

Yes! death is so traumatic! I read some where that the death of a loved one takes 3,000 days to come to terms with?
I think it takes that long to come to terms with the Finality of death, But for me the biggest ache in my heart is the phyical thing of not seeing them.... The never ending longing to hug and speak to them. To relate everyday stuff to them. To yac away on the phone. Lunch with my sister and the way we laughed together catching up on life and family stuff ..         

She lived in " Petermarisburg, South Africa" for some  years! Then Kuwait!  i loved Her Dearly, and  all the different things she could relate to me about living abroad!

But i can be happy now when i think of them.. Ive learned life still goes on and we cannot lie down and die with them.... But i still hear her beautiful laughter in my head! That sustains me somehow..

Be happy Docphil, Its important to reach that stage now!

Old Doll.


(55 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Badeye/last rebel,

We call my eldest Brother King of the Road, as he always sings Millar Songs.

I would be familar with the logo of Tiger in your Tank! Used here for years
with the Petrol Companies.. Also used here for Cereal adverts..

I still think it is the funniest image! I can imagine some nutter looking at a buffalo herd and thinking i could try this one!

Dang Me!!

Old Doll.


I have just played this link! My Oh My, Beautiful Beautiful..........

How i would love to listen to that music and walk around such an ornate building at the same time.. Heaven on Earth..

Do you know those links are like Opening  "The best Gifts" Always a Surprise!

Loved it, Thank you and Your Dad! for sharing.

Old Doll.